We recently connected with Holly Mosack and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Holly, appreciate you sitting with us today to share your wisdom with our readers. So, let’s start with resilience – where do you get your resilience from?
I served as an officer in the US Army for 8 years after graduating college. It was a humbling experience to lead troops at the age of 22 and I learned a great deal of lessons along the way, from problem solving, to general leadership, to understanding how to navigate in a male-dominated environment. One unit I had the privilege of serving with was the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, otherwise known as the “Night Stalkers.”
Their unit’s motto was “Night Stalkers Don’t Quit (NSDQ)” and it was so firmly believed in that one time when a pilot was captured and filmed by his captors, he blinked “NSDQ” in morse code to let everyone know that he was doing ok. Being in the Army, I adopted that motto of never quitting and it has become a mantra for me, whether it is during a tough work-out or facing a business problem. It’s easy to give up and my life would be so less stressful if I wasn’t an entrepreneur, but I refuse to quit and give up on my dream.
Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
My husband and I have owned a CrossFit gym for the past 10 years. During this decade, I have done a lot of CrossFit competitions and several years ago, I was in a competition where the event had us lifting as much weight as we could within 5 minutes. Now, I’m not a very strong woman, but something got into me that day! My husband was right there cheering for me, along with our oldest son, who was 12-years-old at the time.
I had one minute left and was feeling great, so I added some weight to the barbell, picked up the barbell and that’s when it happened. I looked down and I had leaked… not just a few drops… but an actual small puddle. Now, I looked over at my husband horrified, but he just said “Who cares?!? Keep going, you have 30 seconds left!” But then, I looked over at my son and his jaw was dropped and he had this look of utter confusion on his face and that’s all it took. I dropped the barbell and I was done.
What started off as being such an empowering day ended up being one of complete humiliation as I wiped my puddle off the ground.
But then, I started to ask women, “Does this happen to you?” And sure enough, the more women I asked, the more common I found it to be. In fact, 1 in 3 women experience bladder leaks when exercising. It happens when there is a sudden pressure on the bladder and is common when women lift weights, jump, sprint, or even cough or sneeze.
And for the active woman, there really wasn’t an ideal solution (and I know because I’ve tried them all), so I created Moxie Leakproof Activewear. Our activewear helps women stay active by eliminating the frustration and embarrassment of visible leakage by providing a safe, discreet, and long-lasting solution.
All of the apparel wicks moisture into a center absorbent barrier, trapping it from the outer fabric. There are a variety of colors and styles, ranging from XS-3X. All proudly manufactured in the USA.
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Being resourceful, tenacity, and being passionate about what I am doing. You have to recognize that you don’t know everything and be willing to ask people for help. You have to be vulnerable and develop a network of mentors and industry experts to lean on. You have to be passionate about what you’re doing because being an entrepreneur is a lonely and tough world. It’s easy to give up, but when you get that email from a customer telling you how your product has changed their life, it makes it all worth it!
Is there a particular challenge you are currently facing?
The first few years in business, my challenge was production and understanding that process and finding trustworthy manufacturers. Now that I have that problem solved, the challenge facing me is marketing. How do I reach my customers in a cost-effective way? There are a lot of marketing agencies out there, but finding the right agency that can immediately give me a return on my investment (ROI) has been difficult to find.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.gowithmoxie.com/products
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/gowithmoxie
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/gowithmoxie
- Youtube: @moxieleakproofactivewear