Meet Jane Applegath

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Jane Applegath a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Jane, we’re thrilled to have you sharing your thoughts and lessons with our community. So, for folks who are at a stage in their life or career where they are trying to be more resilient, can you share where you get your resilience from?
“What we fear in the dark. We conquer in the light.”  

My resilience comes from learning to work through difficulty. To pull through tough life situations you learn to become flexible, mentally, and emotionally, or you risk breaking into a million pieces. It’s a learning process because our innate humanness craves safety in familiarity, but life’s road is the epitome of unfamiliar territory.      

I’m not saying it’s easy. Most things worth fighting for never are. But we all have a CHOICE; to drown in never ending sorrow or pick up the pieces of our lives and move forward. As humans, to choose is one of life’s greatest abilities. It can ignite our courage or extinguish it. 

When we make the CHOICE to let go of what no longer serves us, we make “space” for new ideas to surface so we can adapt rather than become stuck. It’s one of the core elements of empowering our resilience. 

Become a life learner. Educating myself and learning how to channel my time, mindset, and emotional and physical energy to recalibrate my internal operating system is another key element to becoming resilient. Rather than focus on what might have been, or what was, I take a mindful pause in life, breathe deeply, ask for patience and guidance, and set intentions to make every day meaningful by doing something that delivers a sense of accomplishment and purpose and most importantly, I celebrate the wins I’ve had, dialing into positive, elevated emotions that fire up the confidence and strength to carry on.          

The most vital lesson I’ve learned is this: When our thoughts are no longer a record of the past, but a roadmap to the future, our future will draw us to it. 

For that reason, rather than seek out the familiar past, live life BECOMING YOUR DESIRED future.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
My thirst for knowledge and limitless curiosity ignited the creation of my video podcast, the Epic Vision Zone, a platform where trailblazing women and a few good men, share their stories, experiences, wisdom, and journeys to their epic success in life and business. 

As a former television producer, and scriptwriter, I know inspiring stories can be catalysts for positive change; for us to aspire to do and become MORE. That is the core of my work, and my coaching as a Creative Intelligence Coach and VUCAMAX Certified Coach; an acronym for Vision, Understanding, Clarity, and Adaptability. These are the essential skills we need to thrive in the unprecedented 21st century. 

Globally unique to any other coaching program on the planet, everyone’s VUCAMAX coaching journey begins with a screening of the feature-length film, “Its VUCA”, plus a soon-to-be-launched book packed with true life stories based on the VUCA principles, teaching individuals, teams, and corporations to envision and create their own future. The bottom line: Clients go from looking for proof that anything is possible, to becoming the proof that it is.   

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Having success in the financial industry means cultivating a skill of adaptability. Everything affects the financial markets, from world news to interest rates and global catastrophes. You need to learn to easefully adjust to changing circumstances or you will wilt on the vine. Being able to navigate in uncharted waters and not be afraid to face the unfamiliar, is a key skill to thriving in today’s ever-changing world. Learn to keep an open mind and breathe through the discomfort. Staying safe in your comfort zone is a protective mechanism, but to blossom you must push your way through, even if it means one step at a time.  

Learning to be an effective leader is a skill that has impacted my journey and still does. And self-leadership is the most important leadership of all. Meaning, the accomplishment of a goal, dream, or vision by presenting yourself with the direction and opportunities to gain experience and grow. If you don’t lead yourself first, how can you encourage others to achieve their best? To become your greatest inspiration is a practice. Difficulties will occur but keep practicing and keep learning. Knowledge is your gateway to understanding. We’re all born leaders, it’s simply a matter of tapping into that knowingness that you are. 

The science and power of imagination and neuroscience are areas of knowledge that are the most impactful in my journey. Learning is my passion, and coaching others on how to create their own reality and hence their best future life is my mission. With the advent of neuroscience, we now know that our thoughts can keep us stuck in the past or catapult us towards a greater future.  And imagination is the engineer that ignites our new journey to “infinity and beyond”, as Buzz Lightyear would say.  My advice is to start learning through books, YouTube videos, and coaches such as myself. I post regularly on Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Discovery is the pinnacle of learning and growing. 

One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?
Collaboration is currency. I love the quote: “A rising tide lifts all boats.” 

Success benefits all those around it and it is the heart and soul of the Epic Vision Zone, Conversations that Inspire. When I share the stories, inspiration, knowledge, and resources of those who are thriving, who are exploring and discovering new possibilities, and who can teach us how to shift our mindsets, habits, and behavior, it benefits all those listening and watching. 

My goal is to empower female entrepreneurs, leaders, and trailblazers to create radically prosperous and meaningful businesses doing work they love while having the freedom to set their life’s joy on fire. This is our future and I’m here to add light to the road ahead.

I’m always looking for guests to spotlight on the Epic Vision Zone. I welcome women and men, authors, entrepreneurs, coaches, leaders and more, from all walks of life, industries, and cultures looking to share their stories, experiences, and resources on the show. 

For information email me:

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Image Credits
Photos by Grant Noel

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