We were lucky to catch up with Joshua Banner recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Joshua, appreciate you sitting with us today to share your wisdom with our readers. So, let’s start with resilience – where do you get your resilience from?
I credit my resilience to my parents.
My father, a member of the Silent Generation, passed when I was 25 years old but instilled in me the value of hard work and the ethos of never giving up before his death. He worked tirelessly for our family, holding multiple jobs, and even after his retirement and cancer diagnosis, went back to work. He always taught us the value of education and reputation, vowing to provide greater opportunity for his children, helping us avoid the same mistakes he made when when he was young.
My mother, a teacher, consultant, and lifelong educator is proudly the matriarch of our family. She has shepherded countless cousins, nieces and nephews, friends, and now her grandchild through the wilderness of life. She is a rock and immovable force, but the nicest lady around. She never hesitates to give her all for her friends and family, resilient to her core. She taught us honesty, hard work, and perseverance and to value education, generosity, kindness, and family.
Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
With over a decade of start-up experience and a focus on e-commerce, Cultivate Profit has helped generate millions of dollars in revenue for its clients. Through our creative, data-driven approach and proven track record of customer acquisition, Cultivate Profit helps small to medium sized online startups tackle the first major hurdles to scaling operations, optimizing processes and growing teams to drive revenue growth and increase profit.
Utilizing a holistic approach with our “root to canopy” design, we build efficient processes from the ground up, ensuring our client’s teams continue to function at a high level after our work completes. Our optimization of marketing, supply chains, and teams, drives customer acquisition and consistently lowers overhead costs alongside rising profits. We partner with top creatives in the industry to showcase the best version of your company, what you’re building, and the problems you’re solving.
Whether you are a new startup or a more established company looking to regain profit margins, drive scale, or strengthen supply chains, our clients hire us as an extension of their executive team. Industry agnostic, we’ve delivered countless value to firms with goods or services online by optimizing processes, building efficient teams, delivering top-notch marketing content, harnessing data analytics and much more.
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
This one skill alone defines the successful over the unsuccessful in 90+% of businesses. You will endlessly be faced with trials and challenges, those who never give up and keep adapting will stay alive and grow.
An Eagerness to Learn:
A strong second skill, curiosity and limitless learning are the key to staying fresh, relevant, and maintaining success. You must continue your education in your field your whole life if you hope to be one of the best at what you do.
The Ability to Trust Others:
You CANNOT do it alone! Accept it and begin planning how and who you will trust to access sensitive processes or data. Only as a team will you achieve large scale success, so start building the best one now with the best people.
One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?
We would love to partner B2B with digital marketing firms to offer our e-commerce services, white-labeled under your brand to your clients.
It’s a win-win relationship: we gain client work as your vendor, and you increase your client’s spend and your revenue intake simultaneously!
Please contact us at Growth@CultivateProfit.com to learn more!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.cultivateprofit.com/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-banner-mba-ab5100222?trk=public_profile_samename-profile
- Other: http://www.ispeakamazon.com/