Meet Jude Caze

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Jude Caze a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Jude, first a big thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and insights with us today. I’m sure many of our readers will benefit from your wisdom, and one of the areas where we think your insight might be most helpful is related to imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is holding so many people back from reaching their true and highest potential and so we’d love to hear about your journey and how you overcame imposter syndrome.
I overcame imposter syndrome by first identifying the root cause of it and practicing ways to manage it.

I find that imposter syndrome is rooted in comparison and self-doubt. Thru losing a lot of money trying to copy and emulate trends, I came to understand that my individual expression is the real value. Believing in my brand vision and the message I’m trying to send out to the world is key to my brand’s success.

A daily practice for me is to reflect on my past successes and celebrate the little wins of the day. My overall focus is personal growth. Even when I seemingly lose, I win every time I learn something new.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
I find people who are in pain and have not dealt with personal trauma tend to easily hurt other people. My brand is all about finding peace within yourself to have mindful self-control. In the African American community, there is a stigma around mental health and therapy. So I offer the beach as a safe space to calm your mind thru self-reflection with meditation and journaling. There was a moment in my life when I needed help dealing with personal demons. But the real work is done alone. I found myself oceanside, clearing my mind of negativity and releasing stress in the natural elements. I want to promote this experience and highlight the beauty of the sun, sky, sea, and sand.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Perseverance, self-belief, and patience. You cannot lose if you don’t give up on your vision, no matter how long it takes. Creatives must be able to make that commitment to themselves.

How can folks who want to work with you connect?
I am looking to collaborate with brands or creatives that have a shared interest in spreading positivity and mental health wellness.: journal publishers, meditation experts, environmental activists, and overall beach lovers. I would love to design a product as a mixture of ideas from both parties. A great example would be an all natural sunscreen specifically for African Americans or a musician creating ambient sounds for meditation. My email is or contact me directly on Instagram @pxpbrand.

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