Meet Katie Bressack

We were lucky to catch up with Katie Bressack recently and have shared our conversation below.

Katie, we’re thrilled to have you on our platform and we think there is so much folks can learn from you and your story. Something that matters deeply to us is living a life and leading a career filled with purpose and so let’s start by chatting about how you found your purpose.
I love this question because it took a lot of time and some soul searching to figure this out! I moved to NYC right after college and if you had asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up, it was to live in the city! After a few years of living there and working in publishing, (thank you English degree) then marketing I felt a call to do something more. I’ve always loved helping and supporting people and I had just gotten my yoga teaching certification. It was during a meditation during the second to last teacher training that I got this whisper of “you should be a health coach and work with women.” Eventually I went back to school, started my business and haven’t looked back. Of course lots of challenges and key learnings were part of that but to make a long story short, that is what happened!

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I just launched a self study option to my five week eating for your hormones group program! I’ve been running this program for years, twice a year once in the spring and then the fall, but had so many requests to run it more often. So I created a self study option so women can take this course anytime with the option of scheduling one-on-one calls with me if they are looking for additional support during the program.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Ask questions, most of my clients share with me that no one has ever asked them how they feel throughout the day, when they feel hangry, why do they believe they are not sleeping well. We get so busy in our day to day lives that it’s hard to make connections sometimes as to why we feel the way we do. Dig deep, ask questions and make sure you let them talk and talk and you listen 🙂

Who is your ideal client or what sort of characteristics would make someone an ideal client for you?
I love this question! A woman who is ready to make healthy changes and understands that it takes time to see and feel results. Creating a healthy lifestyle isn’t an overnight fix or transformation but daily shifts that will make a huge impact on their energy, sleep, mood, and hormonal health. I love working with women who are trying to improve their hormones, reduce cramps, fix their periods, prepare their bodies for pregnancy, and feel back in their body, mentally, physically and emotionally.

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Bunn Shots Codi Wilcox Photography

Suggest a Story: BoldJourney is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.
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