We were lucky to catch up with Kelly Dillon recently and have shared our conversation below.
Hi Kelly, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
I’ve always known my soul purpose. Since I was a young girl I always wanted to be a reporter. I always loved the idea of helping others by keeping them informed. Throughout middle school and high school I was editor in chief of the school newspaper so I began honing my skills at a very young age. I ended up going to college for broadcasting and becoming a news reporter in NYC. Listening to others and telling their stories, and helping spread knowledge and truth have always been passions of mine.
A bit later in life when I fully awakened to my spiritual abilities I knew I couldn’t let these beautiful gifts go to waste, I knew I had to share them with the world and help others with them. So right away I put myself out there and talked publicly about my spiritual work. Since then I’ve been able to help so many beautiful souls in a multitude of ways; from aiding people in their healing journeys, opening up others to their own divine powers, assisting law enforcement on investigations, and connecting people with their loved ones who have passed over.
Now I have also combined these two passions with my new podcast “Warrior of Truth” where I help shine a bright light on hidden truths, covering a wide range of esoteric topics that are usually kept hidden away; everything from mind control programs and human trafficking, abuse in spiritual communities, to poltergeist hauntings and possessions, unique unsolved crimes and missing persons cases, and the concealed sacred sciences and teachings of spirituality. Part of my divine mission is to help spread the truth to the collective and create a safe space for others to tell their truths.
I’ve always known my purpose was to simply help others. I am so blessed to be able to do just that through my spiritual work and my broadcasting career.
Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I’m not your typical psychic medium. I’m a time shifter and energy manipulator. Time and dimensional travel are my soul specialty. I have the unique ability to shift timelines and manipulate energy past, present, and future to help souls get on the fast track to their desired destiny and open up their own divine powers. In addition to my timeline shifting work, I am an expert exorcist with a rare gift to thoroughly remove dark energetic attachments from people, places, and objects.
I’ve been seeing and connecting to energy and other dimensional realities my whole life, but lived a relatively normal life up until 2019 when I had what I call my grand awakening. My third eye had already been open, but it opened up even wider, and that’s when my true gifts and abilities began to come back to me. I quickly decided I could not keep these sacred gifts to myself. I knew I had to use these beautiful gifts to help others and that’s when I decided to open up my spiritual practice and offer sessions to the public.
In addition to my one-on-one sessions with clients, I also work with CEOs and business owners offering intuitive support and guidance. I have assisted on a variety of missing persons and investigative cases with law enforcement, private detectives, and also directly with the families who are searching for loved ones. I also work with survivors of mind control projects, as well as abuse survivors, aiding in their healing journeys through energy work and plasma neurocircuitry rewiring.
I work with Internal Creation Plasma Frequencies which are the highest level healing frequencies available to the planet right now to aid souls with healing their energetic and physical bodies. Plasma frequencies provide an expedited healing for the mind, body, and soul.
I also have extensive wisdom on Keylontic Science which is the science of creation and energy dynamics through which matter forms and consciousness manifest. Part of my divine mission in this lifetime is to help bridge the gap between physics and spirituality.
My work is to help souls achieve their highest potential outcomes in every lifetime and provide much needed clarity and guidance. Simply put I help souls lift their hearts to their minds.
In addition to my energy work I have been a news reporter for nearly 20 years in NYC and now host a podcast called “Warrior of Truth.” It’s a sacred space where truth is sought, and souls are laid bare. Each episode takes my listeners on a transformative journey through the intersection of spirituality, exposure, and truth-telling. During each episode, I help shine a bright light on hidden truths, covering a wide range of esoteric topics that are usually kept hidden away; everything from mind control programs and human trafficking, abuse in spiritual communities, to poltergeist hauntings and possessions, unique unsolved crimes and missing persons cases, and the concealed sacred sciences and teachings of spirituality. Part of my divine mission is to help spread the truth to the collective and create a safe space for others to tell their truths.
Clarity and truth telling are my two gifts to the world.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
Perseverance, dedication, and kindness. To make it in the NYC market as a news reporter you need to be extremely tough and ready to work hard. Nothing was handed to me. It took me years of working in smaller markets to truly hone my craft and get experience before being given a shot in NYC news. The hours can be crazy and quite long. I’ve worked every shift imaginable from overnights, to early mornings, and late nights. I never said no. I took every opportunity that came my way to learn, grow, and gain experience. Hard work and dedication are a must if you want to get into broadcasting. I also never gave up no matter what. You’ll receive a lot of rejections, a lot of NO’s. I sure did. But I never let that stop me. I kept going and eventually those NO’s started turning into YES’s. Also kindness is truly important. I’ve scored incredible interview opportunities just by being nice. Treat everyone with respect and kindness. That will truly make a mark and they will remember you.
Before we go, any advice you can share with people who are feeling overwhelmed?
Throughout the years I have learned the importance of taking time for yourself. Whenever I’m stressed or overwhelmed I take time for myself and do something that makes me truly happy, like shopping, getting ice cream, going out in nature, or meditation. It can truly be something simple. I turn my phone off and just be fully present in that moment with whatever I’m doing. It helps me tremendously to take these breaks quite often actually. It’s not healthy to get burnt out. Going for a long walk in the woods truly helps soothe my soul as well. There is nothing more healing than nature.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://kellydillon.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kelldillon
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kellydillontv/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dillonkelly/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/i/flow/login?redirect_after_login=%2Fkelly_dillon
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@kellydillon
- Other: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/warrior-of-truth–6035153