Meet Kimberley Chagnon

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kimberley Chagnon. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Hi Kimberley, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?

My purpose found me quite by accident not once but twice in my career. I first started upholstering for myself as a hobby. My home had some pieces that I needed to update and I wasn’t in a financial position to pay someone else to do them for me and being a DIYer I thought why not, I can do this. After learning the basics from a master upholster I began to dive deeper into the art of upholstery. Before I knew it I had grown a client base. I was now in business doing pieces for friends of friends and their friends.

Fast forward about 12 years and fate gain would turn my career in another direction. My husband and I started creating videos on YouTube to educate our clients on why the process of having their pieces reupholstered was not cheap. These videos drew in an unexpected crowd of future upholsterers. Every day people were reaching out asking if I would teach them how to reupholster furniture. Hmmm, again I said “Why not” and Kim’s Upholstery was transformed into an educational outlet for those wanting to learn how to do what I did. So we began creating more in-depth videos and started our online classes membership. The membership allows our students to have the information they need all in one place and available 24/7. They also can join in our weekly live chats to talk about their projects or anything they are struggling with.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I’ve always been a DIYer and love creating things. My mom and I used to do many crafts together for our own homes. I was raised in a family where my great-grandmother, grandmother, aunt, and mother were all excellent seamstresses so naturally I followed the path and learned to sew home decor items as well as clothes.

I am a trash-to-treasures girl and love the thrill of hunting for that perfect piece at fleamarkets or by the side of the road. Taking something that was destined for the dump and turning it into something beautiful for my home is why I love upholstery so much. You can take an ugly worn-out piece that has great bones and turn it into a stunning piece for your home. It can get addictive, my husband finally had to say “Kim I think you’ve got enough chairs” lol.

Teaching others has become my passion. Being able to teach a skill that allows others to not only beautify their own homes but also learn a skill they can use to create a career they love is my way of giving back. When I started learning upholstery the industry held onto their skills pretty tightly and weren’t very willing to share.

Not only do I teach by way of our online classes membership, but five or so times a year I travel to different areas of the country to teach upholstery in a hands-on workshop setting. These workshops are hosted by one of the students who opened her space up for us. Each student brings their own chair along with all their supplies and in 3 days we work together to complete them.

I also produce an annual upholstery meetup each year. The meetups allow us to tour vendors and network with one another. It’s my way of turning the industry around and getting more conversations going instead of being a secret society as it was when I started.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
I am someone who doesn’t give up easily if at all. You may call it stubborn or determined, but when I set out to figure things out I just keep going until I get it done. My attitude has always been if someone else has done it then I can too! Problem-solving has also been a plus for me. Having a husband who has always supported anything I wanted to try and dive in with me head first has also had a huge impact on my success. He always encourages me and is willing to lend a hand in anything I’ve wanted to try. When it came to transitioning to teaching my patients and desire to help others has brought me success in helping others.

My advice to anyone wanting to learn how to upholster is to not give up and don’t start with a project so advanced that you end up frustrated. Take your time and enjoy the process. Our membership can walk you through from beginner to advanced and with the community we’ve grown you have a whole bunch of your peers cheering you on. Our goal is for you to succeed!

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?
I have learned the hard way that if I am feeling overwhelmed or struggling I typically make more mistakes. Learning when to walk away and take a break is important. Being stubborn/determined sometimes makes it hard to realize that taking a break doesn’t mean you’ve given up it just allows you to regroup and change your mindset. Often you’ll come back to the project and everything seems to go so much better. There have been many times when I have woken up in the middle of the night with a solution to what I was struggling with.

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