Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Kimberly Beauchemin. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Kimberly, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
My purpose found me, and then I fought it for several years before I finally said yes to it! I believe that we live in purpose every single day, with every decision that we make and every action that we take. It is all serving our journey in some way and that purpose is ever evolving. However, when it comes to sharing my innate gifts with the world and doing that in purpose, so to speak, the calling of my Soul came in when I was ready – spiritually, but not mentally! I had been searching for the majority of my life for my purpose, and then when it found me unexpectedly, I ran away from it because it didn’t look the way I wanted it to and it wasn’t as widely accepted as I had hoped it would be.
From as early on as I can remember, I was envious of others who just seemed to know exactly what they wanted to do with their lives, what they wanted to be. I never had that. I had plenty of hobbies and enjoyed many things, but nothing touched my Soul to the point of knowing without a doubt that THIS was for me. So, I did what I was expected to do – I went to college, got my degree, then found work. Eventually, I ended up in Human Resources and climbed the corporate ladder to executive level Human Resources. It was wonderful and it served its purpose, but I can remember thinking nearly every day that there must be something more for me. There is nothing wrong with this profession at all, but for me, it didn’t fulfill me. I wasn’t passionate about it, it didn’t light me up. I was in Human Resources for over 10 years and then, at the age of 40, everything changed.
I moved from Boulder, CO into the depths of the mountains to Buena Vista, CO and the first thing that came in for me was photography. I spent two years teaching myself photography and my passion and love for wildlife and nature photography took off and has been a beautiful healing journey for me. I am a Photographer not for what it will provide monetarily for me, but for the pure bliss I have when I am in nature, capturing these moments and sharing them with others. Photography is an endless passion project and it was the first taste of true Soul purpose I received. At the age of 42 I went through a life altering spiritual awakening that changed the trajectory of my life 180 degrees. It was during this awakening that Numerology found me. It started with me seeing reoccurring numbers everywhere – I literally mean EVERYWHERE, all of the time. Then I had a dream about numerology and I felt called to take a course to learn more. I followed my intuition, and within the first few hours of that course I remembered everything about numerology as if I had done it across lifetimes. I didn’t finish the course, I started offering readings to friends and family. It was like riding a bike and I felt connected to this work from a Soul level. The flame had been ignited, but, I went through a period of trying to extinguish it.
Numerology is a metaphysical science and is an incredibly powerful tool for greater self-discovery. It can help us to come back to ourselves on the deepest level. However, it is also exactly that, a metaphysical tool. So, it is not widely accepted and very much misunderstood. When I first started offering free readings for friends and family and when I would share this gift, the judgements and condemnations were fierce and swift. Loved ones sent me Bibles to repent and change my ways. People assumed I was into dark magic and there was a lot of push-back. So, I chose to try to return to corporate HR. I tried for over a year to go back to what was acceptable but the Universe kept closing doors and pushing me back towards my true Souls calling. I did a lot of kicking and screaming, but finally, I gave in and fully committed to this work and I haven’t looked back. Well, I do look back now and then when the road gets challenging, but I would never go back.
I have been a Professional Numerologist with a proper LLC since 2020 and have seen thousands of clients. I can honestly say, without a doubt that when we commit to what inspires us, what lights us up, what aligns with our heart and Soul, then we become a force of nature with life force running through us that has the power to change lives, especially our own. Often our true Soul calling, or purpose, is uncomfortable or not widely accepted by others and that becomes the journey. To come back to yourself and say YES to yourself, no matter the pushback you receive and no matter who doesn’t understand. I could have searched a million years and I never would have found Numerology because I was never looking in that direction. It had to find me. The Soul knows when we are ready to unlock our gifts and only then can our Soul purpose find us. For me, Numerology is the foundation, the root system, and I am certain there will be many branches (purposes) to this tree.
Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?
I am a Professional Numerologist as well as a Nature Photographer. Photography is more of a passion project for me, but it is a big part of my journey simply for the joy that it brings me. It also allows me to help reconnect people with nature through the lens of my camera.
Numerology is an excellent tool for greater self-discovery and fostering deeper connections with others. It can be a truly empowering guide, if we are willing to invest in understanding these vibrations more deeply and applying them in a practical way. In a nutshell, numerology is a roadmap for helping us maneuver through this human experience. It is about unlocking a greater understanding of ourselves through the journey of greater self-discovery and coming home to Self in order to experience life to the fullest. We are meant to experience life and numerology is a tool that helps us to get the most out of the journey. Numerology studies the vibrations of numbers and the influences they carry within each individual’s life, including the challenges, gifts/purpose(s), and milestones we signed up to experience and master in this lifetime. A Numerologist, such as myself, will assist you in making sense of the energies present within your own personal Numerology reports and forecasts, and I will assist you in working with those vibrations in a practical, empowering way along your journey. I aim to help others to trust themselves more, to follow their inner-knowing (intuition) and to confirm what they already know about themselves on a deeper level, but may be afraid of seeing. What I love most about numerology is that it is a tool not only for greater self-discovery, but also for greater self-empowerment. It reminds us that we are at the helm of our own ship and we are more than capable of traversing any stormy sea and stepping into the calling of our Soul, regardless of any outside noise.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
1. Follow your intuition, always. It will always put you on the path most aligned with your Soul and it will never lead you astray. It will most likely send you to places that are uncomfortable, but it is always for your highest good. The times on this journey that I followed my intuition were some of the most daunting, but by far the most rewarding and the most acutely aligned with my heart center and Soul’s calling. It isn’t always easy to follow your intuition because a lot of times, the outside noise is very loud directing you somewhere else. But, practice makes better, and the more you practice, the more you will see how truly spot on you are with knowing more about yourself than anyone else ever could. The more you follow your intuition, the more you begin to trust yourself and your decisions, regardless of what is happening externally. The intuition is the compass and it is always right. I can’t think of a time when mine was not 100 percent accurate for me, even if it took me awhile to see it. Now, I 100 percent follow my intuition with every single decision and I have never been happier or more fulfilled.
2. Stay true to yourself and your vision and know that your vision will likely evolve and change, so move with it. I received so much advice and feedback from others about what I “should” be doing differently in order to gain more followers, more clients, more, more, more… as well as what was tried and true that I should do. Some things made sense for what I was doing, but other things didn’t. When I went against myself and my authenticity, things went south pretty quickly. When I stayed true to my vision and the direction I knew I wanted to be headed, things flowed and aligned. Different perspectives and advice are absolutely wonderful. But, when it comes to the final decision or deciding factors, stay true to yourself and your originality. This is your egg and only you know what fits and what doesn’t when it comes to nurturing it and seeing it grow. Take the insights, advice, and guidance of others but be discerning with what you choose to incorporate and what you don’t. Your business, your creativity is an extension of yourself and so, only you know what that should look like.
3. Keep coming back to your Why. Why are you doing this, whatever “this” is? If we do something from the space of inspiration or being “in Spirit” there is a vibration to that which can not be faked. It stems from passion, joy, love, inspiration and the Soul. There is integrity behind it and life-force energy that becomes a force within itself and it will continue to grow and expand. When we do something solely for likes, follows, more money, notoriety, validation, and so forth, it loses its integrity and authenticity. It becomes much less sustainable and we lose steam and can burn out quickly. Lose the need for instant gratification or for mass validation. Use the numbers as a gauge only, but not as the compass. When we come back to our why, and that why is filled with inspiration, passion, fulfillment and gratitude for the opportunity to create and do this work, then we know everything else will fall into place exactly as it needs to. When we sacrifice our inspiration, we begin to build someone else’s dream and not our own. So, come back to your why and follow your inspiration. If something no longer inspires you, let someone else have it and open yourself up to what does. When we do what inspires us, we inspire others to do the same. Our ‘why’ is the foundation, so build something solid and sustainable on it.
Tell us what your ideal client would be like?
My ideal client is someone who is ready to take responsibility for the direction of their life. We have all been victims of something, but victim mentality serves no one. At some point we have to realize that if we want our experience to change, we have to be the one to make the changes in order to change it. When it comes to our personal experiences, we have to take responsibility for our decisions and our actions. We can seek out help from others, professionals, guidance, and support, but at the end of the day we are the only one who can have the greatest impact within our own life. My approach with my clients is one of empathy AND honesty. I am not interested in telling people what they want to hear, but rather what can help them to step into their greatest potential on their journey. They have to be ready to do the heavy lifting though. I can’t do that for them nor can anyone else. I am very solution focused in my work, so if someone comes to me for a reading about compatibility with a partner, I am going to address the areas where the lines of communication could be more open and how to approach that, rather than focus on who your soulmate or twin flame is and why. My work is centered around greater self-discovery and self-empowerment, and so my ideal client is someone who is ready to do that work and who is excited to do so.
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- Other: The Intentionally Intuitive Podcast streams on most channels – apple, spotify, etc…
Image Credits
Kimberly Beauchemin