We were lucky to catch up with Kristin Derus Dore recently and have shared our conversation below.
Kristin, so good to have you with us today. We’ve always been impressed with folks who have a very clear sense of purpose and so maybe we can jump right in and talk about how you found your purpose?
Some people have known what they wanted to do all their lives; I’m not one of them. When I was growing up, my aspirations were small. I wanted to be like my parents and I planned to get a job in an office somewhere, get married, buy a house and have some kids. That’s exactly what I did.
Things didn’t go as planned and I ended up a single mom to two kids with a lot of challenges. I kept working hard in an office downtown and ended up with a fantastic life. I had my dream job working for an incredible woman at the top of her field. I met an fantastic man and we fell in love. My kids were doing well and everything seemed to be falling into place. Then, the pandemic crashed down upon us.
During that time, my father passed away. While reeling from that devastating event, I re-evaluated my life. I have always loved helping people and had looked into switching careers before to have a more tangible impact. At my dad’s funeral, his former co-workers showed up and he had been retired for 20 years. I wanted to have that kind of positive impact on people and their lives. When I really thought about it, I decided even though I loved my job, and my boss, and W-2 income and a 401k plan, it wasn’t enough anymore. I left corporate America to help individual people more directly with biofeedback.
It was the best thing I could have done. Not only am I helping people, I have helped myself. I have grown more confident and stronger. When my family was facing a difficult situation, I had the confidence to stand up for them. I was able to leverage my new-found connections and confidence to help raise awareness for victims of crime and their families.
Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
Biofeedback helps people reduce stress and pain so they can feel better and live their best lives. After personally experiencing great results from sessions, I purchased a biofeedback device and learned to use it. The biofeedback technology I use is FDA approved for stress reduction and pain management. Stress has such profound impacts on our health and reducing it can deliver all sorts of benefits. Research has shown stress can exacerbate or cause many unpleasant things within our bodies.
Reducing stress or managing pain simply, and without drugs, is very appealing. My clients come to me for biofeedback for many reasons and report all sorts of improvements after sessions. Stress has been linked to insomnia, anxiety, depression, digestive issues, headaches, migraines and so many more things.
The most rewarding part of my business is meeting so many fantastic people and building wonderful relationships with them. I love hearing about the improvements they notice and I feel honored with their trust in me and in Eden Biofeedback.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
The most important qualities I have which make me successful in business are the ability to connect with people, unflagging optimism and determination.
I’m curious about people and I love that everyone is a passionate expert about something (usually something I’m don’t know anything about). When I learn about people, I always think of other people who they would get along well with or who might be good referral partners. I enjoy connecting people and have created a culture around myself of similarly minded connectors. Building a community of referral partners is really important both to grow your business and also to your mental health. Being a small business owner can be lonely and it creates support for you.
A positive attitude can help you overcome so much, both in business and in life. I have always looked on the bright side of things and view challenges as opportunities. Keeping an open mind and a positive outlook has been invaluable to me and will be to others earlier in the journey.
Finally, I think being determined is useful when you’re working toward a goal. I have never been a quitter, even when faced with long odds or an easy way out. Perseverance and creative problem solving are so key, just because something doesn’t work out the way you planned, doesn’t mean it isn’t working.
Before we go, maybe you can tell us a bit about your parents and what you feel was the most impactful thing they did for you?
My parents always loved and supported me no matter what. I never felt like they didn’t have my back. I could always call or stop by for support and love. They were also great role models. My parents were both hardworking and fiscally responsible. I’m extremely blessed to have inherited both of those traits.
After my father passed away, my mom continued to be supportive of me, even during her own grief. When I told her I wanted to start my own business, instead of doubting me or questioning my idea, she was 100% behind me. As I encounter challenges in business (and in life) it’s the best thing in the world to have a supportive family.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.EdenBiofeedback.com
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristin-derus-dore/
Image Credits
Annelise Brown Angie Smith Patty Landeis