Meet Leah Douglas

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Leah Douglas a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Leah , thank you so much for joining us. You are such a positive person and it’s something we really admire and so we wanted to start by asking you where you think your optimism comes from?
Growing up, I didn’t have the best childhood. It was a lot of downfall and a lot of pessimistic situations but somehow someway, I’ve always was able to turn that pessimistic mindset into an optimistic one with that being said everything I do in life I go with a positive attitude, even the challenges and struggles that I face I always find a way to find a learning and positive experience from it and then add value, of course

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

So a little bit about myself I launched my cosmetics brand made 100% by me back in 2019 moving forward. I shared a space in the mall with an old business partner always had a website and I’ve always out my handmade products to individuals around the world, and now I launched a cleaning business in 2022 it’s still not under an LLC just yet but I do have an Instagram page for both of my businesses. I have expertise in branding, marketing and office cleaning.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
I would have to say the three qualities about my journey is most importantly consistency, no matter what you’re doing in life you can’t stop even on your down days you have to keep going then I would also say organization skills, and that goes along way whether it’s your life or your career then, lastly, it would definitely fall under the category of being ambitious, no matter what obstacles bring you. You have to learn how to navigate through the journey within an ambitious attitude.

How would you spend the next decade if you somehow knew that it was your last?

I would have to say a current obstacle that I’m facing right now is definitely more on the financial side just because the market and inflation has affected a lot of individuals. Now in times, things are a little bit pricey, and as much as I advertise my businesses, that’s probably the most downfall I would like to purchase more inventory for my cosmetics line as well as my cleaning business.

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Image Credits
John Harris

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