Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Lindsey Kear. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.
Hi Lindsey, appreciate you sitting with us today to share your wisdom with our readers. So, let’s start with resilience – where do you get your resilience from?
Growing up, my parents worked many jobs. My mom still does. They often would bring my brother and I along to help with their businesses / keep us out of trouble. They taught me very early on how to get the work done. We worked after school, weekends and very often, spent most of our free time at their place of business. When I got to college, I had to pay for part of my way. I had to get a few part time jobs to pay for my living and social expenses. The drive to survive was palpable.
Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
I am the owner of a new business called The Costume Consultant. The Costume Consultant is a business that helps create a pathway into the costume industry within the movie/tv business. I’ve created a program that does a deep dive into the costume department, how to network, and ultimately the goal is to land a job. I also help support working costume professionals navigate their career. Whether it’s needing help negotiating a deal, expanding their network or even walk them through how to sign up for their union benefits. I’m here to provide practical and emotional support.
Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?
3 skills that were impactful in my journey are research, resourcefulness, and relentlessness. When I originally moved to Los Angeles, I researched contacts of people working in the industry. There wasn’t much of social media platforms back them so I googled people, wrote emails, spoke to anyone I could about wanting to get into the industry. I spoke to family friends, friends of friends, etc. Once I booked my first job as a costume pa, I was resourceful by working a few jobs on the weekends to supplement an entry level income. Being relentless about making it in the costume industry is what has gotten me to be here 15 years later. I had no choice but to make this a reality. All of these things have inspired me to create The Costume Consultant. Ultimately helping others make their dreams a reality.
Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?
I am looking to become more active in the college academic arena and being a guest speaker on panels about The Costume Consultant. I want to make my services more accessible to those who are about to be out in the work force. I also would love to collaborate with other resources / vendors in the costume industry. I would love to create a network of people who support one another and each other businesses.
Contact Info:
- Website: &
- Instagram: thecostumeconsultant & LKstyles
- Linkedin: