Meet Liz Law

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Liz Law a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Liz, really happy you were able to join us today and we’re looking forward to sharing your story and insights with our readers. Let’s start with the heart of it all – purpose. How did you find your purpose?
This is an important one.

One of my purposes in training was to improve the health of others- specifically women and especially mothers- in order to make the world a healthier and better place.  I figured if I reached mothers, then they would then model healthier behavior as well as make healthier choices for their families.

As technology infiltrates every aspect of our lives, I see adults and kids losing touch with their bodies and becoming unhealthier and less fulfilled versions of themselves.  If I can just be the teacher and example for a few people, then I’ve helped some and they will in turn pass on the knowledge and habits to their families.

It’s funny you ask about purpose, because it’s been on my mind lately.  I found myself with too much free time one day recently, and the doubts crept in.  I was talking about it with a client/friend, and I mentioned that the “obvious” answer was that my life’s purpose was being a mother.  Raising kids is the biggest and most important job, and society would definitely accept- perhaps *expect*- me claiming it as my sole purpose. Still, deep down, I felt uneasy about what exactly my contribution is and what I really mean to the world.

After the training session ended, she wrote me the most thoughtful note, reminding me that “big picture there are lots of ways we can fulfill our purpose in this life.”  While motherhood is rewarding, “just know that you make a huge difference in the lives of many ladies in this community and it creates a ripple effect of good.”

This really struck home, and it was the reminder I needed that I am improving people’s lives and in turn the lives of the people they reach.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
I am a personal trainer, operating out of my outdoor gym. I’ve got artificial grass, reflective windows that function as mirrors, and a canopy of trees to create the perfect “non-gym” gym.

I attract a lot of women who might not want to deal with a typical gym, but do want customized personal or small group training in a warm and welcoming setting. I train people individually or as partners. On Saturday mornings I offer a small group class.

For those not local to me or who want more flexibility and/or an even more cost-effective option, I also launched a Virtual Program this year. I provide effective programming, how-to videos, nutritional guidance, and group support to workouts you do at home or at your local gym on your own time!

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

A few qualities made me a natural fit for what I do.

For one I am able to stay curious and open to learning more about fitness and training. Whatever your industry, you are going to need to take a genuine interest in learning and growing. Stay curious about your field.

Secondly, I am able to remember my mission. I am in service to others. Fortunately, I’m empathetic enough to take a genuine interest and want to listen and help, otherwise, my job would be SUPER boring and not feel rewarding!

I think it helps that I am in the demographic that I am serving. I attract a lot of moms just like myself. I can serve as someone who “gets it”. I know what it’s like to manage kids, work, life, and a body that is not 25 anymore. I live in a suburban area full of women who are going through the same stage of life as me. I just happen to know a little bit more about fitness and training than them, but I’m happy to share my knowledge!

My advice would be to choose a field that you are genuinely interested in. Fitness was the one constant in my life for years. I knew I loved exercising and how it made me feel. It was a passion of mine before I had kids and my saving grace when my kids were babies. I always toyed with the idea of entering the industry, yet never really knew where I’d fit in. I couldn’t picture myself as a trainer employed in a standard gym. Though I wasn’t sure of my path, I followed my interest and got certified. I was lucky enough that the business and clients came pretty easily after that. I think it was the intangibles mentioned above of being able to so naturally and genuinely serve my clients that helped my business take off so quickly.

Tell us what your ideal client would be like?
The common trait of my ideal client is simply the desire to improve oneself and the determination to make it happen. She is reflective enough to look inward and know she wants to better herself, and realizes that fitness is a big part of that mission. She understands that change is going to involve some pain and discomfort and it’s going to take longer than she wants, but that’s OK, because it really is all about the process anyway.

I also think that people that come to me need to be a little bit brave and a little bit bold. I’m not a standard big box gym with a famous name. I’m a hidden gem of a trainer that operates out of my backyard. It takes someone with a special spark to reach out to a stranger like me and meet me in my home a couple times a week. I think this is the reason why I have such a committed and dedicated roster of clients.

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Image Credits
Rena Weiss, Emily Anderson

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