Meet MaKayla Washington

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to MaKayla Washington. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

MaKayla, thank you so much for taking the time to share your lessons learned with us and we’re sure your wisdom will help many. So, one question that comes up often and that we’re hoping you can shed some light on is keeping creativity alive over long stretches – how do you keep your creativity alive?
I’ve been involved in many projects. Most of those projects pertained to music, modeling, or business initiatives. When you know what your passion is, I believe that can develop creativity. You also must challenge yourself and want to be better. By definition, creativity means “the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.” I would also add on and say that creativity is about finding what matters to you and cultivating it into an idea or creation. This year I recently found a few things that interested me. I’ve always had a passion for owning my own business and providing a service. I recently opened my own wedding officiant business. This is a needed service for couples whenever they want to legally marry. I aimed to create a business that weren’t like the others. I didn’t want a typical name like, “MaKayla the Officiant.” I wanted a name that pretty much summed me up. “The Dazzling Wedding Officiant” is my business name and it is self-explanatory. I chose the word “dazzling” to describe my uniqueness, boldness, and exceptional skills. Also, within my business my services are tailored to the client’s needs. I aim to provide an exceptional service with a personable touch. I want my clients to feel comfortable. Creativity lies with the beholder. Anytime I officiate a wedding I want to put a personal stamp on it to make the couple feel great. Officiating requires great personable and communication skills. I believe that requires creativity.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
I was born and raised in Fort Worth, TX. I went to the University of North Texas and graduated with a degree in Business Management-Entrepreneurship and a minor in Music. While in college, I participated in a multitude of organizations and I created a modeling organization on campus called, POSE. I also modeled in a few modeling shows and released my first music project during my time in college. My debut EP is called, “Serenity.” It described a low point in my life where I eventually persevered and overcame certain issues. Once I graduated, I continued to release music, and I’m currently working on my second EP. I also created my own small business called, “The Dazzling Wedding Officiant.” I can legally officiate weddings in Texas. I specifically officiate in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. My business services include officiating ceremonies, elopements, providing vow writing support, and more. I’m looking forward to expanding my brand, music, and business. On February 26, 2023, I promoted my small business, The Dazzling Wedding Officiant at the Mid-Cities Bridal Show. I enjoyed seeing several other businesses and promoting my wedding officiant services!

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
In this life, I’ve learned so much. I’ve also met so many incredible people and leaders. Three areas of knowledge that are important deals with understanding the value of family, the value of finance, and the value of leadership among the community. Family means everything to me, and I believe it takes a village to raise someone. Family is a love like no other. The value of finance can teach one how to live fruitfully. Once we are educated and knowledgeable about currencies, trading, and investments, I believe one can have the skills to build generational wealth. I don’t want to live to survive and to just barely make it. I want to live to make a difference and to spread knowledge and wealth. Lastly, the value of leadership within one’s community can bring about a positive change especially for the next generation.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? Any advice or strategies?
I believe it is critical to put your mental health first. I love having time for myself, I call it “me time.” Me time is where I take a day out of the week to pamper myself. That could involve going to the salon to get my nails done, doing my hair, binge watching a show, etc. Overworking yourself is not good. In the past, I noticed I would stay up all night working and not getting any rest. If I’m not feeling like myself or not taking care of myself then my best effort is not given. I’ve dealt with depression before, and I also believe that getting rest and taking the time out to cater to things that I love helps with that. I also sing or create music when I feel overwhelmed. If you are feeling overwhelmed, find an outlet that brings you peace and enjoyment.

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