We recently connected with Melisa Caprio and have shared our conversation below.
Melisa, appreciate you making time for us and sharing your wisdom with the community. So many of us go through similar pain points throughout our journeys and so hearing about how others overcame obstacles can be helpful. One of those struggles is keeping creativity alive despite all the stresses, challenges and problems we might be dealing with. How do you keep your creativity alive?
I make creativity in my life a priority. I set time each day or a few times a week to tapping into my creative energy. I try to approach everything I do in a creative way. In my photography, my books, my weekly radio show, and podcast. I surround my living space with art that inspires me, so I am always reminded of the beauty of creativity.
In her book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron recommends setting an artist’s date as a healing tonic for depleted creativity. She describes it as, “a block of time, perhaps two hours weekly, especially set aside and committed to nurturing your creative consciousness, your inner artist. In its most primary form, the artist date is an excursion, a play date that you pre-plan and defend again all interlopers.”
Your artist date can be anything, it doesn’t matter what, as long as you are giving yourself the space to create. It is a commitment to yourself. What starts to happen is you look forward to these dates and you find inspiration in your life.
Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?
Melisa Caprio is a creator, photographer, radio host and the author of Postcards to the Universe, Harness the Universe’s Power and Manifest Your Dreams. She is inviting people from around the world to participate in this movement. By using photography, art, personal wishes and desires and sending them out to the Universe via a postcard. She is currently giving workshops on photography, art, transformation, and manifestation. She guides her clients on how to create a unique postcard for added effect on the power of creative intention.
Caprio has her own weekly show titled Postcards to the Universe with Melisa, Creating the Life you Crave on OMTimes Radio where she interviews spiritual trailblazers, she has turned that show into a popular podcast. She is the author/publisher of The Artist and The King, (a true story). She has been featured in ROAR: Fierce Feminine Rising Magazine, Voyage VIA Miami Magazine and Shout Out Miami, Meet Melisa Caprio. She has featured blogs on Thrive Global.
Caprio has been featured numerous times on podcasts and in the local newspaper The Sun-Sentinel on her work, she also exhibits her photography work on a regular basis in fine art galleries in South Florida. She is currently working on a new book and oracle card deck.
To see more go to www.postcardstotheuniverse.com & www.melisacaprio.com
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
The three most important things I have found to support me in my creativity, growth and life are:
One -Show up in your life. So many times, we are running around and showing up for others while depleting ourselves. Then we become resentful because we have nothing left to give to ourself. There is no creative energy in that.
Two – Honor your commitment to the life you want. Whatever it is, make time each day to commit at least one thing that honors your word to yourself. By doing that you are showing yourself that what you want is important and matters. When you make that declaration, the Universe responds in kind.
Three – Be grateful for everything you already have. Even many of the bad things, because they taught you something and helped you grow. Those experiences made you who you are. Living in gratitude is so powerful and it’s highly contagious. People love being around others who are grateful in their own life. Having gratitude brings joy and happiness. It’s like drawing moths to a flame.
One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?
I would love to collaborate with others on my project. Currently, I am looking for more people to make and contribute manifesting postcards. A manifesting postcard is similar to a vision board. Getting creative and making a postcard declaring your greatest desires. I would love to do more workshops and share more stories of how people have manifested their dreams. Featuring people on my weekly radio show where we talk about these ideas. I’m interested in finding the support to share my ideas even further by helping me reach even greater audiences. Expanding my project outward to include the dreams of children. What do they each envision for their life when they grow up? Different groups of people have different dreams for their life, and I’m inspired to feature and explore all of that.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.postcardstotheuniverse.com/
- Instagram: @postcardstotheuniverse
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melisa.caprio
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/postcardstotheuniverse/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/PCtotheUniverse
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCosxaA0q1NlSsW4vrukDBlg
- Other: http://podcast.omtimes.com/category/postcards-to-the-universe/
Image Credits
All Photos taken by Melisa Caprio