Meet Minnie McBride

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Minnie McBride. Minnie was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Shasta McBride.

Minnie , can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My journey into the art of organizing and clutter clearing began when I realized that repositioning an object could make a space feel better. Through self-experimentation I discovered that reducing clutter and being intentional with the objects within a room created a positive shift that felt more inviting. Then, through reading the book, “Sacred Space: Clearing and Enhancing the Energy of Your Home” by Denise Linn, I discovered the many layers of a space and different ways to enhance it. I continued to try these practices in my own home. Coupled with the lessons from Marie Kondo’s book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing,” I began to see and interact with spaces differently than I had before. I liked how my life felt less chaotic and more open for good things to come in. Later I took a course offered by Linn on becoming a clutter clearing coach, which enabled me to support and apply my skills in helping clients to organize a space. Additionally, as a Montessori trained teacher, who has worked in classrooms for over 15 years, I have observed how a prepared space impacts and improves learning. As a mother, I extended the principle to my home and children’s spaces. My experience allows me to help others achieve their organizing goals.

Please tell us more about your brand, Minnie’s Method
I help people live better by reducing clutter therefore creating more space for living. It all begins when someone acknowledges that they want to improve their home and are ready for change. I then guide them through the organizing process, helping them evaluate their space, eliminate unnecessary items, curate loved possessions, and create a harmonious environment. For instance, one client wanted to make room for a new relationship. I noticed that their bedroom’s furniture and decor setup only accommodated a single person, with artwork depicting solitary figures, which sends a subliminal message of being alone. By reorienting the bed, replacing a large floor lamp with bedside tables and lamps, and updating the artwork, the space became inviting for two. The client later reported they had begun a new relationship. Another client sought help to boost their work prospects. After reorganizing their workspace, clearing their desk, and cleaning their windows, stovetop, and car, they received a job offer the same day. This demonstrated how physical changes can help remove psychophysical blocks, reflecting the principle that the outside often mirrors the inside. One client felt their home was too full and mentioned gaining weight. Studies suggest that decluttering can aid weight loss. As we packed donation bags and rearranged furniture for better flow, the client felt relieved. A few weeks later, they reported losing three pounds, showing that decluttering can have tangible benefits. All organizers and tidying experts share common traits: listening to clients’ needs, helping them achieve their goals, and bringing their organizing experience to support various tasks. I am well-versed in methods from Marie Kondo, Denise Linn, and Karen Kingston, and I adapt these techniques to best assist each client. For example, many people resonate with Marie Kondo’s question, “Does this spark joy?” to declutter their possessions, but not everyone is ready for a full house tidying. In such cases, we might focus on specific areas like the bedroom or clothes. If Kondo’s approach does not resonate, we might use Linn’s method of tuning into whether the energy goes up, down, or remains neutral in regard to a specific item. Some of my proudest moments are when clients realize how good their space can look and feel. They understand that organizing is worthwhile because it truly works. An intentional space feels happy and uplifting, making the effort of organizing rewarding.

So, as we mentioned to our audience earlier, you were introduced to us by Shasta McBride and we really admire them and what they’ve built. For folks who might not be as familiar, can you tell them a bit about your experience with Shasta.
My experience with Shasta McBride goes way back, as I am fortunate to call her my sister. This was the first time she helped me with the many steps of creating an online business presence, and I could not have done it without her. I entrusted her with overseeing the project and contributing to the content, which was invaluable since I lacked expertise in websites, social media, outreach, branding, and go-to-market strategies. I initially attempted to build my website myself but quickly realized I needed someone with experience and an eye for web design. Fortunately, Shasta has a rich background in UX design and digital marketing and easily interpreted my needs. She prevented me from feeling overwhelmed. Her innate sense of art and design ensures her work is authentic and not cookie-cutter.
Shasta drew on her UX knowledge and we worked together to find the overall feel and vibe I was going for; we worked together to find a color palette, layout, and overall look for the website. She also helped create a logo, navigate the complexities of domain names, and establish a presence on Instagram—tasks she makes look easy. We had a fun photoshoot together, and she edited the images and ran them by me. She checked in with me frequently and encouraged me when needed. Shasta was professional and easy to work with, and I could not recommend her more highly.


Instagram: @minnies_method

Image Credits
Shasta McBride, Rebecca Culbreth

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