Meet Nineveh Cannavino

We were lucky to catch up with Nineveh Cannavino recently and have shared our conversation below.

Nineveh, so great to have you with us and thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts with the community. So, let’s jump into something that stops so many people from going after their dreams – haters, nay-sayers, etc. We’d love to hear about how you dealt with that and persisted on your path.
And there are many haters and nay-sayers in the world. It is true that fear travels faster than love. Upon the moment, I realized and recognized I could speak to someone I loved in which had died. This communication medium. A form of emotions blended with thoughts, a sort of telepathy; whereas our feelings evoke mind language, that works beyond the physical body into the very space around us in spherical layers. A lot of realities and thoughts came in simultaneously, including my fears and sadness of accepting what had transpired. But the love sent in to me was beyond measure. From what we think is Heaven itself. There is nothing in this world quite like it, I assure you. Yes, there is love in our world, on this Earth, and between individuals no matter the relationship. But love beyond our world and energetic membrane that divides us is quite intense and there is no mistaking it for anything else than the reminder of your true origins. For me, it was an immediate trigger, and remembrance of the purpose of this existence. Not only for me but, for everyone’s existence.
Now, I sought help in understanding this telepathy and perceptions I was picking up, only to be told by Psychic Mediums – I was a medium myself. Now, of course, I did not accept this notion at all in the beginning, and even if I had believed, the obstacles were great around me. I mean, everyone in my family would be against me or against this idea of being a “psychic”, worse even, an individual who can communicate with the dead. Most individuals in my family would almost immediately take this as necromancy, or something related to the dark arts. They would stop associating with me, and some friends may not stay as my friends. Which did happen.
Consequently, I sought a mentor in this field and found several individuals and learned of no less than five schools both domestically and internationally that teach these “sixth” senses or perceptions. It was during this phase of several years where my memories would come back to me from my youth, understanding that I had these abilities since birth. These abilities were actively cultivated by those beyond our physical world.
What is even more amazing? That everyone has this ability, the only difference between me and others is education. Indeed, some people will excel in this area whereas others will be average. As a whole, we as humans, have somehow not continued our forgotten ourselves. We do not teach our children to communicate in this way. Well, at least, most individuals do not.
What I have learned and has been taught by my Spiritual friends, is that there is great healing with individuals here with us on the planet the moment the mind is opened. The moment they know and realize their loved ones are with them, always. The realization that advice and guidance without interference of free will of the individual is there for them to ask for, pray for, and the answer is forthcoming. No one from beyond our world would ever tell someone what to do, however, they may enlighten you on each path, so you may choose.
Unfortunately, too many people misinterpret and misunderstand the true purpose of a psychic and/or medium and further still, too many untrained, unknowledgeable psychics and/or mediums misguide or harm individuals. This harm then gives every Psychic Medium a bad reputation. There is no structure, no rules, and nothing to adhere to other than a Medium’s consciousness.
Thus, nay-sayers and haters are not wrong at times in certain situations. However, this is no absolute.
Indeed, there are those that receive this calling to help people and do the right thing. They channel truth. They channel wisdom. They channel information from Others beyond our world to the living, to validate survival of the consciousness or Ethereal Being (what we would term the Soul) into another form, in another realm or frequency (as I like to think of it). Like changing the channel on the radio, or television, to attune to the energy level whereas we define as our Heaven or place we go after our vessel (body) dies.
In addition, the haters and nay-sayers still hate regardless because of their misinformation, dogmas, religious beliefs, and what I like to think is “selected” limited knowledge passed down by our ancestors. Somehow, and I do not know how, information was misconstrued. It is possible, on purpose, maybe a means of control making humans think we need to follow some sort of rules rather than our true Spiritual selves. As if, it was better to have sheep, than individual shepherds. For example, I was born into my religion, it was a mother who was a Christian Eastern Orthodox and a father who was a Christian Eastern Catholic; And when I think of our prophet, I immediately understand without hesitation, he was a Medium. He may have been, one of “the Mediums”, who could channel the energy of Source, our God, our creator, so much so, that it healed the physical realm and bodies of individuals. He could do things that manipulated energy because he had the wisdom to do so. e.g. walk on water, heal sick people, or raise the dead. He was the embodiment of Source energy, or very close to it more than many individuals. His Soul, or Ethereal Being was too wise to even be on the Earth itself. It was a conscious choice before birth for him. However, I do not think he stood alone over the many generations. I believe there have been others too. Maybe the same caliber of embodiment, maybe less – I can’t say for sure. I assume my telepathic abilities are partly inherited and partly the position of the knowledge of my Ethereal Being. All hypotheticals. How else would like me to inform you?
When I went to Arthur Findlay College in Stansted UK, I saw people with amazing abilities unlike my own. A school centered on metaphysical studies. Are they weird? Hundreds of individuals. Is this normal? Are they not human?
It made me realize, what are we missing here in our World? How many are born and then not taught an innate ability to be Spiritual and connected with source from within us? We, as humans, do not know how to teach this sense and skills. When I think, we absolutely should. The world would change, literally.
So, the question is posed, “How do you persist still with all these naysayers and haters?” The answer is simple, “Because I can. If not me, then who else? Who else will help lead this path with me?”

I have seen over and over again, time and time again, the healing that is created with the individuals’ who come to see me. Many times, I have wanted to give up and throw the towel in. I have had people turn away from me and just the thought of what the name Psychic Medium implies. The assumption is always bad or evil. My friends, there is nothing evil here. Only love. I persist because of love. The evidence of it is always there for the client in some form. The wisdom for them is also apparent. Those that seek guidance, or validation of their life, or validation that the one(s) they love to continue on and await them someday- is channeled through the layers from our world to that world, and it always come through to help them for the better.
I never know what or how the healing comes about, it is always tailored to the individual; And every time, I am humbled and reminded why I do what I do. This is why I persist. This is why I do not listen even though I hear the hate, and I read, but do not absorb what they write in cursing at me (in social media) because I know the truth of it. And how can I be angry at those that do not know or understand or believe? I only wish that Spirit touches them, so that they are awakened and humbled too.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
Of course, not a problem. The whole purpose of what I do is to validate the survival of the consciousness and embodiment of a person’s identity beyond our world, beyond physical death. My “job” is to provide evidence of it through the information coming to me through my sixth senses and telepathy. I always provide what it is I am able to translate. The information can come in, differently for each individual. Not everybody is the best communicator to me, and I am not always the best receptor. However, I try to do my best every time. When specifics are provided between two people, one living and one non-living (and I mean very specific information), it is quite remarkable for everyone involved. This is what I have also been trained to do here in this World by top mentors. My advantage is that I know I was trained as a child by Ethereal Beings. So, when I got older, and it was triggered predominately by someone I loved, I understood to stop pushing and ignoring information that was coming in to me, by others, all my life. What I thought was normal, was not the case.
Now, with these abilities, I can see timelines for people, and understand the type of life or events that have transpired, are transpiring and may transpire if indeed it is intended; without a violation of their free will or influence on them in regard to their free will. Unfortunately, people want to be told what to do, or what will happen. This is not the job of a psychic or medium. It violates the client’s free will. People do not know or truly understand, they are the navigator of their life. No one else. Prophecy is one thing, guidance is another, and offering choice is still another option. Things don’t just happen to you. You create it, you influence it, and your thoughts play a major role in this existence.
I also understand and the one beautiful element that was taught by my Spirit Guides, is they should be (taught me really) how to channel energy to heal people physically, emotionally, and mentally. The energy does not come from me, myself. It comes from Source and their loved ones in Spirit.
In addition, I teach what I practice to anyone who would like to learn any of this knowledge.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Well, I must acknowledge that education helps greatly. Obviously, I have formal education and non-formal education. When I was accepted into Law School, due to family issues and money, I had to switch my focus to Business School and now hold a master’s degree in information technology and E-Commerce. When I was triggered to Spirituality and mediumistic abilities, books were brought to my awareness by other means. In so much as, I began reading about my exact experiences after I had already had them months and years prior. That my experiences were truth and then I came across a particular book that could have been written by me. Knowledge and education are important for the identity and understanding of yourself in anything that you would like to accomplish.

Secondly, trust yourself above all others. What is your instinct to do, to say, to think? Do it. Do not seek the advice of others, they are not you. Your inner voice and thought are the real you, and no one else will have identical thoughts as you. You are unique to you and the universe. No one needs to approve it. Just move to action because right or wrong, there is education in it for you. If it was right, repeat it in everything you do. If it was wrong, then the next time the situation presents, you will know how to navigate around it or through it efficiently and for the betterment of you and other people. Basically, there are no mistakes, only opportunities for growth and knowledge.

And finally, do not change for anyone except for yourself. Please, do not try to fit in. Be yourself. If you see something that harms others, say so. If it harms you, say so, and try to move away from whatever that is that is harmful. Do not allow anyone else to say or do things to hurt your identity and morale. Try not to learn bad and harmful behaviors to have success, rather learn to attract abundance and positivity to you. One of the main reasons, any human is born, is to be happy, the second most important is to manipulate and create energy in a beneficial way for themselves and everyone else. Never do any action that will harm other individuals, even your enemies, even people you do not know. Do not create something in the world that hurts people as a whole or as an individual.

Success will follow you, lead you, and multiply through you.

To say love is the answer, sounds generic and corny. Plus, people always jump to the idea of love being something physical and having to do with the body, which is always temporary and short-lived. Love is the answer in that it is the energy which builds within the being, within your consciousness and memory. It multiplies and facilitates a type of frequency that carries with you beyond this Earth existence. It is the core manipulator of changing the energy or creating energy. It is the forebearer of change, and the footprint of knowledge for future generations. It can heal generations.

Unfortunately, people choose greed, material things, and the temporary tangible things rather than understand their thoughts and behavior is most important. Rather, I will say, nonphysical love between people is the most impactful for you. Simply, start with you. Teach everyone else who is wise enough to listen, or aware enough to learn.

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?
Well, what I may do may not be the average person’s answer; And I find it interesting that I gave this exact advice and strategy for my daughter today who was experiencing being overwhelmed, having anxiety, and panic moments. She is a 22-year-old in her last year of university and heading to Medical School. I will add, she is also brilliant, beautiful, and a super sensitive one. She was smart enough to get a full scholarship to university. Her name is Alara.

And excuse the bluntness of my dialogue, here is what I wrote:

“Alara, I have told you before and I will say it again, you are a super-sensitive one, like me and like 1000% all my children. Rather than convince you, I will give you suggestions on what to do.
First, accept and understand, you have perception beyond normal individuals. Meaning, if someone is in your space, in that very air around you. You can perceive thoughts and feelings of this individual. If anyone around you, known to you or unknown to you, doesn’t like you. It can create a type of buffer for you. You have to distance from the nay- thinkers (like nay-sayers) but thought carries energetic weight. It can harm you. So, be mindful who is around you. Anywhere. A lab, an office, a gym. So, move away physically. Take a few steps away. Try to redirect your thoughts. And think of something positive, anything funny or happy. If your thoughts, follow to something worries, sadness, fears – it will absolutely create energy around you that is oppressive. Onto you and your physical body. 10000% percent, even make you mentally ill to then transition into physical unwellness. So, change the environment- go out. Outside. Perhaps.

Also, it can create havoc. Your own energy can manifest not positively to your surroundings. As is, the opposite is true, if you are happy or delighted- everything enlightens and comes to you naturally and easily. Whatever is that you are desiring. Like a law of nature or attraction. So, mind your thoughts. What positivity you think of others and yourself rather than non- positivity.

Okay, two – music 🎶, is a game changer.

Especially us (super sensitives). Frequencies and melodies elevate us. Happy music will de-stress you. Play music any chance you get. But happy songs. Not hateful songs

Sing. It’s a game changer.

Three – exercise, super important for us. But I think you have this covered.

Four – meditation, your quiet time. You must have it. I must have it. It’s super important for us to have reflection time, relax time, down time and peaceful quiet.

Obviously, you may need more of this including other forms of relaxation. Massage, aromatherapy, (music), fun time for you, long baths, sauna, candles with dim lighting.

You also need a good friend that understands you – in the mind. Super important and very difficult to find.

So, get your sleep. 😴 like 8-12 hours. I am guaranteed to have a panic or anxiety attack if I don’t sleep.

I have also learned that methylated vitamins are the best. Get your B vitamins in, C, D2 & D3, these are the “happy” concoctions. It will elevate your mood. Chamomile will relax you to sleep, as will, mugwort. Mugwort will completely take the edge off.

I will add, (you don’t have to believe me) but your hypersensitivity- your overt perception- energetically picking up on other people- works for the living, as it also works for the deceased. Because what you are picking up is the ethereal being. The True McCoy basically. And not the physical body (or vessel) they are using here on Earth. So, for every one person on Earth, they may have five beings around them. In like a spherical energetic membrane separating them from that one person. However, be conscious of it, and that you may have the ability to reach and perceive beyond. You basically, have strong “gut” feelings. So, there’s that.”

The advice I gave her is what I would do if I ever became overwhelmed, or felt anxiety, and/or needed to take the edge off. Now, if we want to talk about money, that is a whole bit different.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Facebook: Nineveh Cannavino
  • Linkedin: Nineveh Cannavino, MBA
  • Youtube: @socalwinecountrymedium8289
  • Yelp: SoCal Wine Country Medium Nineveh Cannavino
  • Other: TikTok: @SoCalWineCountryMedium

Image Credits
Kip A. Cothran

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