We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Samantha Jones. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Samantha below.
Alright, so we’re so thrilled to have Samantha with us today – welcome and maybe we can jump right into it with a question about one of your qualities that we most admire. How did you develop your work ethic? Where do you think you get it from?
I was raised very differently than most people. Until about 13 years old, I was raised mostly by my grandmother, Kitty and her second husband, Robert, or Bob as I like to call him. Bob was an amazing businessman. He and his brothers owned a chain of nurseries in Southern California, called Green Thumb and Green Arrow Nurseries. Bob was very successful entrepreneur with other businesses as well.
Besides Bob, I did not have a father figure in my life. Most of the men that I had been exposed to in the early years of my life were not good to me. Bob was the only one that really made me feel loved and safe. He made me believe men can love in an unconditional kind of way, despite everything else I had seen.
The women in my family didn’t work. They were supported by men, whether by my grandfather himself or their own husbands. I wanted to be like Bob. I wanted to be successful and to have some thing to call my own. I didn’t want a man supporting me. I wanted to be independent and contribute my share to any relationship I was in. And I for sure did not want to work for the man. I wanted to be able to live my life the way that I wanted to, while still doing some thing that I was passionate about. Just like Bob. I love that he was able to make his own schedule and wasn’t tied down every day to the same routine.
My grandfather was always up super early in the morning. No matter what time I woke up, he was already awake. He use to tell me “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” Those are still words I live by today and am proud to be an early riser just like him. Bob never complained about having to work. He just did what he needed to do, because he knew it was all a part of life. I watched the women around me take advantage of how hard he worked, but he never complained about that. He was a wonderful human and he gave me a work ethic that I definitely don’t think that I would have if he wouldn’t have been a part of my life.
I watched the success of his businesses as I got older, and was so impressed with what he had built that I decided I wanted to try and create a similar path for myself. I wanted to work for myself. I wanted to be able to work when I wanted to and be at home when I wanted to. To travel whenever I wanted. But mostly, I wanted the money I earned to be my money. I didn’t want to help someone else be a millionaire. I wanted to be one myself. At 20 years old I opened my first pet sitting business. I worked for myself doing that job for 20 years, almost to the day. I retired due to Covid and the shutdown. However it was the best thing for me because during that time I was able to find my true passion and open my current business, Beyond The Bridge.
My work ethic has not always been what it is today. I wanted so badly to be like him but I still had the drive and motivation of a 20 and 30 year old. Now that I am in my 40s, I see things differently and strive for success and integrity in everything I do. Unfortunately Bob was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s when I was only 20 years old. At that age my business sense was just getting started. I wish I would have had more time with him as an adult before he got sick. I know I could have learned even more from him if I had more years with him.
I honestly don’t know what my life would have been like without him. Definitely nothing like it is today. I like to joke that I would be addicted to drugs and living on the streets if he hadn’t been a part of my life. I do believe there is some truth to every joke though. He saved me so many times as a young child from other people and from myself. Bob is still my biggest role model and one of the people that I look up to the most. I miss him everyday.
I’m not the millionaire I set out to be just yet. But just like Bob I strive everyday to get to that point through hard work and dedication. His influence will live on forever in my mind and heart and I will continue to share his legacy while I strive to build my own.
Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?
Since I was a young child, I could communicate with animals in a way others couldn’t, “knew things” and had vision of things to come. After the passing of my mother in 2004, I built a strong relationship with the spirit world, eventually opening my medium and psychic abilities. Connecting people to their loved ones on the other side, bridging the gap between people and animals and helping people better navigate life, are just a few of the ways I help my clients live happier, healthier and more prosperous lives. I strive every day to show people the beauty of the universe we live in and hope to make a big enough impact to “change the world”.
In addition to being a psychic medium & animal communicator, I am also a Reiki Master, certified spiritual coach, energy healer and aspiring writer. I co-host
a weekly podcast with my husband, Danny, called Spiritual Philos-O-Chatter With The Joneses. In this hour long, listener interactive podcast, we discuss all things metaphysical, spiritual and philosophical. Together we try to help people along their spiritual journeys, to bring more “Peace And Love” to their lives. I also have a radio show on VoiceAmerica Internet Radio called Beyond The Bridge With Samantha Jones. You can find that every Wednesday on the Empowerment Channel. That show is geared more towards animals and the universe. I take callers and do live readings on the show as well.
If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?
Patience. No business gets big overnight. You have to be willing to work your way up which takes a lot of patience.
Integrity. It’s so important to be honest and treat people the way they should be treated, with kindness and respect.
Faith. I would be nothing without my faith in God and the Universe.
One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?
My radio show, Beyond The Bridge With Samantha Jones, is in need of guests as well as sponsors. I would love to collaborate with spiritually minded people. Open, honest and trustworthy people, looking for their tribe.
Contact Info:
- Website: Www.samanthajonespsychicmedium.com
- Instagram: @SamanthaJonesPsychicMedium
- Facebook: @BeyondTheBridge11
- Other: https://www.voiceamerica.com/show/4103/beyond-the-bridge