Meet Yayo Salinas

We were lucky to catch up with Yayo Salinas recently and have shared our conversation below.

Yayo, thank you so much for joining us. You are such a positive person and it’s something we really admire and so we wanted to start by asking you where you think your optimism comes from?
My optimism comes from my life experiences. I moved out from my parents house at a young age and thought I knew everything I needed to know. I learned quickly that, I was wrong however, whatever I am going through my perspective is always up to me and I can choose to be positive in any situation.! It’s better to have a positive outlook and celebrate the ups rather than the downs

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?
For work, I create content for brands! Whether it’s a short form video, unboxing or taste testing , I shoot it all! I actually got invited to film at TikTok headquarters so I’m ecstatic for that opportunity. I also hold livestream battles everyday on TikTok. This is particularly fun for me because I like to think of my streams as a safe & fun place online. I also am a professional makeup artist focused mainly on bridal makeup! I really love enhancing others beauty & I love hearing how the couples actually met.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
I think the most important skill is to know where you come from. Start at what really makes you, You! For me, I lean on my faith! I don’t seek validation from others because I know I God loves me. I am natural perfectionist so this skill actually helps me a lot & helps keep my confidence high. In this day & age there is so much comparisons to one another & the need to be perfect & have it all together is at an all time high. How ever if you stay focused on yourself, your vision, work hard & smart then you will make it! Another important skill is to be able to network & meet new people. There are endless opportunities & you can unlock many by just starting a conversation & introducing yourself. You never know who are going to run into. Which leads me to my last skill, remanding humble yet hungry. Even when you are reaching new levels be sure to review your work & see how you can improve. Treat others with respect & remember how it was for you when you first started.

Is there a particular challenge you are currently facing?
The number one challenge I’m facing is maintaining a healthy work life balance. Some think entrepreneurs barely work or only when they want to. While that may be true for a few, that is not the majority. I even answer emails at 2am often. I find myself feeling guilty when I’m too busy to play with my son or If I haven’t gotten to the laundry yet before my boyfriend gets home. He is also an entrepreneur so commutation is definitely key. We always go over our schedule’s & important task for the week & he lets me know he will pick up where I fall short. We are both working everyday to achieve our dreams so sacrifices must be made but it will be worth it.

Contact Info:

  • Instagram: @ayooyayo
  • Other: TikTok @ayooyayo

Image Credits
Deandre Walkins @Dwatkinsphotography

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