We’re often asked if we’ve seen a pattern of success among the many thousands of entrepreneurs and creatives we’ve interviewed over the years and when we say yes, folks naturally ask what it takes to succeed and without a doubt one of the most essential ingredients for success is optimism. Cynics may often be right, but it’s only when an optimist is right that the world changes. Below, you’ll find more discussion around optimism and how to develop and foster it.
Victoria Armstead

My optimism comes from knowing that everything that I have encountered and will encounter serves a PURPOSE. The circumstances that I face aren’t just happening to me, but they are happening FOR ME and THROUGH ME —— for me to understand that I’m an instrument, a vessel being used to serve a greater purpose.
I truly believe, in my heart, that ALL things work together. There is a lesson or a blessing connected to every season and circumstance in life. This mindset is a CHOICE! I choose to believe. I choose to have hope. I choose to trust that NOTHING is wasted. Read more>>
Afi El

Life! It came with all the experiences I’ve had. I’ve been in so many challenging situations that optimism, was the only thing I could lean on. It’s tough at times, because you don’t always have evidence you need to keep going. I do believe the universe gives us signs. You just have to learn how to quiet the world around you and be still. In the city, it might seem difficult to find those spaces yet, we live in an amazing State and I don’t hear about enough practicing optimism. Orange County and LA, have some amazing wellness communities. Being in nature helps me a lot also! Read more>>
Alex Cohill

I don’t actually believe myself to be optimistic. I am joyful. I’m very fortunate that through my practice of yoga and the subsequent self – study, which occurs for anyone attempting to follow the eightfold path it offers; I’ve learned that I have so much to be grateful for. I have friends and family who love me. I have beautiful children, I live in a great place surrounded by natural beauty, I have a job that fills me up and uses all of the talents I know I’m meant to share with the world. My life is constantly filled with blessings; a smile from a stranger on a walk, a kind word from a friend, a game of peek-a-boo with a baby in line at the grocery store – these things make me feel alive and connected to my community and the world around me. Read more>>
Seth Holmes

As long as I can remember I wanted to be a professional artist. I never pursued a career or even an education in art because I didn’t think it was possible to make a living off of art. I was used to the picture of ‘starving artists’ and struggling artists.
I bounced around from job to job for close to fifteen years, never feeling satisfied in my work, or hopeful for my future.
I drew and sketched but didn’t have a cohesive style. During the pandemic I decided to try to develop a unique style and opened an Etsy store. It quickly got shut down because my paintings were deemed ‘copyright infringements’.
From that time on I decided to only create original characters and paintings. Read more>>
ilma lopez

From my mom and being grateful every day, I have my moments where is hard to keep going, to see the light. However, where I come from ..Venezuela and the way i was raised made me the most optimist. I did not grew up with water all the time, still now water, electricity and food is a gift, is not guarantee a everyday commodity. Something as basic as hot water, we didn’t have. My mom went to bed without eating so many times, we couldn’t afford a lot, and still despite being born to a Colombian, single 20 year old mom of 2 kids, was the best thing in the world. That lady, my MOM made our lives so full, made us share every meal to create a bond between my brother and I ( never said it was because we couldn’t afford more.); made us treat each other with our first paychecks to value the love, support of family ( if i made money i will buy something for my brother and her, and it was the same for my brother); once we were able to have an allowance, she made us pay for one utility at home so we knew what supporting a family cost ( never said it was because she couldn’t give us money and pay for all the bills). and so many more memories, Read more>>

Throughout my life I have learned to face difficulties with resilience, each of my personal and professional achievements has taken time, effort and determination. This is something I definitely inherit from my family, my roots.
Looking at each day with gratitude is key in how I face each day, knowing that each difficulty or failure is just an opportunity to take new paths and continue with optimism is one of my favorite qualities. Read more>>