Surviving Divorce: Stories and Lessons

For many, marriage is foundational and so when a marriage falls apart it can feel like your foundation is crumbling and that your entire life is about to come crashing down. The emotional turmoil, financial repercussions, social changes, impact on your children and a host of other concerns can be overwhelming. We live in a world that never stops – jobs, bills, summer camp for the kids, taxes and more just keep going at full speed even as you struggle to face this massive change affecting your life. Below, we’ve shares stories and lessons from some of the bravest folks we know.

Diana Werthmann

Going through a divorce was definitely a challenging experience. My emotions were a complex mix of sadness, anger, loneliness, fear & even some relief. It was a significant life transition that felt very overwhelming at the time, yet it was a tremendous opportunity for personal growth & renewal. It was important for me to grieve the loss of the relationship and actually “feel” ALL of the emotions which was a very uncomfortable experience. Read more>>

Denise Torres

Initially, after my divorce, I felt paralyzed to the point that I didn’t want to get out of bed. Losing my children made me feel lost and broken. I never envisioned divorce; it was unheard of in my family. However, meddling in-laws and my ex-husband’s secretive behavior revealed the direction our marriage was heading. Read more>>

Kyrah Maddy- Peterson

Going through divorce with two kiddos was one of the hardest journeys Ive gone through. There was so much peace yet so much pain I had to heal from. It was bittersweet. I found my way through by reconnecting with myself through engaging in mindful practices, like journaling and spending time in nature, helped me to process the emotional pain and find my own rhythm. This served as a reminder that transformation, though painful, is a natural part of existence. Read more>>

Perspectives on Being an Optimist

We’re often asked if we’ve seen a pattern of success among the many thousands of

Mastering Communication: Stories & Lessons

“Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”

Perspectives on Staying Creative

We’re beyond fortunate to have built a community of some of the most creative artists,