Thriving Through Adversity & Overcoming Mental Health Challenges

“After every storm, there is a rainbow. If you have eyes, you will find it. If you have wisdom, you will create it. If you have love for yourself and others, you won’t need it.” – Shannon L. Alder

Some of the most successful folks in our community thrive despite experiencing mental health challenges. We are inspired by their strength and honored that they would share their stories with us below.

Simone` Skyye

Great question! The first step honestly was to realize and own that I was dealing with mental health issues. I had to recognize that.  The next step was placing my pride aside and saying to myself, “Self, now what? What are we going to do to get better?”.  I made myself understand that this was an issue that everyone deals with and acknowledging that was a sign of strength.  Read More>>

Tanjarae Porter

This question holds great significance for me, as an individual who faces the challenges of general anxiety disorder, moderate depression, and ADHD. I persevere despite these conditions by granting myself daily grace, fostering a support system, establishing and adhering to a routine, confidently declining endeavors that do not align with my goals. Read More>>

Audrey Presley

If I were to ask a room full of women, to give me a show of hands how many of them felt sad, over worked, over anxious, and not good enough in their job, family life, or even being a Mom, how many of them would raise their hands? Read More>>

Daijah Peters

Thank you, I really appreciate your interest in my story! To be completely honest, I first had to learn and accept fully that I had mental health challenges. For a long time, I just felt really bad about myself and wasn’t entirely sure why.  Read More>>

 Johnny Billz

Mental health nowadays has been a huge topic and a big challenge for a a lot. When we aren’t taking care of ourselves on the inside it can have a major effect on the outside world around us. For me personally, I started to focus on things that I loved the most. Read More>>

 Carleigh Lienemann

Mental Health issues are something that i’ve always struggled with. I had an extremely difficult upbringing and since then I have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, social anxiety and PTSD. I have learned that these aren’t issues that are just going to go away, they’re issues that you have to actively work on to improve and break through. Read More>>

Theadora Touchton

I feel as if some people are fearful to put mental health issues in the disability sector but since becoming physically disabled at seventeen that is not some thing I shy away from. Looking at my mental health issues as a disability helps take away the shame and ground me. Read More>>

Garret Smith

I’ve struggled with mental health in some level my whole life. In March of 2022 I lost my wife of 19 years. My mental health took a huge hit. I still struggle daily with it. I haven’t overcome it. I’m currently treating it through a variety of means. Anxiety is by far the worst one I’m dealing with. So many things have changed since that horrible day. I have 4 beautiful daughters to take care of. Read More>>

Tyson Green

Well, despite me having anxiety, which can feel like a burden some days, I like to start my day by absorbing information that sets the bar in a positive light. I may listen to a podcast that’s empowering or read a positive, informative, or motivating self-help book, so that the first pieces of information that my mind takes to before the day starts are things that make me happier.  Read More>>


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