Meet Calandra Bodilis

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Calandra Bodilis. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Hi Calandra, thank you so much for opening up with us about some important, but sometimes personal topics. One that really matters to us is overcoming Imposter Syndrome because we’ve seen how so many people are held back in life because of this and so we’d really appreciate hearing about how you overcame Imposter Syndrome.

This my story how I overcame imposter syndrome.

It’s sad but it’s true, unfortunately it took me ten years of owning my own business for me to realize: woha!? This is this mine? Did I really create this?
I had a vision, I did the work and look at us thriving! But why did it take me so long to see and appreciate my success? Was this imposter syndrome?

I chose to share this journey with you because I hope others can learn from my lesson and take pride and joy ALONG their journey and not wait.

When I started my business, I remember thinking OK, if I can make it just five years in business that would be a win BUT if I could make it ten years in business then that would be a huge success. From the moment I signed that lease I put my head down and got to work. I had to make it to ten years no matter what. Like a duck in the water I just kept going, gliding on the surface but feet paddling non stop underneath the water. Navigating through so many challenges along the way, from my own personal health issues, to pregnancy loss ultimately leading to infertility and pushing through running a small business during Covid.
Did I stop to take joy, to be proud of what I was doing and for the resilience it takes to lead a business? NO, I kept paddling my way to my “goal” the ten year mark. Then one day, guess what?
I hit that ten year goal! What did that feel like, confetti flying from the ceiling? Think again –

The day I hit my goal, it was on a Sunday (I always try to make time for a barre class) it was the end of the class and during the meditation portion of class it hit me like a ton of bricks. Wow I made it! I started crying uncontrollably- tears of joy but mostly sadness.
I was confused, I hit my goal so why did I feel so empty and even lost inside?

I realized in that moment that the reason I felt so unfulfilled was because deep down maybe I didn’t believe I could do it. Sad but true because of imposter syndrome.
To overcome this I realized that I needed to have a mindset shift and change my perspective.
Without having that goal consuming my focus it freed my mind: now, I am able to really be present in my business, to enjoy every moment and take pride in what we have accomplished.

By having more fun, getting creative and by celebrating the daily “wins” this led me to grow in my confidence and by growing in my confidence that helped me overcome my imposter syndrome.

Looking back, I should have had that confidence all along. Why did it take 10 years to validate that for me? Ultimately, what I learned was that imposter syndrome is mostly a reflection of how you see yourself.
I want to encourage others that are on their own journey to be confident in who you are and trust your in vision. Be proud of what you accomplish daily because before you know it you will have hit your “goal” without even knowing it.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I have been a small business owner for over a decade now! Wow, time flies and I can’t believe I have worked in and owned Envogue Salon in Denver for 11yrs already!
We are a successful high end salon located in the heart of Denver’s creative art district known as the Golden Triangle.
One of the things I am most proud of is developing young talent and mentoring
individuals at the start of their career. Not only do I have a passion for teaching them the technical skills, but I truly invest in them as individuals. For me personally this is truly rewarding seeing these women grow in confidence, finding their voice and blossom into their carrer, whether it’s at Envogue or even after they move on.

I have always had a passion for reading books and chatting with clients about book recommendations and so on, so at the beginning of this year I created our very own “Envogue Library” at the salon. It has been so fun seeing all of the engagement with clients bringing books in and taking books home, it truly brings joy and a sense of community in our salon.
On a personal note, I have been working on developing and launching a podcast later this year with my cohost and partner Lara Svedin. We will be interviewing CEO’s and entrepreneurs as we discover what’ its truly like running a successful company. Stay tuned!

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Professionally, when it comes to starting and running your own company, I believe that putting in the work to be an effective leader that truly cares about people is the most important skill set that you need. Also, finding a group of individuals in your field that you can bounce ideas with, can share wins and challenges with. Lastly, don’t feel ashamed about asking for help and finding a mentor or someone that you can learn and grow from.

How can folks who want to work with you connect?

For the next project I am working on, my partner Lara and I are looking for companies and individuals that are CEO’s, entrepreneurs or leaders to be featured on our Podcast or to collaborate with.
We would love to have you as a sponsor or guest as we “unbutton” the layers and discover what it’s really like running a company.

You can email us at:

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Image Credits

JM Visual Art

Photo with white background and Lara Svedin & Brown Jacket sitting in chair
Audrey Rouge Photography

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