Meet Sophia Mean

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Sophia Mean. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Hi Sophia, thank you so much for opening up with us about some important, but sometimes personal topics. One that really matters to us is overcoming Imposter Syndrome because we’ve seen how so many people are held back in life because of this and so we’d really appreciate hearing about how you overcame Imposter Syndrome.
I just made a TikTok about having imposter syndrome as a creative crafter. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten over the imposter syndrome. I always ask myself if my work is good enough to even charge money for it. But then I go through my Etsy page or get messages from customers who thank me for making their graduation or helping to make their daughter/son’s graduation special with my lei’s.

I think it’s healthy to still have a bit of imposter syndrome. You always strive to prove yourself and grow.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?
Hi everyone! Let me introduce myself. My name Sopheap Mean. However, if you grew up with me you’d know me as Katey or if we’ve worked together you would know me as Sophia.

Let me tell you how I got the name Katey. Well… I named myself.

My family immigrated to the United States when I was 6 years old. Although, we came from the war torn country of Cambodia, America didn’t feel foreign when I was young. I had about 15 aunts, 4 sets of grandparents, 25 cousins and more people who were all somehow also aunts, uncles and etc. Family is family, whether or not you’re related by blood.

I didn’t feel the different until I entered in Jr. High school Most people couldn’t pronounce my given name Sopheap. So one day I was sitting in the closet with my sister and we each picked out an American name for ourselves.

Hence, my business is called K80 Design Co.

K80 Design Co was started in 2020 but launched in 2023. I was gifted a Cricut machine in 2019 and never opened the box. 2020 hit everyone like a ton of bricks with layoffs, closures and time on our hands. I went down the rabbit hole of YouTube, Instagram and eventually TikTok.

I started designing cups, mugs, keychains, t-shirts, sweaters and so many more things. But it turned out that my niche was graduation leis.

As of today, I’ve sold over 500 leis on the Etsy platform and over 100 through word of mouth. Who would have thought? I sure didn’t.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Research, failing and perseverance are three qualities that is definitely needed in order to launch yourself in to something new. I would advise others to really delve yourself in to social media and the tutorials on there. There is much to be learned from others. Whether it’s their mistakes or success, it’s all something that can be used by you to propel your personal knowledge and business.

I am beyond grateful for the crafting and creative community. Their willingness to share their journey, their failures and their advice has tremendously impacted my business.

My one advice for folks who are early in their journey is to find a friend or mentor. Find someone who you can talk to about your ideas and will provide constructive criticism or feedback.

I’m fortunate enough to have a sibling that is creative and a co-worker that is consistently pushing herself and her skills. Seeing them motivates me and helps me to not stay stagnant in my craft.

What was the most impactful thing your parents did for you?
My parents play such a major role in who I am and how I work.

Growing up I recall that there were very few times when we just sat around and did nothing.

If we’re sitting in front of the T.V then we were braiding something, cutting some fabric, dad was weaving something, we were making change purses from fabric of clothes that was being thrown away. Our hands were ever really still.

As an adult running K80 Design Co, I am still sitting in front of the T.V. braiding leis, gluing letters and assembling products.

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