Meet Nancy Cejari


Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Nancy Cejari. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Nancy , sincerely appreciate your selflessness in agreeing to discuss your mental health journey and how you overcame and persisted despite the challenges. Please share with our readers how you overcame. For readers, please note this is not medical advice, we are not doctors, you should always consult professionals for advice and that this is merely one person sharing their story and experience.

I have been great at helping others to manifest their dreams yet, I could not be happy myself. Not accepting my spiritual Gifts came with a big price and a lot of suffering!
Denying myself had caused me the biggest pain and depression .

No matter what I have achieved externally, I still felt miserable and unfulfilled, constantly trying to please others. This often led me to make choices that only increased the pain in my life. I was stuck in a cycle of pain and unfulfilled life, doing things that others said would make me happy, but didn’t.

At that time, I already had a lot of knowledge and tools, yet I couldn’t take the step to make myself happy. One day, I found myself in the darkest place of my life, with no option but to look for another way and take responsibility for my own happiness. I began asking myself, “How can I make myself happy? What truly makes my soul happy?”

I began helping myself. I realized that all actions stem from love! All my mistakes in life were because I thought I will receive love so started to forgive myself and put me first, accepting my spiritual gifts as blessing and use them for good.

As babies, we receive love, but eventually, we have to conform to societal expectations to be accepted. This leads us to turn off our inner guidance system to please others and feel at least somewhat worthy of love.

We start to think in ways that lead to lower vibrational feelings, which cause us to take actions that harm our own souls. This is where darkness sets in.

Don’t get me wrong—I love joy and strive to make those around me feel joy. However, I first had to learn to understand myself, including what I like and dislike and that it was ok to have gifts to help others, instead of trying to fit in society expectations.
Owning my likes and dislikes and setting healthy boundaries was challenging, especially with family members friends or a partner.

I started accepting that I can be different from my family, friends, and society, and still deserve love and happiness. The beautiful thing is that, thanks to this acceptance, I can embrace others with different opinions and still live in harmony.

I decided to address the root cause of my issues instead of endlessly trying to fix the effects. I wish I could provide a simple answer to help others, but unfortunately, everyone is different. We may have the same problem but different root causes. Once you find the root cause, your life can truly transform.

Being brave enough to start to think “It’s ok to be different” …. I might help people… was the best thing!

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

Some people can’t be successful till they learn they have a block from their ancestors, I see all the time people working hard yet not getting the results they want bc they are working on the wrong problem …. the hidden cause.

“I truly enjoy coaching people and helping them overcome energetic limitations and blocks they can’t see using Divine Guidance, so instead of relying on physical dimension we get the divine guidance that is right for each person.

Healing is also my passion! Performing healings comes naturally to me, and the most amazing thing is that I never feel drained by it…
On the contrary, because I work with the energy field, I actually help myself with every healing session. So, every person I assist also helps me in return because we enter in higher vibrations and frequencies.”

My biggest challenge was accepting myself and my spiritual gifts I was ashamed and I used to hide them to try to fit in society. I was born in a very conservative town where anything outside the church was considered devilish. As a result, I had to suppress my spiritual gifts to fit in, viewing them as a curse. Eventually, the universe nudged me to embrace these gifts because, ultimately, I am here to help others.

My artistic side, influenced by my multi-instrumentalist father, is still a part of me. However, I find tremendous fulfillment in helping others overcome their limitations, change their lives, and transform their unseen challenges. I feel the greatest joy when I guide people in using energy tools to shift their vibrations and positively impact their lives, their lineage, and ultimately the world.

So what once was my biggest fear, today is my biggest blessing because I can help people with my Spiritual Gifts.

Inspired by my own pain, I am motivated to assist others in overcoming their struggles. It is horrible to be in a place with no solutions, and I want to offer hope by showing that there is light at the end of the tunnel. With the right tools and by addressing the right problems, happiness and joy are achievable.

My vision is to help humanity reconnect with their divine essence and realize their true selves. We can only heal the world by first healing ourselves and vibrating with joy and happiness.

I have started a nonprofit organization aimed at providing these tools to women and children who lack resources, as well as anyone suffering from domestic violence, including men. My hope is that these small sparks of light will help transform and bringing light to the world.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Energy, Vibration, and Frequency, which encompass everything! I could list many things, but they all fall under those areas.

Divine guidance , Healing and my spiritual gifts help me quickly identify the areas where people are stuck. It becomes evident why certain challenges, problems, and situations keep repeating in someone’s life. This insight allows me to pinpoint the real root causes and address them, rather than wasting time and decades solving the wrong problems. By resolving the core issues, people can apply the same principles to their future without needing my assistance.

My spiritual gifts came naturally however with practice I became very good in changing the energy and frequency to match a better feel for the person I’m helping in all my services from just a simple coaching, removing blocks, energetic shift, Healing session etc….

For anyone striving to improve their ability to help clients, I believe the most effective approach is to work with energy and frequency and Divine Guidance.

Who has been most helpful in helping you overcome challenges or build and develop the essential skills, qualities or knowledge you needed to be successful?

Many people have played significant roles in my life. My Kabbalah mentor and close family and friends, in particular, have been instrumental in helping me and holding me accountable for my actions. My mom and dad . Family and friends are incredibly important.

As I mention before Divine Guidance is extremely important not just for me but for any person in this planet.

Ultimately, I am also deeply grateful to the masters of the past and their books, which have been a profound source of wisdom and guidance.

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