Meet Jill O’leary

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Jill O’leary a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Jill , we’re so appreciative of you taking the time to share your nuggets of wisdom with our community. One of the topics we think is most important for folks looking to level up their lives is building up their self-confidence and self-esteem. Can you share how you developed your confidence?

I developed my confidence and self-esteem through not only surviving, but thriving my life’s
experiences. I have had many teachers along the way, as well as wonderful and supportive parents who always allowed me to make my own mistakes.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

I started studying and using Holistic living (the study of mind, body and spirit as a whole) in 1998.
I first studied under an amazing 81 year old healer gentleman who taught me that there is always a cause behind the cause. I felt that made sense, but almost 30 years later, I whole heartedly know that is true! He gave me my sense of confidence in trusting my intuition and following my gut instincts. No one ever talked about that concept back then, that I had heard of!

I now understand and witness in my clients how our emotions, past trauma and even ancestral patterns, if not processed, can and most likely will come back to get our attention through pain and dis-ease. Since everything is energy and always in vibration, in addition to being electrical beings in an electrical environment, we can treat these issues using vibration and building our bodily batteries to correct and maintain harmony and balance.

After losing my job during COVID, I decided to make my passion into a business. I had been told by Astrology readers in the past that it was my path to be in the Healing Business. Again, I had to rely on my confidence and trust in myself to believe that it was possible. I have absolutely learned to trust myself to be able to work through anything to accomplish my goals!

I first started with becoming a Reiki Practitioner then a Reiki Master, certified under Master Kataka Gara through We Heal University. I am grateful and honored to be a channel of the most high vibrational frequency of the purest healing love and light that we are all eternally connected to. I infuse everything in my daily life and business with this beautiful energy.

I then began my journey into Energy Healing under Donna Eden Energy Medicine. I was fascinated to learn more about our energy systems and how we can easily help ourselves daily to ensure our natural state of joy and good health is flowing freely. I had been working with Chakras for decades (7 energy wheels associated with different organs, emotions and experiences that are located along our spinal midline), but I had not been aware of our Meridians which are 14 channels of energy running up and down mostly starting or ending in our hands and feet. They are essential to be unimpeded or you will know it through pain or disease. Ancient acupuncture and acupressure techniques are helpful to unblock these pathways but so are other methods such as vibrational therapy.

I began the next journey into vibration with Sound. I became a certified Tuning fork and Sound Therapist through Life Changing Energy and teacher Vickie Gould. I eventually went public with Sound Healing. Trusting my past training in Public Speaking came into full display. I not only ask for Divine Guidance, but expect the greatest outcome!

I then became so interested in the power of Tuning Forks, so I continued my curiosity with Biofield Tuning. I love the teachings of Eileen McKusick. She teaches about the energy field around us that can also hold old, unprocessed emotions. Combing through the 6 feet all around us with specific frequency Tuning Forks can literally take stagnant clumps of charged energy that cause us to become triggered or stuck in old habits and programs and bring them into the midline of the body to be put back into the here and now which helps us make clear and healthy choices instead of from some past trauma.

We often don’t remember these traumas but our energies do as well as our Subconscious mind which knows everything about us and what is going on in our bodies. I then began the learning process of the Body/Emotions code under Dr. Bradley Nelson’s computer program to identify, locate and remove trapped emotions that are causing misalignments in any part, organ or system in the body. Fascinating and so accurate! Clients love that we can release these old, hidden blocks without them having to go into the story which puts more trauma on the body and mind.

I am an Ordained Minister as well as certified in EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) and am trained in Life Coaching. These are again, gentle yet effective ways to allow people to feel safe and be able to tap into their own healing powers.

As a mother of 2 daughters and 2 failed marriages that involved physical and emotional abuse, I know what it feels like to suffer. I also lost my youngest daughter in 2011 at the age of 20 due to suicide, Having gone through tough times myself, I can empathize with people and helpful them get their life back

So, through my own self-discovery, love, healing self-trust and appreciation of this beautiful gift of life, I have dedicated this business to anyone wanting to live in this powerful now moment so that we can create the life we deserve and that is aligned with our highest and greatest joy.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Being aware of our moment to moment reactions helps us to make different choices that are most aligned with our true selves. Most of our reactions are deeply programmed patterns of behavior and are capable of being changed. This absolutely takes practice!

Always be open to expansion and not be rigid in thoughts and behaviors . Being in the energy of new possibilities allows the Universe to bring in experiences and relationships that are even better than we could imagine. Being open and flowing through our days and lives can create less suffering and disappointments.

Knowing our own worthiness is of utmost importance! All of us here on planet earth are worthy, beautiful beings. Let go of that old emotion of unworthiness because it is only blocking success and happiness.

Doing self-discovery and releasing old patterns is my ultimate recipe for living a life success and joy.

Before we go, any advice you can share with people who are feeling overwhelmed?

This again is a practice, sometimes minute by minute, but coming into presence and feeling the body and breath is essential to overcome the feelings of overwhelm
When we are in the present moment and get out of the head, we can gain calm, trusting that everything will be ok and can be managed with a calm state of being and clear mind.

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