Meet Dustin Lewis

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Dustin Lewis a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Dustin , thank you so much for opening up with us about some important, but sometimes personal topics. One that really matters to us is overcoming Imposter Syndrome because we’ve seen how so many people are held back in life because of this and so we’d really appreciate hearing about how you overcame Imposter Syndrome.

As both an actor in the entertainment industry and the CEO of my own real estate business, imposter syndrome has definitely crept in at different stages of my journey. Whether it’s stepping onto a set or leading a team, those feelings can come up—but I’ve learned that imposter syndrome is just part of the process. Even as we grow, learn, and succeed, a little bit of that doubt can linger, and that’s okay.

In acting, you start to realize that you’re in those rooms and on those sets for a reason. The focus shifts from trying to impress others to simply telling a truthful story. It’s not about entertaining or showing off; it’s about being authentic and vulnerable so that others can take away something meaningful from your performance. I teach actors that vulnerability is a superpower—it’s the key to unlocking truly authentic performances. If you aren’t in tune with your humanity—the good, the bad, and everything in between—then you’re just going through the motions, not truly connecting.

On the real estate side, I see similar struggles. Recently, I was on a mastermind call with high-performing real estate professionals, and the topic of imposter syndrome came up. What stood out in that conversation is how important it is to be genuine, authentic, and vulnerable—whether working with clients, other agents, or anyone in the business. It’s okay not to know everything all the time. What’s important is how you show up, how you continue to educate yourself, and how you treat others with kindness and respect. Vulnerability can be a strength, allowing you to push past imposter syndrome. Giving yourself grace and permission to not have all the answers is key.

One of my favorite interviews is with Viola Davis and Tom Hanks. Viola Davis, of all people, talked about her struggles with imposter syndrome. She mentioned that, despite her training and experience, the fear never really goes away. Her solution? She jumps afraid. That really stuck with me. You do your preparation, you show up authentically, and then—even if you’re scared—you just jump. In both acting and real estate, I’ve found that there’s always a safety net, whether it’s the people you work with, your experience, or your education. The trick is to trust that net and jump afraid. I love it so much I got a tattoo “Jump Afraid”

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

I’ve had a diverse career that has spanned both the entertainment world and the business of real estate. As an actor, I’ve had the privilege of appearing in a variety of series and films, including Ozark, Cobra Kai, The Idea of You, and many others. Next year you can see my in a new Marvel project but… I can’t say much about that! Each project has taught me something new about resilience, discipline, and the importance of showing up fully prepared—lessons that have become invaluable in my real estate career as well.

But after starting real estate business, my journey took an exciting turn when I appeared on 48 Hours To Buy on A&E with my clients. That experience wasn’t part of my acting career, but rather a perfect merging of my work as a real estate professional and my comfort in front of the camera. It was an incredible opportunity to showcase the work I’m passionate about, and it gave me a fresh perspective on how to connect with clients through media.

In real estate, I co-own Create Realty Partners with my husband, Matt. What excites me most about this business is how we’ve learned to approach it from a true CEO mindset. For a long time, I thought running a business meant doing everything myself, but it’s about creating systems that work and putting the right people in place so the business can thrive—without burning out and becoming true CEO and not a “chief everything officer”.

One thing that’s been a game-changer for us is how we’ve elevated our open house strategy. We’ve turned what many see as a routine event into a high-level opportunity to build a solid pipeline of future business. It’s not just about selling a home anymore; it’s about creating an experience that builds trust and long-term relationships with both buyers and sellers. This approach has truly set us apart from the competition. We have been able to take our pipeline from $3 million to almost $40 million in a year.

Beyond real estate, I’ve been expanding into speaking engagements, where I share my experiences from both acting and business. I love helping professionals—whether they’re real estate agents or actors—learn how to be more confident and authentic on camera. There’s so much power in showing up as your true self, and it’s rewarding to see others grow from that understanding.

Ultimately, I’m grateful for the range of experiences that have shaped who I am today, and I’m excited about what’s ahead. Whether it’s a new role on screen, an upcoming speaking engagement, or growing our real estate business, I’m constantly inspired to keep pushing forward.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

When I reflect on my journey, three key things stand out: adaptability, authenticity, and building meaningful relationships. Each of these has played a crucial role in both my acting career and my business in real estate.

1. Adaptability:
In the entertainment world, you’re constantly shifting from one role to another, learning new things on the fly, and adjusting to unexpected challenges. That skill became even more important when I transitioned into real estate. No two days are the same, and being able to adapt has allowed me to handle challenges with grace—whether it’s negotiating a deal or pivoting my business strategy. For those starting out, my advice is to embrace change. The more flexible you are, the more resilient you become. Learn to thrive in uncertainty, and always be open to learning new things, no matter what stage you’re at.

2. Authenticity:
Being authentic has been my guiding principle, both in acting and in business. When you’re on screen, the camera captures every nuance, so there’s no faking it. The same goes for real estate—clients can tell when you’re being genuine, and that’s how you build trust. Early in your journey, focus on discovering who you are, what you stand for, and how you want to show up in the world. Authenticity isn’t something you can fake, and when you bring your real self to the table, people naturally connect with you.

3. Building Relationships:
Whether on set or at a real estate open house, success has always come down to relationships. People want to work with people they trust and feel connected to. Building relationships has not only grown my business but also enriched my life. My advice here is simple: prioritize people. Take the time to really listen, learn about their needs, and build genuine connections. Relationships are the foundation of success in any industry, and the sooner you develop that mindset, the better off you’ll be.

If I could give one overarching piece of advice to those early in their journey, it’s to stay committed to growing these areas. Adapt, be yourself, and never underestimate the power of relationships. These qualities will guide you through the highs and lows of your career and open doors you never expected.

Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?

Oh, absolutely! I’m always up for collaborating. At Create Realty Partners—with eXp Realty as our brokerage—we’re really about building a community, not just closing deals. I love working with agents who are passionate about their business but also about being real and making meaningful connections.

Honestly, I’m looking for people who get that real estate is about so much more than just buying and selling houses. If you’re the kind of agent who values relationships and wants to build something lasting, we should totally chat. We’ve been doing some really cool things—like our open house strategies, which have turned into major client builders—and I’d love to share those ideas with others who want to grow their business in a fresh way.

And look, I’m not into all the corporate fluff. If you’re genuine, ready to step up your game, and you want to do it with a team that actually has your back, then I think we’d be a great fit. It’s really about growing together, supporting each other, and having some fun while we do it.

So, if you’re reading this and thinking, “Yeah, that’s me,” hit me up on social media or shoot me an email. I’m all about connecting and seeing how we can help each other out and grow our businesses together.

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