Meet Steven Anthony

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Steven Anthony. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Steven below.

Steven, so good to have you with us today. We’ve got so much planned, so let’s jump right into it. We live in such a diverse world, and in many ways the world is getting better and more understanding but it’s far from perfect. There are so many times where folks find themselves in rooms or situations where they are the only ones that look like them – that might mean being the only woman of color in the room or the only person who grew up in a certain environment etc. Can you talk to us about how you’ve managed to thrive even in situations where you were the only one in the room?

Any good story starts with being able to captivate and hold a person’s attention. To be unique and stand out, you have to find what truly excites you, and share this! This passion is fuel. Let it loose! Showcase this to others. This is powerful and even though you may be the only one in the room, you have to express yourself. Embellish this with stories of travel, tricky situations, or words of wisdom. Everyone craves a good story and is ready to listen.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

Being a private chef is a fascinating job. I work with various groups to help them celebrate special and intimate moments around the table. Being invited to once-in-a-lifetime moments where families and friends are rejoicing around a particular event is incredibly rewarding and remarkable. It empowers me to push my limits and provide an exceptional dining experience. I’ve traveled the globe learning how to cook and prepare meals while working in Michelin and top 50 caliber restaurants. To take this training and showcase this style via luxury private dining allows me to deliver a unique experience full of storytelling, delicious flavor combinations, and entertaining moments.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Travel, without a doubt, comes in at number one. This is essential for any aspiring chef. One must leave their hometown and explore the world. Food unites every civilization on Earth and there are a plethora of different flavor combinations, customs, and histories to learn. Seeking out this kind of information is vital for anyone looking for inspiration to be creative and weave unique dishes. Continuing education is number two. The world is constantly changing and it is essential to keep up with various trends and continue growing. There are numerous resources available to stay current, try out new techniques, and continue to evolve. The last quality is being adaptable. Kitchens are pure chaos and are constantly forcing demands. You may not have the right tool, the ingredient may not be in the best shape, the client requests a difficult order, and it’s your job to piece the puzzle together and adapt. You have to be quick-witted and on your toes to navigate the labyrinth of hurdles at a moment’s notice.

Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?

My business is growing and beginning to scale outside of the state. I’m currently branding a part of my business that focuses on luxury travel events. Essentially I’ll be focusing on working with clients and partners who wish to host retreats, parties, events, or special occasions across the United States. These individuals would be individuals looking to celebrate a special moment, coordinators looking to have a private event catered, or entrepreneurs hosting a retreat. I currently have clients throughout the United States, and the collaboration is important because my clients can focus on their events, while they hire me to focus on the food aspect of their parties.

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Image Credits

More Van Anything Photography
Whitney Rae Photography

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