Meet Lesley Goth

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Lesley Goth. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Hi Lesley, thank you so much for opening up with us about some important, but sometimes personal topics. One that really matters to us is overcoming Imposter Syndrome because we’ve seen how so many people are held back in life because of this and so we’d really appreciate hearing about how you overcame Imposter Syndrome.

I experienced imposter syndrome, a common human struggle that once had a paralyzing effect on me. It led me to doubt my skills, talents, and strengths, which in turn diminished my self-esteem. As a result, I not only refrained from using social media for personal enjoyment but also avoided it for business purposes. This anxiety and stress caused significant self-doubt, ultimately detracting from the joy I could have found in my work. However, through personal therapy, cultivating a practice of self-love, and addressing my perfectionist tendencies, I managed to overcome these obstacles. A crucial turning point was when I made the conscious decision to stop comparing myself to others and instead focus solely on my journey—what I was doing and who I was assisting. I learned to disregard distractions and reassured myself that I am exactly where I need to be; as long as I can make a positive impact on even one person, I am fulfilling my purpose.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I’ve been operating my private practice for more than two decades. What truly inspires me about my work is the opportunity to observe the healing process in my clients. Individuals who have faced challenges with PTSD or Complex PTSD, along with the associated difficulties, ie, eating disorders, toxic relationships, depression, and anxiety, place their trust in me to assist them on their path to recovery, enabling them to achieve the fulfilling relationships, careers, and overall lives they rightfully deserve. This experience often moves me to tears. My social media following, particularly on TikTok, has expanded significantly following a video I shared regarding the healing journey after sexual assault. The response to this impactful video motivated me to author my book titled *Unbroken: A Survivor’s Guide After Sexual Assault*, which is scheduled for publication in early 2025. It is my aspiration that this book provides considerable hope to survivors of sexual assault. Many survivors grapple with feelings of shame and self-blame that can significantly obstruct their recovery process. This book addresses various aspects that contribute to these feelings after an assault, equipping survivors with tools necessary for establishing a strong foundation for their healing journey. Additionally, I am developing a course set to be released by late October that will also focus on essential foundational tools for recovery following sexual assault. Both the book and the course are projects I deeply care about and aim to introduce into the world as a means of offering light and healing to those who have endured the trauma associated with sexual assault.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Looking back, I recognize that humility, an eagerness to learn, and my ability to empathize have significantly influenced my journey. Breaking this down, humility was crucial in overcoming the pride that trapped me in perfectionism, along with the accompanying anxiety and stress of needing to be flawless. My innate desire to learn has driven me to gain a deeper understanding of myself and the clients who place their trust in my care. Additionally, my capacity for empathy is challenging to articulate; it allows me to profoundly connect with my clients and their experiences. I view this as a remarkable gift—one that I did not earn but rather embraced by being open to experiencing emotions and trusting the process while supporting my clients.

For those at the beginning of their journey, my advice is to practice kindness, compassion, and patience toward themselves. I also firmly believe that seeking professional assistance from a therapist or coach is essential for meaningful healing and personal growth. Even the most self-reliant individuals can reach their limits without external support. Having a trusted outsider who can create a safe environment for vulnerability is invaluable and greatly enhances healing for everyone involved. No one is exempt from facing challenges, and having external support is crucial for achieving the fulfilling life that everyone deserves.

To close, maybe we can chat about your parents and what they did that was particularly impactful for you?

Both of my parents significantly influenced my life, albeit in distinct ways. My father instilled in me a strong work ethic from a young age, emphasizing the importance of completing tasks so that I could enjoy other aspects of life. I resonate with the principle of “work hard, play hard.” On weekends, he would wake my brothers and me early to tackle our chores, teaching us the value of effort and thoroughness—no task should be done half-heartedly. He also imparted lessons on generosity concerning finances and material possessions, often reminding us that money is replaceable and shouldn’t be a source of stress. I appreciate this perspective.

In contrast, my mother provided nurturing support during my childhood; later on, she encouraged me to embrace individuality and disregard others’ opinions. She leads a unique and somewhat isolated lifestyle, which I initially judged but have grown to admire due to her evident happiness—ultimately, that’s what truly matters!

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Image Credits

Stephen Goth photography

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