Meet Wisdom Edioma


We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Wisdom Edioma. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Wisdom below.

Wisdom, so great to have you with us today. There are so many topics we want to ask you about, but perhaps the one we can start with is burnout. How have you overcome or avoided burnout?

To avoid burnout, I make sure I’m surrounded by people who genuinely care about me and push me to stay on track with my goals. My close friends, who are some of the best people in my life, help keep me grounded and focused. They remind me of what I’m working toward and hold me accountable when I start slipping.

On a deeper level, my faith in God is a big part of how I handle stress. It gives me a sense of peace and perspective, especially when things get tough. Knowing that I’m not alone and that there’s a bigger plan at work helps me deal with challenges, both mentally and spiritually. It’s that combination of strong relationships and faith that keeps me balanced, no matter what life throws at me.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

I was born in Nigeria, a country rich in cultural heritage and the birthplace of Afrobeat, a genre that has influenced music worldwide. Nigeria is often called the “Giant of Africa” because of its population and vibrant culture. Growing up there, I experienced the energy and diversity of the people, some of the most passionate and creative individuals you’ll ever meet. It’s a place where music, art, and storytelling are woven into everyday life.

When I was young, my family moved to the United States, and I grew up between Newark, New Jersey, and Brooklyn, New York. Those two cities are vibrant in their own right—full of hustle, diversity, and creativity. Newark has a deep connection to art and jazz, while Brooklyn is known for its unique blend of cultures and being at the heart of hip-hop and street fashion. Living in those places shaped my view of the world, gave me an appreciation for the intersection of cultures, and made me realize the power of music, art, and community.

About two years ago, I relocated to Austin, Texas. The city is known for its live music scene and creative energy, but I noticed something missing—an accurate representation of the cultures I grew up with. That’s why I started Westborn Collectives, an innovative organization designed to bring joy and foster connection through music, art, and fashion. The idea is to create a space where people from all walks of life can unite, network, and express themselves while celebrating culture.

Westborn Collectives has a fantastic event called “SYNC.” It’s an immersive experience where we blend live performances with local artists showcasing their work. It’s not just a party; it’s a cultural exchange. At these events, you’ll find people from different backgrounds sharing ideas, collaborating, and celebrating their talents. We’ve seen artists get discovered, entrepreneurs find new clients, and people connect well with others. Through these events, we’re entertaining and creating opportunities for creatives to network and thrive.

By doing this, I aim to bridge the cultural gap in the Austin metro area and introduce more people to the beauty of the power of creative expression. It’s about building something sustainable that brings people joy, connects cultures, and gives a platform to emerging artists. So, on 9/28/2024, Westborn Collectives will host our SYNC exhibition at Cloudtree Gallery in Austin, Texas.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Being open-minded has been one of the most valuable assets in my growth. I’ve realized that every experience, whether positive or negative, holds lessons. For instance, after every event or project, I make it a point to gather feedback from my team, clients, or myself. If something goes wrong, instead of taking it as a setback, I ask myself: “What can I learn from this?” In fact, during one project where we missed a critical deadline, I initially felt frustrated. But after getting feedback from my team and reflecting, I realized we hadn’t communicated timelines enough. It taught me the importance of transparency and over-communicating expectations. Without being open to that feedback, I might have blamed external factors instead of improving our process.

Speaking of the team, I am lucky to work with individuals who share the same vision. We often say, “Teamwork makes the dream work,” and it couldn’t be more accurate. Each person brings their unique strengths to the table, and when we collaborate effectively, we can achieve far more than we could alone. There was a time when we were short on resources for a project, but we managed to pull it off because we trusted each other and worked together. Every member took on additional tasks, knowing the project’s success depended on each of us. The sense of unity empowered us to go the extra mile.

However, I’ve also learned the importance of setting boundaries and standing firm when necessary. Being able to say “no” has been a game-changer. I used to take on too much in the past—saying yes to every request, thinking it would make me more productive or well-liked. But that only led to burnout and mediocre results. Recently, I had to turn down a side project that I knew would stretch me too thin. It wasn’t easy, especially since it was a good opportunity, but I knew that saying no was necessary to maintain the quality of my work on the main project.

Finally, believing in myself—even when no one else does—is a lesson I’ve had to embrace. There were moments when I doubted myself or felt underestimated, but I reminded myself that confidence doesn’t come from external validation. For example, I could tell some weren’t convinced when pitching a new idea to the team. However, I believed in the concept and worked on refining it until they saw its potential. Eventually, it became a crucial element in our strategy. That taught me the value of trusting my instincts, even when others aren’t immediately on board.

Alright, so before we go we want to ask you to take a moment to reflect and share what you think you would do if you somehow knew you only had a decade of life left?

One of the main challenges I’m currently facing is securing enough funds to organize events and exhibitions for Westborn Collectives independently. This includes everything from booking venues to covering promotional costs, which can add up quickly. Without the financial backing of sponsors, a lot of the burden falls on me and my business partner to either personally finance these activities or get creative with finding resources, which isn’t always sustainable. Juggling all these tasks—finding event locations, negotiating terms, and pitching to sponsors—requires much time and effort. It’s been challenging to consistently find the right partnerships that align with the collective’s vision while staying within a manageable budget.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: westborncollectives
  • Facebook: westborncollectives
  • Other: Founder Instagram: _livingtestimony22

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