Meet Seyan Washoma

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Seyan Washoma a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Seyan , so great to have you with us and we want to jump right into a really important question. In recent years, it’s become so clear that we’re living through a time where so many folks are lacking self-confidence and self-esteem. So, we’d love to hear about your journey and how you developed your self-confidence and self-esteem.

I developed my self-esteem and confidence by reminding myself daily that I am loved and worthy. There was a time when looking in the mirror and affirming that I was beautiful and deserving of good things felt impossible. But even on those tough days, I committed to showing myself compassion and grace, especially after mistakes. Affirmations, journaling, and surrounding myself with supportive people played a huge role in keeping me grounded during this process. One key lesson was learning to embrace my differences, understanding that they are what make each of us unique. We all have something amazing to offer and learn from one another. It’s been a journey, but I’m proud to say that I truly love myself now! I’ve come to appreciate that I’m an interesting, talented individual, and I love seeing others thrive as well.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

I’m passionate about helping others express themselves through creativity. I host sip and paint events, which have become an incredible outlet for people to unwind, explore their artistic side, and connect with others. I started hosting smaller events in 2022, and in February of 2024, I held my first large event, which was an amazing milestone. What excites me most about these events is seeing people step out of their comfort zones and create something they’re proud of. Painting has been my favorite way to release emotions and self-express since I was 3, and now I get to help others discover their own creativity.

Through my brand, Miracles for the Mind, I focus on mental wellness, art therapy, and psychology. I believe in the power of self-expression to heal and bring peace to the mind. My goal is to create a welcoming community where people feel encouraged to take up space and be their authentic selves. In addition to the events, I’ve launched a line of products, including tote bags with positive messages like “You are loved” to remind people of their worth.

We have some exciting upcoming events, and I’m super excited for what’s ahead and can’t wait to keep growing this creative community!

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Looking back, the three qualities that were most impactful in my journey are my background in psychology, my open-mindedness, and my creativity. Being a psychology major and doing my own research outside of school has given me a strong foundation in understanding people and how the mind works. This knowledge has been invaluable, not only in my personal growth but also in the work I do with others.

Being open-minded and willing to learn has allowed me to see that I’m not always right and that there are different perspectives to consider. This mindset has helped me grow by keeping me curious and adaptable.

Lastly, my creativity and writing skills have allowed me to express myself in ways that resonate with others. Whether through painting or writing, I’ve found that creative expression is a powerful tool for self-discovery and connection.

For anyone early in their journey, I’d say: keep learning! Be curious, read widely, and challenge your own viewpoints. It’s important to stay open to growth and new perspectives. Also, nurture your creative side. Whether it’s writing, painting, or any other form of art, creativity helps you tap into parts of yourself that logic alone can’t reach. Lastly, stay dedicated to developing your skills—both the ones you’re passionate about and the ones that will help you thrive in your chosen path.

Thanks so much for sharing all these insights with us today. Before we go, is there a book that’s played in important role in your development?

A book that played a significant role in my development is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book really shifted my perspective and gave me practical wisdom to apply in my daily life. The four agreements themselves are simple yet powerful:

1) Be impeccable with your word – This reminded me of the power of words, not just in how I speak to others but also in how I speak to myself. Choosing kind, honest words can shape your reality in a positive way.

2) Don’t take anything personally – This agreement was life-changing for me. It helped me understand that people’s actions and words often reflect their own realities, not mine. Letting go of the need for external validation has freed me from unnecessary stress.

3) Don’t make assumptions – I realized how often misunderstandings and conflicts arise because we assume things about others without asking for clarity. Now, I focus on clear communication and asking questions when in doubt.

4) Always do your best – This agreement helped me embrace self-compassion. Your best will vary from day to day, and that’s okay. The key is to always give your best effort in the moment, without self-judgment.

These four principles have been game-changers for me in terms of how I approach both personal relationships and my work. They’ve helped me stay grounded and aligned with my values.

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