Meet Ayonna Sullivam

We recently connected with Ayonna Sullivam and have shared our conversation below.

Ayonna , so great to be with you and I think a lot of folks are going to benefit from hearing your story and lessons and wisdom. Imposter Syndrome is something that we know how words to describe, but it’s something that has held people back forever and so we’re really interested to hear about your story and how you overcame imposter syndrome.

There was a time when the loudest voice in my head was filled with negativity about myself. But I made a conscious decision to change that. After reading The Power of the Subconscious Mind, I didn’t even need to finish the book to grasp its message: the mind is incredibly powerful, and training it is key. I began incorporating “I am” statements into my daily routine, affirming my strengths and acknowledging my abilities. I accepted what I was good at and continue to work on it every day.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve known I was an artist. As a child, I was confident in that realization, but as I grew older, I began to feel the weight of society’s expectations, making me question whether art was a realistic career choice. Navigating the challenges of being the only Black teenager in predominantly white spaces, I struggled to find my identity and eventually fell into a dark place mentally. I developed a deep sense of internalized racism, which consumed me for a time.
It wasn’t until I recognized how much this was affecting me that I made a commitment to change. I immersed myself in the writings of James Baldwin and Malcolm X’s autobiography, diving into my culture and developing a sense of pride in where I come from. With this newfound perspective, I began to see the world with a spiritual lens. That journey led to the creation of The Golden Ghetto—a brand that is, at its core, a love letter to my teenage self. It’s dedicated to highlighting the beauty and strength of our culture, transforming negative stereotypes into positive affirmations.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Looking good, having positive energy, being able to communicate, and never losing my love for art have been some of the most impactful aspects of my life. I believe that when you lock in with your intuition, you already know exactly where you need to go, what you should be doing, and who you truly are. Developing a better relationship with yourself is key—once you do that, everything else in your world will thrive.

No matter what field you enter, the noise will eventually get louder. The only way to stay grounded is by ensuring that your own voice is the most affirmed and positive one.

If you knew you only had a decade of life left, how would you spend that decade?

Trying to remain in gratitude while also navigating new feelings of grief and its something that I don’t have any advice on yet. I’m just trying to take it day by day

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Image Credits

justincabreraofficial |kaylakahloart for the painting|

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