Meet Alyssa Probert

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Alyssa Probert. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Hi Alyssa, so happy to have you on the platform and I think our readers are in for a treat because you’ve got such an interesting story and so much insight and wisdom. So, let’s start with a topic that is relevant to everyone, regardless of industry etc. What do you do for self-care and how has it impacted you?

Self-care is a critical component of maintaining my effectiveness, both personally and professionally. For me, it starts with creating a healthy work-life balance. By setting clear boundaries between work and personal time, I ensure I have space to recharge and stay grounded. Surrounding myself with people who contribute positively to my life is another key aspect; these relationships not only bring joy but also provide a sounding board when I’m struggling, offering fresh perspectives and emotional support.

I also make time for physical activity as part of my self-care routine. Moving my body, whether through yoga, lifting weights, or walking my dogs, helps me stay present and reduce stress. My dogs play a big role in my self-care—they remind me to slow down, be in the moment, and enjoy the simple things in life. Finally, I find solace in listening to music, which helps me reset mentally and emotionally. Altogether, these practices help me stay focused, refreshed, and better able to perform at my best in my professional role.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

I’m Alyssa, the founder of Point North Therapeutic Services, a trauma-informed and queer-owned and operated practice that works with folks from all walks of life. With a background in mental health and social work, I’ve spent the last decade helping clients manage anxiety, depression, trauma, and explore their identities. What excites me most about this work is creating a space where people feel safe and heard, allowing them to explore difficult emotions or transitions in a way that feels authentic and empowering.

At Point North Therapy, we’re dedicated to meeting clients where they are. Whether we’re helping individuals through everyday stressors or more complex issues related to trauma, we take a personalized, holistic approach. We’ve recently grown, expanding our team to include two new therapists, Richard and Delilah. Richard brings his passion for working with foster and adoptive populations and experience with children and adults, while Delilah specializes in working with adults and perinatal mental health. This expansion has been incredibly rewarding, as it has allowed us to reach more people and offer a wider range of services.

As Point North Therapy has grown, I’ve discovered new passions outside of direct therapy work. I’m enjoying community outreach, building connections with local businesses, hospitals, and clinics. These relationships are fulfilling and vital for providing our clients with a comprehensive support system. It’s exciting to collaborate with others who share our commitment to improving mental health and well-being! These connections not only benefit our clients but also enrich the work we do at Point North Therapy. We’re excited to continue supporting people on their journeys toward healing and self-discovery!

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

The three qualities that were most impactful in my journey have been empathy, adaptability, and the ability to build strong relationships. First, empathy has been crucial, as it allows me to truly understand and connect with others on a deeper level, which is essential in both mental health work, working with other professionals, and community outreach. Second, adaptability has been key as I’ve navigated growth and changes in my practice, expanded our team, and explored new roles, like community outreach. Finally, building strong relationships, personally and professionally, has helped me create a support network that enriches the work I do.

For those early in their journey, my advice is to focus on cultivating these skills through experience and reflection. Seeking feedback from those you work with—whether clients, employees, or peers—is vital for building empathy and understanding where you can grow. Adaptability comes from embracing new challenges and being open to change, even when it’s uncomfortable. Often, growth comes from difficult experiences, and you might be surprised at what you can achieve when these opportunities or adversities arise! When it comes to building relationships, invest time in forming genuine connections, both professionally and personally. Strong, authentic relationships will be invaluable, supporting you in ways you may not anticipate as you move forward in your career.

We’ve all got limited resources, time, energy, focus etc – so if you had to choose between going all in on your strengths or working on areas where you aren’t as strong, what would you choose?

I think it’s essential to strike a balance between leveraging your strengths and improving areas where you’re not as strong. Playing to your strengths allows you to shine and make a significant impact where you naturally excel. However, working on weaker areas is also important for personal growth and becoming more versatile in your career.

For instance, at Point North Therapeutic Services, my strengths in empathy and relationship-building have been vital in creating a supportive environment for clients and expanding our team. These skills have helped me excel and make a real difference. However, I’ve also needed to focus on areas where I was less confident, such as community outreach and leadership. Improving my leadership skills involved learning how to ensure that my team feels heard and well-supported, which is crucial for maintaining a positive and effective work environment.

When we began growing our team, I realized the importance of getting better at connecting with the community and building relationships with local businesses and hospitals. This effort not only expanded my skill set but also aligned with my mission to help people and create a safe, supportive space. After all, people won’t know about your work or your mission until you put yourself out there. Engaging with the community has helped raise awareness about what we do and strengthen our support network, benefiting our clients.

So, while focusing on your strengths is important, don’t overlook the value of working on your weaker areas. Finding this balance helps you grow, be more effective in your career, and advance your mission, all while ensuring your team feels valued and supported.

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