Meet Andres Carbajal

We recently connected with Andres Carbajal and have shared our conversation below.

Andres, sincerely appreciate your selflessness in agreeing to discuss your mental health journey and how you overcame and persisted despite the challenges. Please share with our readers how you overcame. For readers, please note this is not medical advice, we are not doctors, you should always consult professionals for advice and that this is merely one person sharing their story and experience.

Well for me, I had to swallow my pride and asked for help. I was going through a rough period where I felt overwhelmed, constantly worried about what others thought of me, sudden mood swings, and felt that I wasn’t recognized at work for my work and experience. Then, I lost 2 significant loved ones, within a year.
You can never prepare you can prepare yourself for any situation like that. I left my job due to the stress and emotions I was under. I didn’t understand why I worried about everything around me or why felt cornered in this world. I turned to Isolating myself and drinking heavily. When the depression and constant drinking took effect on me medically, I had stepped out of my comfort zone and reached out to my family and friends and explained to them about my anxiety, depression and addiction issues with alcohol. Which they took me to seeking medical help and therapy.
Rehab and Therapy guided me to sort everything I was feeling and thinking. Men shell their emotions inside and can suffer in silence. It’s OK to seek help when everything feels like it’s collapsing around you, your no lesser of a man, or person.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

I am a proud Mexican-American, from Plainfield, IL. I make scented candles, and I am the proud owner of Buho Candle Company. Candles sparked a light in a dark world I was in. It led me to succeed happily in life.

I was feeling stuck and really needing something new and exciting in my life. So, I decided to take on a challenge and do something that I’m really passionate about. I’ve always loved art and making things with my hands. One day, I found myself going down a rabbit hole online, spending the whole days researching and learning about the science of making candles. It may sound a bit weird, but I ended up getting into making my own candles at home. It turned into a really therapeutic hobby for me, teaching me the value of patience and time.

As I got more into making candles, I decided to incorporate my Mexican heritage into the scents by blending oils to create familiar Mexican aromas. The positive feedback for my candles gave me the push to start my own candle company, selling them online and at local events and markets.

As a newbie in the business world, I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone. I had never really even been to a farmers’ market until I started selling candles. But I’ve found it’s a great way to meet new people and socialize. Most importantly, I’ve found my true passion. Candle making has gone from a hobby to my full-on career.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

My vision in art. Aside from candles, I enjoy art. Creating and learning all about art. I had some really amazing art teacher in high school and I learned from them “The Principals of Art” Balancing, motion, pattern, texture, etc. I really incorporate this my business visually. I use theses principals in labeling my candles. marketing online all the visuals for my business are done by me. I am adapting everyday to using all these new digital programs out now and the change of marketing to social media platforms. Overall, my artistic vision and knowledge have been an important quality.

What’s been one of your main areas of growth this year?

Myself. I’ve discovered the tools I need, such as therapy, to maintain my mental well-being and guide myself on a clearer path. My personal growth is evident in my business and my relationships with those around me.

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Image Credits

Natalie Carbajal-Esquivel

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