Meet Arion Vanzego

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Arion Vanzego a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Arion, so excited to talk about all sorts of important topics with you today. The first one we want to jump into is about being the only one in the room – for some that’s being the only person of color or the only non-native English speaker or the only non-MBA, etc Can you talk to us about how you have managed to be successful even when you were the only one in the room that looked like you?

One important tool I have gradually learned to use prominently over the course of my life so far is the ability to learn from anyone in any setting that I am in. I believe this tool is vital to everyday endeavors we go through. I have seen how important this is before I even started my artistic journey. I can admit I often catch myself “people-watching” in open settings. Watching peoples’ mannerisms, body language, looking at their appearance from their outfit to hair style, just from the observation of human interaction alone I can learn so much or just gain a perspective on my viewpoint. I learn everyday from my peers, elders, even from children and babies. Children specifically are so interesting to me the way their minds work. The idea of having an imagination is so precious to me, something that makes humans special and how beautiful our minds are, is truly a blessing. I get reminded of how vital it is to live life through the lens of a child at times and keeping your imagination alive even during adulthood. I have realized with majority of adults, they have adapted so much to reality and having responsibilities such as having a family, job, bills to pay, maintaining their health, etc., that they lose the feeling of having creative freedom as they get older until they most likely retire. It’s sometimes saddening to see people crave for opportunity to be able to spark their creative drive again while you see a child whose full of it but has no idea what’s next to come in life. Understanding this almost cycle of life, has been one of the main influences for what I do now. My business, Flourish Productions, is a marketing firm that serves as a platform for creatives and businesses to flourish. My main slogan is D2R, which stands for dreams to reality. Every dream or aspiration we have we should treat as a seed that we nourish and develop so it can blossom to its full potential.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I am DJ Flugazy, and creator of Flourish Productions. I officially started DJing August of 2023, when I decided I wanted to tie in my childhood love of making music with the current work I was doing under Flourish. Since I started DJing, I’ve done live sets for artists and events/shows but I mainly collaborate with artists to create music. My formula has been helping the artist create, using their sound and vision with my creative direction to produce a track or project that is marketable for streaming services and other platforms. Flourish Productions mainly deals with the marketing side of the music. Flourish has specialized in photography, videography, and digital media working directly with creatives and businesses since its birth, February 2020.

One main goal of mine set to be started in the near future, is to began to focus on producing and engineering music and becoming a musician to expand my opportunities to work with more artists and build more connections as a DJ.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

The first 3 qualities that instantly come to mind are faith, dedication, and discipline. Growing up in the church, those are qualities I have learned to keep with me as I continue to grow under God and has been imbedded into almost every aspect of life you can think of. I believe whatever motivates and drives you is because of those qualities that allow to keep going in life. You can almost think about it as you could envision the thought process when you get behind the wheel of the car when you are in need to get from A to B. Dedication is what guided you to get into the car with the mindset of taking care whatever needs to be done. Your discipline is when you follow the road laws such as having your seat belt on, driving the speed limit , not endangering other drivers on their course, ultimately, staying focused to the real goal. Lastly, having faith is vital when you do everything in your control right and don’t stress over the things you can’t control. Even if something doesn’t go as planned during your journey, faith ensures you know will reach your goal regardless of mishaps that come in your way.

Looking back over the past 12 months or so, what do you think has been your biggest area of improvement or growth?

The last 12 months for me have been so energizing and full of childhood nostalgia for me. This past year or so, I have started my DJing journey and it’s constantly feels like a flashback of my love since a child, making music. I played trumpet, piano, and percussion early on until I attended middle school. Years later, I’m now working with artists to create music with me gradually getting into producing and engineering. I genuinely can’t wait to see what the future holds.

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