Meet Babi

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Babi. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Hi Babi, so excited to have you with us today, particularly to get your insight on a topic that comes up constantly in the community – overcoming creativity blocks. Any thoughts you can share with us?

This is such a common topic on artists conversations, and we mostly talk about the negative of it. Early this year I decided to take a different approach, whenever I get stuck on a chord, a melody, a line or simply a sound, I take it as moment to break the pattern, like the spirit is telling me to go a different route, as crazy as it might look.
At the end of the day, we’re constantly experimenting, people don’t know the amount of time producers spend on finding the right snare lol it can be 1 hour and then, you make the whole song in 15 minutes.
They used to tell me don’t think about it, which I struggle a lot with because I overthink everything, and when it comes to creating, you go through a whole thought process that takes you to many different routes. But it wasn’t until recently that I got it, it’s not the thinking, it’s the listening. I focus on listening, let the spirit tell me what’s next and go for it without thinking.
Now I’d say creativity blocks is more ears block.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I wonder constantly at my role as an artist, I started as a sound engineer, mostly recording sessions, but even then, I was stepping into the producer role. But not only on the creative phase, which is my favorite, but also on the marketing and business stages of a music project. This happened naturally, and since I noticed Independent Artists lack knowledge and guidance on these aspects of their careers, I decided to learn about it and make it accessible and easier for them.
Honestly, I’m tired of seeing amazing talent struggling to grow, not being able to sustain themselves and their family with their beautiful work. That’s why the Pro Independent Artist Blueprint became my signature product; it’s an online course with 4 modules, that provide artists with knowledge, templates, docs, sheets and all kind of resources for artists to build a professional and profitable music career, with limited budget, resources and small or even no team.
Right now, this course is available on my website, as well as my beats catalog and mix&master deals.
It’s been a nurturing experience, to be able to bring value to the community and hopefully I get to do more.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Well, I don’t know if in 10 years from today I find other more important skills, but right now I would say Resilience, Confidence and Listening have been key in my journey.
You need to be able to stand back up every time you fall, and to keep going knowing that you might fall again.
Also, believing in yourself is so cliche but so true, I could talk more about this one but I will only say, believe you deserve to be in that big room, just like any other.
Last but not least, learn to listen, just like I said before about listening to what the song is asking from you, learn to listen to your instincts, trust that weird feeling you might get from a certain person or situation.
Just to give a bonus, practice your craft, take time every week to work on your lyrics, beats, arrangements, harmonies, melodies, content, etc.

Tell us what your ideal client would be like?

From my experience, the best artists to work with are the ones who take their craft as a profession, because one thing is to be an artist and another is to have a career as an artist.
Like they say, “take it seriously”, because you could be doing open mics right now, but if you’re working on how to go from there to paid gigs, that makes you part of the industry. The ideal artist to work with, is the one that is looking to build a high quality catalog, develop a brand and learn the music business to be able to leave their 9 to 5 and live their purpose as artists.

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Image Credits

Damion @ramndose

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