Meet Christopher Oliver

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Christopher Oliver a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Christopher, we’re so appreciative of you taking the time to share your nuggets of wisdom with our community. One of the topics we think is most important for folks looking to level up their lives is building up their self-confidence and self-esteem. Can you share how you developed your confidence?

Good fear, what I had to learn was the path with the least resistance is traveled by many; it’s what you call a beaten path. It has been trailblazed. But the path with the most resistance is the one that few have taken, but this one, my friend, is the one with the most opportunity because it also has fewer steps. Don’t go where the trail has been blazed but go where there is no trail and leave it trailblazed. I Trusted God to lead me in my decision-making. I decided that listening to the thing that gives me direction was more important than listening to man’s opinion on my situation. In the right spirit, I trust the Spirit to guide me in the right opportunities. I ultimately stopped making decisions based on how I felt and made decisions based on what’s the best possible outcome for my life. Remember, out of the mind comes the reality of your life. We all have value in our life embedded in our responsibility by how we think. Life is a big negotiation of the rational thinking that causes us to feel stretched apart. You feel torn between what you are called to do or that flash of vision your mind often shows you versus what you want to do. The craving for what you have to leave behind versus what your future holds in front of you. Some people are led to teach but also crave the attention of the students; some are called to be solo but crave the group. You try to fit in with everyone else in the world, but you were meant to be alone to learn, adapt, and adjust. And that’s what helped me develop taking the lonely route.

Thanks for sharing that. So, before we get any further into our conversation, can you tell our readers a bit about yourself and what you’re working on?

My name is Christopher Oliver, better known as Jolly B the Trainer. I am a prominent figure in the fitness and mental health field in Baltimore, Maryland.

Ex Professional Athlete After my football career, I turned to education and taught History at Silver Oak Academy in WestMinister, Maryland. However, my passion for mental health illness lead me to fitness and led me to pursue a career in this field.

I became a Master Trainer and Nutritionist, utilizing my knowledge and expertise to help individuals achieve their fitness goals. My dedication to promoting overall well-being led him to venture into the field of mental health. I became a Certified Life Coach and Counselor, specializing in helping individuals combat depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia, ADD, ADHD, PTSD, and Substance Abuse.

In November 2019, i opened Innergy Transformation Studio, a 12-month program that utilizes fitness as a tool to address mental health challenges. Through this program, i have made a significant impact in the Baltimore community, offering support and guidance to adults, children, and the homeless population.

I have been highly regarded and recognized as Baltimore’s favorite trainer due to my commitment to improving the lives of others through physical and mental wellness. I am also the Author of the Book Entitled (Post Workout: Understanding purpose through the power of self reflection) my community activities and dedication to making a positive difference have solidified his reputation as an influential figure in Baltimore, Maryland.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

In the heart of struggle, where shadows play, Dedication sparks like dawn’s first ray.
Resilience builds a bridge through stormy seas, Creativity dances, whispering with ease. You have to have an unwavering commitment. To know your hard work is truly valued and appreciated..

Remember, our role as motivators is to inspire and uplift the community , encouraging them to continue their incredible work in making a difference in the lives of each other.

As I look back on a numerous amount of events that took place in my life I realize a person doesn’t know that, Every moment of his life he is building a step on a ladder in his life. These moments in life creates the scenery that projects the lessons and create opportunities to exercise your philosophy.

This allows opportunity for you to make a decisions for success, time, and seasons. The law of a season is that in order for a person to to see this Step he must identify with himself and within himself the roots of his beliefs.

Through the power of reflection. In most cases these are some of the most challenging times in that persons life. On this ladder you’re either stuck in a place in which you cannot move any further or you are moving up the ladder in your life while repairing old ladder steps.

As we end our chat, is there a book you can leave people with that’s been meaningful to you and your development?

As a Man Thinks by James Allen

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: @jollyb_the_trainer
  • Youtube: @jollyb_the_trainer

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