Meet Deborah Missy Scott

We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Deborah Missy Scott a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Deborah Missy, thank you so much for opening up with us about some important, but sometimes personal topics. One that really matters to us is overcoming Imposter Syndrome because we’ve seen how so many people are held back in life because of this and so we’d really appreciate hearing about how you overcame Imposter Syndrome.

I overcame imposter syndrome by showing up and doing the work, regardless of the spaces I was in or the doubts I faced. From being the only person who looked like me in elementary school, to stepping into male-dominated college classes and corporate environments, I always had to push past the stereotypes and preconceived notions others had of me—and the ones I had of myself.
Each time I entered a new space, I did so with a humble mindset, knowing I had much to learn. I did more listening than talking and showed up even when I didn’t feel like it because I knew growth would follow. Over time, I realized that the power to overcome wasn’t in being perfect, but in persisting. I reminded myself of how far I’d come, that I had everything I needed to succeed. The more I committed to doing the work and pushing beyond my comfort zone, the quieter the self-doubt became. The real victory is that regardless of the outcome, every experience makes you better, win or lose. Think about what you have and not what you don’t. That’s how imposter syndrome loses its power.
As I always say, never give up—remember, you are BOUNDLESS.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

I am a pageant coach, life coach, and public speaking coach, dedicated to helping individuals build confidence, set goals, and achieve their dreams. I’ve had the privilege of working with clients from diverse backgrounds and age groups, guiding them toward success both on stage and in life. Alongside coaching, I’m a signed actress, having appeared in student films, commercials, and written skits for a local TV show. I also share my journey through my YouTube channel and am the author of the children’s book *I Am Boundless*, which inspires young readers to embrace their limitless potential. I’m passionate about empowering others, and I absolutely love what I do.
I provide customized coaching, both virtually and in-person, designed to fit each client’s individual needs. All new clients begin with a Discovery Session to establish clarity, and create a roadmap with well-defined, achievable goals. This ensures that every session is focused and tailored to their personal journey.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

Willingness To Bet On Myself
Willingness To Learn
Drive To Be Better, Not Just For Myself, For Others As Well

I encourage others to recognize that they are their greatest asset and not to be swayed by distractions like material possessions or misleading messages that cause one to believe otherwise.
You are worthy and capable.
When you embrace this mindset and commit to the qualities I’ve outlined above, you may be amazed at what you can achieve with dedication and the right focus.

Who is your ideal client or what sort of characteristics would make someone an ideal client for you?

The only requirement I have for my clients is a strong sense of determination. It’s the key quality that drives you to practice when you’re tired, push through frustration, and keep going even when it’s difficult. Determination leads to growth and lasting change. That’s why I begin with a Discovery Session for every new client—to uncover whether they have that inner drive. For with determination, everything else will fall into place.

Contact Info:

Image Credits

Havery Studios
Machiko Studios

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