Meet Emmalee Babcock

We were lucky to catch up with Emmalee Babcock recently and have shared our conversation below.

EmmaLee, so excited to have you with us today. So much we can chat about, but one of the questions we are most interested in is how you have managed to keep your creativity alive.

I take immense joy in getting to see the way other photographers and creatives work- whether they’re in the wedding industry or outside of it. Working alongside many vendors and new photographers this year has shown me new ways I can operate or create new paths for myself inspired by them. I adore teaming up with local vendors to put on fun styled shoots, as well as associating with or second shooting for photographers based in and out of my area to lean on each other and help brainstorm new ways we can be creative and fresh for our clients. I love seeing splashes of light and swaths of many colors in new ways every day. From the nature freely available to us to other human’s ways of expressing their creativity- it definitely doesn’t only belong to me and I think that’s what makes art so special. We can all see the same exact piece of art and think a thousand different things of it. Collaborating and playing with other creatives 100% keeps me fresh and helps my creativity stay alive.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

I’m based in the gorgeous state of Colorado and am always inspired by our expansive landscapes and nature trails. We take so much of it for granted here and I count myself immensely blessed to be able to create in this state.

I found my drive and purpose in couples and wedding photography a few years ago. I’d always been a lover of romantic stories and being able to show real life romances in different ways jumped out at me at my very first couples shoot. Some of my friends from high school had just gotten engaged and I asked them to model for me- I absolutely loved shooting with them but as soon as I got to my car a HUGE rush of emotions just hit me all at once. I could see genuine love through my lens and in that moment I realized it was basically all I wanted to do- whether it was adventure engagement sessions in the mountains or in one of my couples homes years later, getting to see them become parents in such an amazing full-circle journey. Seeing humans love each other is one of my greatest drives and finding my purpose in showing them what that love looks like in pictures- that’s an amazing high I can’t begin to explain.

All of our moments, from big to small, are worthy of the stories they tell and the place they hold in our hearts. I adore being alongside my couples on their wedding days and being a small part of that journey with them. In 2025 we are off to new states and gorgeous places to tell these stories and I can’t wait to celebrate with them. Creating and capturing magic on big celebration days and quiet ones at home is such an honor and I can’t wait to see where we all end up in the future.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

I think growing up feeling like a Weird Kid or the odd one out, I am ever amazed at the differences so many of us hold in the world. I tried for an embarrassingly long time to fit in, to work or think the ways I saw others do, and that just drives you to exhaustion. Embracing differences and being okay, more than okay with being the weird one has helped me accept who I am and in turn connect with my couples and clients. Not everything has to be done by the book, to the dot of the timeline, or precisely how we’re fed on social media. Jumping out of those boxes we put ourselves in creates opportunities of boundless expansion and exploration.

While I think it’s good and healthy to see what others are doing and try out new ways of doing what you like from that, it’s more important to stay true to yourself and your heart. I like to think I can be an ear to listen in those moments and always want to be able to offer kind words of advice. We are all JUST human and that’s what leaves room for us all to be different.

Any advice for folks feeling overwhelmed?

It’s incredibly important to have ideas and activities lined up when you feel overwhelmed or not quite like yourself. Having a peer who can listen to your concerns about life or business, a mentor who can offer advice, or even a group to meet up with to let off steam is a great way to remind yourself it’s not always that serious and 99% of the time there’s a solution we can’t always see right in front of us.

Keeping calming activities to do in a busy or overwhelming season is just as important. I like to decompress by learning new recipes, coloring, making crochet dolls or blankets, or video gaming with my family or boyfriend. Even if you’re not into ‘cozy activities’ I think it’s a good idea to have some backup plans for quiet things to do and focus on when it all feels too much.

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Image Credits

Florals IG @wyldrootsfloral
Model IG @mavva_

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