Meet Forever Foy


We were lucky to catch up with Forever Foy recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Forever, thanks for sharing your insights with our community today. Part of your success, no doubt, is due to your work ethic and so we’d love if you could open up about where you got your work ethic from?

My work ethic without a doubt comes from my late father “Butch” that man would have me up at 5-6 AM in the morning. Only kid on the whole block shoveling snow, raking leaves and cutting grass. All my friends was playing and having a good time. I watched that man my whole life do everything himself. No hell from nobody. Very few times. Can I recall my Father paying or having someone else do something? I’m talking about from rebuilding his motorcycles to projects around the house. That man always figured out a way and done it his self. Watched My Father get up and go to work. Every single day without any complaint took care of his family took care of my grandmother and took life in stride. rolled with the punches and kept moving forward. So as far as work ethic, it was instilled in me early early and that created my work ethic

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

Born and raised on the west side of Detroit, I’ve always been a huge hip-hop fan and supporter of the culture from a early early age. You couldn’t tell me I wasn’t one of those Wu-Tang soldiers backed then. I had braids, The wallabies always kept a bookbag on lol. Always loved the culture and music as a whole. I grew up with my mama cleaning the whole house on the weekend and blasting every single Motown record, Every hit from that time on repeat so it’s embedded in your brain. Good music is embedded in your soul. early. I didn’t start making music myself until after high school my oldest brother was a musician and he played everything. guitar piano drums. He was one of those type of people that just could touch an instrument and just learn it. He used record his self back then LIVE in his apartment living dawg. The boy was cold wit it. Him and my cousin. Cous did Jazz and played guitar and bro was R&B slash hiphop. It’s a lot of talented musicians on my mothers side of the family. so growing up under there shadow I always had the advantage cause I was surrounded by hardworking, talent family. I didn’t really start taking music serious and writing until I got noticed about homeboy that I went to grade school with and he was in a group from my neighborhood that was well known on the Detroit scene Around that time in the early 2000s. I linked up with them and we started making little mixtapes. The group already had a buzz going. They had I think three or four albums out at the time so when I came on board, everything was pretty much established. I was on the last album and that was my first and last project with them. Once the group sort of dismantled after that album. The music stopped, everybody was doing their own thing and nobody was making music no more, life took over. So after that, I was doing mixtapes, but I wasn’t releasing any of the music, just around the neighborhood. still didn’t have any support from anybody that I was around at that time other than my old man and we didn’t have a budget so I stopped doing music and life took over. I ended up stop doing music for probably about 10 years just venturing into other things and figuring life out. then I lost both of my parents untimely to cancer and heart failure in 2020 three weeks apart from one another. And that just destroyed me. My Father was literally my biggest fan he bought all my studio equipment for me to record in the house. He played all my music to everybody and gaf “they was gonna listen “ lol. We were extremely close so when I lost both of them back to back like that smh. I still deal with it every day to this day thats my motivation to keep going. My old man always ended every conversation with “ keep moving forward” and I live by that. I went through a really, really really deep dark depressive time for years with no support from family. All the friends I had disappeared. That was a really, really a tough time and music was my saving grace so that’s what I went back to, the one thing I knew I could talk too and get this pain off my chest and outta my head. Music has and will always be my therapy and I lost that for so long I forgot how incredible I feel creating music and performing and everything that comes with creating music man. Fell back in love with music the creative process everything. I am music. Fast-forward to three years later 3 albums, 1 collaboration EP project and plenty of singles. We just gonna keep creating great music. I’m currently working on my new album entitled “not as planned” OTW. This will be my fourth project. really eager to drop this project man. This project is so so dope features one of my biggest hits today “blowing in a Lambo”. Family/fans love that song and I love that they love that song and I love performing that song lol. God is good man, a lot of new stuff coming up and in the works. I think I’ve done 10 to 15 features in the last two months so all of that will be rolling out my crew “the Cypher Society” we are just growing tremendously every day on YouTube, TikTok and IG. Just a collective of super talented and dope mcs that come together like voltron to create some musical magic. Check us out on YouTube. Right now its all about the timing and right now is my time. The work is being done. Im just having fun wit it and grinding every single day til we get there. Forever! who ain’t!!

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Quality skills or areas of knowledge I would say you have to be dedicated to your craft no excuses whatsoever ( if you actually wanna get heard). NO EGO. get out there get your music heARD, perform, open mic anybody that will listen. cause ain’t nobody gonna come knock on your door and do it for you

2 how far you getting this music and your outcome is what you put into it. Use you income to create your outcome.

3 have thick skin
! music is subjective. Everybody is not gonna like your music. I guarantee it and that’s OK. You have to be OK with people that are not your crowd crowding your space.

If you’re relying on your family or friends to help you in any way shape form or fashion you’ve already lost. Its your dream! now if they’re helping you terrific but if you’re banking on your moves or your music, getting heard by the support of other people that should be the last of your focus on what you need to do and get that music heard. the people you want to hear your music Will coming and they will support you, the people that want to see you succeed will help you succeed know that. patience is huge!

And lastly, I would say music is art. Be free. Never ever give up on yourself. Sound like YOU. Create your own lane and stay true to the music you create, because one thing for sure and two things for certain if you give up on your dreams, it will never happen. Keep going!

Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?

Our main focus is growth. building this brand. networking with like-minded companies and like-minded creators/mcs. Collaborating with all genres I’m trying to challenge myself ha ha but on a serious note looking to collaborate with great artist locally and nationwide looking forward to building some great long lasting relationships. Any local artist looking to work you can email me or DM on IG @Forever.Foy looking to start doing do podcast. Interviews shoots whatever so if anybody ready to book a brother tap in. count me in let’s work. Follow me on all social media. Follow the YouTube page support the brand. New album “ Not as Planned” coming soon. “ Blowing in a Lambo streaming everywhere. To book me for an event performance, tap in. WHO AINT?

Contact Info:

Image Credits

Forever Foy
Alexander Goodhand
Logan Muncy

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