Meet Jasmine Neely

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Jasmine Neely. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Jasmine below.

Hi Jasmine, so great to have you on the platform. There’s so much we want to ask you, but let’s start with the topic of self-care. Do you do anything for self-care and if so, do you think it’s had a meaningful impact on your effectiveness?

For me, working out is the best self-care hack. I love to lift weights because it makes me feel strong, it makes me feel accomplished and it is a reminder that I can do hard things. I don’t always feel “in the mood” to lift heavy weights, but when I do, I often feel so proud that I could give my body the love that it deserves. However, with working out, also comes rest, so it’s important to take a day or a few days off. That’s where the magic happens because you can come back even stronger.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

I have a dance blog and dance coaching business aimed at helping aspiring dancers gain the confidence to make a college or pro dance team. I have been dancing for the majority of my life and I absolutely love performing. It lights me up in ways that nothing else has. I have been blessed to be on stages with other talented teammates, friends and professionals and want to give others the opportunity to perform like I have. My brand is all about authenticity. A lot of times, pro dance gives off perfection and the illusion that they have it all together. I think what makes the best teams thrive are the willingness of said team to show its flaws and imperfections. We aim to build a community of dancers who can learn from each other, win in life, perform to the best of their ability and most importantly become better human beings by treating themselves with grace and respect and constantly working toward their highest self.

I have The Professional Cheerleader Membership, which includes virtual and in-person classes for 6 months. It’s the most consistent way to train week in and week out. I am starting a written blog to compliment my podcast, The ImPerfect Cheerleader and my Instagram and TikTok pages. I also hired a registered dietitian advisor who can advise aspiring pros on he best options to fuel their bodies and myths to watch out for in aesthetic-based sports.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Tenacity, confidence and courage.

Having a brand and the behind the scenes of everything that goes into having a brand is not easy at all. I knew that if I started this, I would have to stick with it and at least try. I was determined to help as many dancers as possible because I knew what it felt like to not know where to start, even with tons of dance experience! My advice to people who are early in their journey is to tune out all of the noise, stay true to who you are and don’t just jump on to what everyone else is doing. Find ways to make it your own, and most of all, make it fun. If you are not having fun with what you are doing it’s going to be very hard to sustain it. Lastly, if an opportunity comes your way, say yes. Say yes to everything because when you are just starting out you have nothing to lose. That’s when you can take the biggest risks.

What was the most impactful thing your parents did for you?

The most impactful thing my parents did for me was to tell me that I can do anything I put my mind to. I would say the craziest things sometimes and my mom was always the parent saying “you go girl.” My dad would be just as supportive. Having my parents utter these words constantly as a kid and even in my adult life has done so much for me. To this day, it takes me back to my kid self, dreaming big, thinking of who I’d become as an adult one day and finding the opportunities to continue dreaming like I did as a little girl. I owe so much to my parents for believing in me no matter what it was I set out to do. If they are reading this, thank you!

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Image Credits

Michael J Wilson Photography
Melissa Melvin-Rodriguez Photography
Christopher Divens

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