Meet Jordan Allen

We recently connected with Jordan Allen and have shared our conversation below.

Jordan, so great to be with you and I think a lot of folks are going to benefit from hearing your story and lessons and wisdom. Imposter Syndrome is something that we know how words to describe, but it’s something that has held people back forever and so we’re really interested to hear about your story and how you overcame imposter syndrome.

There is no single cause for “Imposter Syndrome”. I personally think “Imposter Syndrome” is from the voices others have planted in your head. How do I overcome it? By reminding myself I deserve to be where I am because of my own efforts. One of the best ways to get over negative self tihnking is to challenge it with the evidence. If the negative thought of say me “not deserving of x & y acknowledgemet” I just remind myself of my prior accomplishments. Past accomplishments no matter how big or small is the evidence you need to challenge any negative self talk.
Negative self talk is the result of someone else – your parents, classmates, etc feeding you that negativity. It’s not you.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

I am a professional magician. I also happen to be Neurodivergent – more specifically ADHD & Autism Spectrum. I use my magic to tell my story – the good & the bad. I have learned to be come more bold and vulnerable with my story through the magic that I perform. I tour, perform at weddings, corporate functions & adult birthdays even. While I tell my story I hope it helps others to become more open & honest with themselves & their own individual story. Feel free to follow & get to know me more on Facebook, TikTok & Instagram at @270magic.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Persistence, out of the box thinking & learning to be more vulnerable. If you cave and wave the white flag after defeat you will never win. To creat value you need to solve problems and think outside the box – being a magician isn’t about the tricks – its about finding ways to adapt to the needs, leverage to those needs to fix a problem or perceived problem clients may have. that requires out of the box thinking. Finally, if you are not a good story teller you have nothing to sell – story is what makes a magic act fascinating and the truth is often times more fascinating than fiction. Most people are not vulnerable or honest about themselves to themselves or others. I personally think this makes for terrible communication.

Okay, so before we go we always love to ask if you are looking for folks to partner or collaborate with?

I have learned everyone knows something. Whether you are a magician or not – there are ways you & I can help.. Collaboration or partnerships don’t have to be within the industry. At my run in the Fringe Circuit – I always try to cross promote other acts shows even if they don’t directly relate to mine. That often leads to mutual benefits and returned favors.
Now while I see value in cross-discipline cooperation – I do think the person has to be right. I am cautious who I attach myself to because there are some performers out there that are not that great of a person to be around. I want someone that can not only respect what I do but also respect what they do and treat my audience with respect as I treat theirs with that. Collaboration needs to happen with the understanding of shared interest & goals.

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