Meet Lauren Lopriore

We were lucky to catch up with Lauren Lopriore recently and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Lauren, so happy to have you on the platform and I think our readers are in for a treat because you’ve got such an interesting story and so much insight and wisdom. So, let’s start with a topic that is relevant to everyone, regardless of industry etc. What do you do for self-care and how has it impacted you?

Self care wasn’t something that came up in conversations with parents, friends or doctors. Then one day I was diagnosed with breast cancer and I started hearing the words everywhere. Why didn’t I know about self care? It took my health to get flipped upside down to learn about self care. Little by little I learned that self care included walking, eating well, getting a good night sleep, communicating and not avoiding situations. Was I taking care of myself? I decided in college to start eating organic. It wasn’t easy with the cost and accessibility, but if eggs and milk were available in organic I purchased these items and any additional goods I could. I walked everywhere. I lived in New York City for 7 years and downtown Chicago for 7 years, two cities with great walkability. I did yoga too. It was actually this practice that I would find the lumps, later diagnosed as stage 3 breast cancer. So what did self-care mean if it wasn’t what I was already doing. I read “Taking some time to walk, just for the sake of walking, and without thinking too much about where you’re going or why, can be an act of self-care.” I was doing a lot of self care physically, but I learned that it’s more than that. To truly benefit your body, self care needs to include putting your whole self, body, mind and soul. What was my mental state, what was the health of my gut and what were the things I was putting in and on my body?

Eight years ago, I was advised to keep my stress levels down to lessen the risk of my cancer coming back. I laughed at this statement thinking there is no way I’m going to keep my stress levels down after being diagnosed with breast cancer, going through treatment and now in survivorship. There were no suggestions provided from my team of doctors of how to lower my stress levels. I was just supposed to do it. I left my survivorship meeting after completing a year of cancer treatment including chemotherapy, radiation, breast surgery and reconstruction with so many feelings. I was happy, scared, overwhelmed, exhausted, anxious, lonely and well the list could go on. I was thrown back into the world trying to figure how to live a “normal” life. My hair was growing back, my body was healing and scarring and my mind accepting the changes and the complexity of everything that I had just experienced. I started working in the office again, after working full time from home, and felt like I was an outsider. I tried to get excited about going back to doing activities and trying new things, but it was a tough road ahead. It felt like I had been bulldozed flat, but because I popped back up like a punching back and there were no external scars everyone thought I was looking and feeling great. Stress levels were at bay, but how long would they stay that way. What would have been nice to hear was to focus on my wellness, my self care.

It wasn’t until two years ago that I really dug into the words self care. I’m still learning what these words mean. Self, “one’s own person” or “ your consciousness of your own.” Care, “the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something” or “ look after and provide for the needs of.” Getting regular exercise and eating healthy were a part of self care, but what was I doing for these areas all together; physical, psychological, emotional, social, professional, environmental, spiritual, and financial. I had no idea how important emotional, social, professional, environmental, spiritual and financial parts of my life could impact my everyday life. Yes we all want to have a good job and we all want to be good friends, but if they aren’t serving you and they are adding negative energy to your life then something needs to change. Around the time of my diagnosis, I remember seeing “self-care,” “meditation,” “mindfulness,” “wellness” showing up in articles and in books and hearing these words in conversations as well. I did yoga so I had to know what wellness was all about, right? I most definitely did not! Wellness was only beginning to show its way into my life and I have been working to implement it every day as best as I can.

While going through chemotherapy, it was recommended to test out acupuncture. Yikes, needles, no way! This is the first time I was introduced to a holistic healing practice. It’s one of the best decisions I made in helping my body conquer the toxic drugs being injected into my bloodstream. My side effects of nausea, exhaustion, bowel issues, and eating discomfort from the full 7 days to 5 days. The extra 2 days were amazing to have free of side effects. After I completed chemotherapy, I also stopped acupuncture. I wish I had known or done research to learn that acupuncture could have done so much more for my healing through surgery and radiation. It wasn’t until I had gone through more panic and anxiety attacks than I can count and moving from the city of Chicago to the suburbs to truly look into what acupuncture could do for me. The pain, the anxiety, the depression, the uncertainty, the sleep issues were all things that could benefit from having weekly acupuncture.

Yes I did yoga, but what about the cardiovascular system? I never loved to run. I was always one of the last kids to come in after running the mile in high school gym class. I continued to walk, but that wasn’t enough. My body had been through a lot so what else could I do to help strengthen my bones, muscles, brain? Along with changes to my hair and skin, my bones were also impacted. I learned that I had osteopenia. Osteopenia is a loss of bone density. Having reduced bone density means your bones don’t have as much mineral content as they should. This can make them weaker and increase your risk of bone fractures (broken bones). If you have osteopenia, your bone density is lower than average. It can progress to osteoporosis which runs in my family. Exercise started to look more like weight lifting, boxing and dance sculpt classes.

After my first child was born after years of finding a surrogate, having failed transfers, and emotional breakdowns, there was no way I was ever leaving my daughter. Well that wasn’t the best solution. I needed to take care of myself so that I could take care of her. I couldn’t be fully present for her if I wasn’t fully present for myself. So not only did cancer change my self care, but having kids was enlightening and made me see how important self care was for not just myself but for those that I love. The irritability, anger, fatigue, muscle pain, digestive troubles, and difficulty sleeping that I had even before my health was compromised continued and I needed to do something else to help with stress levels. After moving north of Chicago, something sparked in me and I started to look up acupuncture again. I found the most amazing practice and am currently in maintenance. We focused on my stress, my anxiety and depression. We then worked on my pain, physically and mentally. Because of this practice I found the most amazing holistic therapist. I had been in therapy before. The first time I went while I was in high school. I remember driving after school to see someone and talk about what I was experiencing. I honestly don’t know if it was helpful, but I was able to enjoy the four years of college so talking to someone must have done something. I then worked with 2 therapists after my cancer diagnosis. I believe they helped with what I needed for that time of my life. It was time to work with someone else and my world has been forever changed. Instead of just working on one part of my concerns, she worked on the root which took me back to healing from things I experienced even before cancer. It’s amazing what naming something can do to heal your body.

Around this time, I started curating care crates for the cancer community. I prioritized women owned and survivor owned businesses. As I enjoyed meeting with partners and filling the shop, I realized when learning about new items that what I was putting in and on my body was really important. I decided that I would focus on filling the shop with items I was personally using. I’m not 100% clean and natural, but self care for me is putting non toxic products in and on my body. Using the purest and healthiest products on my skin and in my body, for my health, has enhanced my self care. The self care routines I’ve chosen may not be what you choose to do or are able to do, but it’s important to put yourself first every now and then. If you start to feel overwhelmed or sad, be sure to take a step back, breathe, take a walk, listen to music, talk to someone or burn it off. You’ll be on your way to the next best thing and that is focusing on you!

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

My name is Lauren Lopriore, mother of 2, wife, breast cancer survivor, music lover, nature thriver and creator. I created an info hub and community to support those who are impacted by cancer – previvors, survivors and caregivers the year after my daughter was born. I chose to stay at home with her, but felt like I needed a creative outlet. I would find that my creative outlet also would be therapeutic as well. The website started off with my writing, sharing my story about my cancer diagnosis and the different stages I went through.

More and more friends were calling to say they were diagnosed with cancer or a friend or parent received a diagnosis. Not only did I feel called to share my story, but to share others’ experiences as well as provide support to them. I kept adding sections to the site, one becoming what is now today, Giv Shoppe. It started with a 1:1 concierge serve to curate personalized gifts for those impacted by cancer. Many times friends and family who have not been impacted by a serious illness struggle with what to do for their loved one. I knew that personally and I wanted to provide a resource as I knew how important it was for the patient to feel the love and support. It’s no ones fault that there isn’t a lot of communication or education around what to do when a cancer diagnosis invades your life. My love for shopping, gifting and caring all came together so that I could curate gifts for patients, caregivers and provide the best products to enhance care.

Giv has a lot of meanings. It does for the various stages of one’s life and for gifting. I recently learned that the heart chakra is related to being able to love yourself. Being able to give and receive (love) with equal ease. Feeling kindness and compassion for yourself and others. Having a sense of ‘we’ instead of only ‘I’. The 4th Chakra, or heart chakra, is considered the center of the emotions love and grief. I had no idea of this meaning when I chose the name for the care crate shoppe, but it makes sense why I did. I have felt a lot of love and grief throughout my life.

I want recipients to not just receive a gift, but for customers to give to themselves in a time of need. I learned the importance of self care not just during an illness but through all stages of life. One of our focuses is giving back. We don’t just partner with businesses that are woman, survivor and family founded, but ones that prioritize giving back. Giv also gives back by donating a care crate each month to someone who is nominated through the website form. Additionally, we donate gifts or monetary donations to nonprofit organizations. As a focus of Liv & Let is to educate men and women about reducing your risk of cancer and prevention, we are prioritize stocking clean and natural produce. As a wife and mom, I am not perfect with stocking my house with nontoxic, but I get pretty close. There are just those products that are just so good that have a small amount and they get purchased too. This can be said about the shopping experience. I want to introduce a holistic approach, but everything isn’t 110% clean, natural or green. These words many times are used interchangeably and maybe not in the right way so when I do my research I get really close if not spot on. I’m human and not perfect! Our customers don’t have to be perfect either!

It’s important for me to keep learning so last year I started taking a holistic nutrition class which has helped me in providing new information for Liv & Let, purchase new products for Giv and also for support myself personally. I have really been amazed at just how much nutrition, movement, wellness and knowledge can bring a whole new light to how we live and love! I look forward to growing, expanding on the education provided on Liv & Let, reaching more customers and patients through Giv Shoppe, continuing my community herbalism classes, doing what I’m passionate about and being with the ones I love the most.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?

After college, I was sent out to the world to work and survive. I didn’t realize that the journey I would end up on would lead me to where I am almost 20 years later. The beginning part of my journey started in New York City where I knew a few friends from school, but had no family nearby. I was truly on my own trying to make it. Working wasn’t easy for me, but meeting people and forming relationships came a little more easily. The relationships didn’t always last, but looking back on them I feel there were some lessons learned. When I wasn’t working full time, I was temping, working as an event supporter or volunteering. I believe I was always empathetic, but the experiences I had left me with a sensitivity towards others and understanding of what they might be going through. I always had everything I could have ever wanted, but living in my bubble wasn’t going to help me grow. Living in a big city tested how strong I could be and added a thicker layer to my timid, anxious, Midwestern, people pleaser self. Days weren’t easy feeling abandoned and alone, but years later I have been able to discover self care for myself and how to be the best support for others.

Taking risks was never something I was good at. If I fell on my ice skates or couldn’t land my cartwheel I gave up and moved on to something else. I didn’t know how to make mistakes or fail. I was an anxious person who didn’t know it at the time so many things that I did left me frozen in my steps or in tears late at night because I had sent an email with an extra person on it or I didn’t add all of the cards to an event invitation. I was then diagnosed with cancer and all of that became so small. Making mistakes, failing and taking risks have been all that I want to do now! I went white water kayaking with a group of cancer survivors and flipping upside down in freezing cold rapids really woke me up to what is important. I certainly don’t want to get seriously hurt, but when I thought about writing my story and starting the gift giving service I wasn’t so scared anymore. “We aren’t human if we don’t fail and make mistakes,” I heard during a program I took to support my healing. Wow, I had not been really living and being human for a good chunk of life. I am now more willing to try and fail than to sit back and wonder what might have been if I had. There are so many days where I don’t know what’s next, but when I stop thinking about it an order comes in or a new partnership is brought to life. I’ve had a la carte orders from across the country and I’ve had brands reach out saying we’d love to be in your store. It’s a beautiful thing to not worry so much about what’s next. I still have days were I’m down and struggling, but then I think about the possibilities and the positive connections and it lets me smile and continue the journey.

Communication has been something that I value a lot. It’s probably right under my family and my health! Not being able to share our feelings can be really traumatic years later. Tears are healing and naming what we are experiencing can really allow for us to cleanse and give our true self. I find it really rewarding when a brand or organization is transparent and personable. I’ve learned not to hide any more and show my true authentic self in life and through my brands! Social Media can be a great form of communication, but if you aren’t able to show the flaws or speak in person then you’ve lost that true connection of showing your true colors. In my relationships I have found that communication is key and if there isn’t any then the relationships start to fail. Relationships, partnerships, friendships and supporters connect the best when communication goes both ways. It doesn’t have to be verbal every time, but one sided is simply that and eventually the one side gets weighed down and the marbles fall. I was afraid to tell my story. I was afraid to do something on my own. I was afraid to do something I had no experience with, but I found the partnerships and supporters that were willing to give me a chance and I’m grateful for it. Most importantly, I found my person (my husband) that believed in me and what I was doing.

As I said, I didn’t have experience in writing or in selling goods on an ecommerce site, but I did have my story. I also had experience as a salesperson at Nordstrom and snack deck chef at a town pool! I also had been where many have been with health scares, illness, mental health, looking for support and care. I have been in the shoes of those who are interested in changing their lifestyle choices, making different decisions to support their health and finding their values to live happier and healthier. I am a cancer survivor, yes, but I’m also a survivor of life. Therapy might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m all about this tea. I learned so much about myself, who I was and why I was the way I was and who I am and how I want to continue living as I am today. I’m not skilled in the things you learn in school, but the things you learn in life by having good morals and values! My husband and I talk a lot about education and how it’s what you learn in school and what you learn through life experiences. I’m grateful for the experiences I’ve had, though many of them have been tough. I am stronger for them, I am braver for them and I am more myself for them!

Recently, I started taking classes in holistic nutrition and herbal medicine and I would say this is what I would say to folks early in their journey to best develop or improve on their skills. One doesn’t need to take classes, but research and explore your ideas. You don’t have to sit with the first idea that comes to mind. Many times the ideas can shift based on you and your environment. Connect with others who are in the space you are in to learn from them. I’ve enjoyed learning so much from the experts in their fields. My teachers are leaders in their fields and I’m excited to take what I’ve learned from them and make it a part of my everyday life. In my home life and in my business I want grow in all ways to keep it fresh and alive!

All the wisdom you’ve shared today is sincerely appreciated. Before we go, can you tell us about the main challenge you are currently facing?

When I started Liv & Let, I wanted to be a resource for those who didn’t have access to others who had been through what they are going through, a supporter if they didn’t have a close support system and a gift giver to those who could use a little extra love sent to them. I wanted those impacted by cancer and mental health to have a one stop resource center online so they didn’t have to go down the dark web and they didn’t need to bounce around from website to website. I wanted to do the work for them. I had already done it for myself so why not share!

I said to myself that if I could help one person get through the challenging stages of life, like cancer treatment or caregiving for a loved one experiencing illness and pain then I’ve succeeded. As the years have gone by, I’ve been wanting to grow and expand on what I first started. This year, I decided to include a Q&A with experts in their field to provide more knowledge and education to those that visited Liv & Let. I believe this has been not only successful for me, but for the community as well.

When I started Giv Shoppe, I wanted to curate products in a one-stop-shop for caregivers and support teams to give their loved ones a personalized gift that would help them get through treatment and heal. My focus was working with survivor-owned and women-owned small businesses. When I was going through treatment, I would have loved to have had the undergarments, lotions, hair care and skin care that I was discovering. What a better way to support cancer patients with those who had once been in their shoes. Many of the survivors I met felt there was need for others in the cancer community and they made a recovery bra, a seat belt pillow, a drain lanyards clean fragrances, natural body oil, a camisole with drain pockets, a comfortable robe and so on. I wanted the community to know about these survivors and their products. I started to partner with these amazing business, personalizing gifts and assisting customers with what I believed to be the essentials for the stage of life they were in.

As I entered into my 5th year of survivorship, I realized that I wanted to keep curating care crates, but I also wanted to start educating others about clean, natural and reducing your risk. As a cancer survivor, we experience “scanxiety” and fear of recurrence. What I’ve learned is that we can help ourselves and others to know how to reduce the risk of recurrence, prevent and detect early. Only about 5 to 10 percent of cancers are caused by harmful mutations that are inherited from a person’s parents. (1). So what about the other 90%? The most significant risks of developing cancer come from lifestyle factors. (2) However, exposures to certain human-made and naturally occurring chemicals in the environment may contribute to an individual’s risk of developing cancer. So, now it wasn’t just any products that I’d let into Giv. I started to prioritize clean and natural products. I’m human so not everything is 100% but pretty darn close. I want the shop to still be a place where we specialize in cancer care, but I also want it to be for wellness and self care. It’s important what we put on our body as well as inside our body and I wanted survivors to be able to finish with treatment and not feel like they were alone and they didn’t have a place to go. My hope is that a patient receives a gift and loves the items they received so much that they come back and make Giv their marketplace for hair care, skin care, sun care, body care and more. “Give to your whole self, “ is what I’d like for people to think when they come to Giv.

Right now my challenge is marketing and who my target audience is. I want it to be those who have a loved one impacted by cancer and they want to provide care with love and the essentials that are found in our store. I want it to be those in the cancer community who are in survivorship and wanting to reduce their risk of recurrence. I want it to be those who are interested in learning about a holistic lifestyle and using products to support that. I want it to be my friends and family who want to learn about using clean and natural products and what it can do for them. I know I need to narrow it down and not be so broad, but it’s hard for me to when I’m in a different stage than when I started. Right now the majority of shoppers are those with friends or loved ones with a cancer diagnosis. They aren’t sure what to do and want to support their loved one with a gift curated by Giv. I got away from the care crates when I started focusing on more natural products, holistic lifestyle and survivorship. I realized that I was helping people provide love, lux and support and that I needed to get back to creating gifts. It’s hard to have so many ideas and wanting to see them happen.

My hope is that as I continue to build partnerships and talk about Giv at events, the right people will come to the site. When business is slow thought it’s hard to not over think that you are doing something wrong and that you should switch up the business plan. We shall see where we go and who comes, but right now I have to be good with word of mouth and my friends being my main shoppers. My friend said to me, without you I would have no idea what to get my friend who was diagnosed with cancer so thank you!

Contact Info:

  • Website: /
  • Instagram: givshoppe / livlet_hub
  • Facebook: givshoppe / liv and let

Image Credits

Erin Konrath

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