Meet Leigh King

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Leigh King. Leigh was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Teresa Bennett -Yates.

Leigh, thank you so much for joining us today. We’d love for you to bring our readers up to speed – can you introduce yourself and share your story?
My path to becoming a reiki master and professional tarot reader and intuitive has been a winding one, to say the least. As a child, I was extremely sensitive and empathic, traits that have followed me throughout my life. Around the time I was 8, we moved to Franklin, TN, a town rich in Civil War history. It was there that my love of history and the paranormal combined and my sensitivity began to become more apparent. It was also in Franklin that I started doing children’s theatre, and my lifelong love affair with performing began. Theatre became my main focus, and I eventually attended the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in NYC as well as the New School in Manhattan where I received my BFA in Musical Theatre. Throughout the years, my obsession with the paranormal has turned out to be an asset, as I’ve found work as a ghost tour guide and have written an original show based around the local legends and lore of the Lowcountry of South Carolina, where I currently reside. Despite my love of all things spooky (along the way I’d picked up reading tarot as a hobby) and my love of performing, it wasn’t until I experienced a devastating miscarriage in January of 2022 that my life took the sharp turn towards working professionally as a healer today. I’ve experienced a lot of loss in my life, among the most pivotal being my Mother at the age of 21 and my best friend at the age of 27, so when I miscarried, there was an unfortunate part of the whole thing that felt like familiar territory. In the past, when I’d gone through these significant losses, I’d done everything I could to numb the pain- drink it away, smoke it away, run as fast as I could away from the feeling of it all- but when I lost the baby, something shifted. I knew I was at a crossroads and I had two choices- to numb it away and keep on keepin’ on (at which I was a pro) or to actually feel it and actually heal it, which felt like a much scarier option. In retrospect, these options were not as clearly laid out as I state them now, of course, and having no idea what to do or where to turn, I decided to reach out to a dear friend of mine who is a certified yoga teacher to work with me one-on-one. It was during our first session, where I’m expected to move into a vinyasa flow and a downward facing dog, that she tells me to lay down so she can access my chakras. I had no idea what a chakra even was, but I obliged. As I laid there on my yoga mat in her apartment and she moved the pendulum down the energy centers of my body, I could feel a physical shift. This was the first time that I’d truly experienced the power of energy healing and there was no going back. I dove in head first. It was like the world cracked open and everything looked so different. It was undeniable then that I’d found my calling and knew that I was meant to be using my experiences with loss as a catalyst to help to heal others and guide them along their paths. So, that’s what I’ve devoted my life to. In the past 2 1/2 years, I’ve started my own LLC, studied to become a reiki master, and began reading tarot professionally. It is the most fulfilling and purposeful work I’ve ever done.
I am on the precipice of giving birth to our daughter (tomorrow! July 24th!) and plan to pursue my Masters in Counseling starting this January so I can continue my healing work both personally and professionally.

Please tell us more about your brand, Leigh in Tune
With an abundance of offerings, including reiki sessions, tarot and oracle readings, chakra assessments and alignments, and spiritual guidance, I hope to serve as a safe and supportive guide along your spiritual path towards healing. I believe that we hold the power in our hands and my goal is to aid my clients in the shifting of perspectives towards more positive and powerful ways of thinking.

Teresa Bennett -Yates and Cloud 9 with Teresa have been great to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship with them as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about Teresa Bennett -Yates and Cloud 9 with Teresa and your experience with them.
Oh, how I love Teresa Bennett Yates! I would follow that woman to the ends of the earth. She is truly one of the most powerful people I’ve ever encountered. Teresa and I met at a sister circle in our community, the emphasis of which was Mary Magdalene. We sat beside each other in the circle, so when it came time to partner up for an exercise, Teresa and I were paired. I was an infant along my spiritual journey at this point, having just gone through my miscarriage. Teresa was so warm and kind and open, I immediately felt comfortable sharing my story with her. It was through this initial meeting that she shared her story too, one that reverberates with tremendous strength and tenacity. This was a woman who had been through literal hell and back. She literally had stood in the eye of a tornado and lived to tell the tale. Not only did she live to tell it, she used her tremendous losses as fuel towards living a life of love. I found out quickly that Teresa was reiki master and sound healer and that she owned her own company, Cloud Nine Reiki and Sound Healing, and I immediately knew that this woman was meant to be in my life. As someone who had experienced such loss, I was so enamored by her light and knew she had so much to teach me. I quickly began my reiki studies with Teresa, and completed levels one, two, and master over about a year and a half. We did our reiki studies in a one on one setting which led to us creating a deep and everlasting bond. Teresa IS reiki. She embodies it. Her way of teaching is much less about the reiki “mechanics” so to speak and much more about what it means to truly lead a life of mastery- to truly live by and embody the reiki precepts, even when-especially when- it’s challenging. I can’t tell you how many times I hear Teresa’s voice in my head, “Just for today”. To live a life of reiki is truly to let your great bright light shine, to remember that one of us is all of us, and to lead with compassion and gratitude above all things. If you can master that, then the energy healing aspect is just a bonus.


Instagram: @leighkingintune

Facebook: Leigh Sauvageau King

Image Credits
Papercuts and Postcards Photography

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