Meet Macshayne Walpole

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Macshayne Walpole. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Macshayne, we are so appreciative of you taking the time to open up about the extremely important, albeit personal, topic of mental health. Can you talk to us about your journey and how you were able to overcome the challenges related to mental issues? For readers, please note this is not medical advice, we are not doctors, you should always consult professionals for advice and that this is merely one person sharing their story and experience.

I’ve suffered with anxiety and depression for years. Growing up in a household with a stepfather I had issues with made me feel worthless and that I didn’t matter. I began to feel inferior to my younger sister because I was not blood-related to my step father, and she was. I recall a time when my step-father was at the top of our staircase, yelling, and he admitted he loved my sister more. Another time when I was chased around the house and had to flee outside comes to mind. Divorce was a frequent topic in our household. This led to me spiraling into depression. I started to believe that I was supposed to feel this way because I was in fact worthless.

I had an immense pressure on my shoulders to a.) be the A student my parents wanted me to be, and b.) to try not to be the root of my parents dysfunction.

After getting into a major accident and having to go to school directly after it happened, I started imagining what it would be like to die. I truly believed I had no purpose, that no one liked me, and that I was better of dead.

This persisted years on until college, when I adopted my Doberman, Roush, and later on got officially medicated for my anxiety, depression, and OCD. I attended therapy off and on, but I had to change something.

Once I had gotten farther away from my parents and found my purpose; taking care of and training my dog, my life started feeling more complete. I felt like this dog had saved me. He gave me a reason to exist, to go outside, to work harder, etc.

My dog didn’t judge me, blame me, criticize me, or ostracize me. He accepted me for who I was.

As I started to explore and go out more with my dog, I became interested in photography. Without Roush, I would’ve never discovered the joy of photography. He is my muse. To this day, I use my camera to photograph my pets and their daily moments.

Life’s challenges still persisted and I felt I had to change again. I made the decision to pack up everything and leave Texas behind for Colorado. I settled down, bought a house with my partner, and added more pets to my family.

Sometimes I still have anxiety because it is such a deep rooted issue in my life, but I am in such a better place now. I owe it all to my dog who inspired me to be creative, have confidence, and be myself.

I am so grateful to the community that social media has welcomed me into. I have so many supporters and people with kind words. It feels nice knowing that somewhere in the world, someone else feels the same way you do. I don’t feel alone anymore.

Great, so let’s take a few minutes and cover your story. What should folks know about you and what you do?

My name is MacShayne, but I go by Mac. I started my photography journey almost 6 years ago and have improved significantly since beginning.

I have a Bachelors of Science in Advertising with a minor in Art. I graduated from Texas State University in 2020 with a 3.6 GPA. I stayed in San Marcos, Texas, for a few years and then moved to New Braunfels, Texas. After a few years renting, I decided to move someplace cooler, with more trails that I could take my dogs on.

At one point, I even had my own pet photography business called “Beyond the Trail Photography,” where I specialized in pet portraits in nature. I juggled this while working remotely until I was able to move out to my jobs headquarters in Colorado.

I started working full-time as a Social Media Manager for a small Digital Marketing Agency in Colorado Springs, Colorado. At my work, I design graphics, act as a brand manager, do data entry, and more! I love that I’m able to use my degree to help businesses and individuals come up with a physical copy of the vision they had in their heads for their design.

I wear many hats at my company, but I love them all.

Around this time, I rebranded my Instagram to @Ourmountaintails, and have grown significantly popular. It’s to the point where I am casually recognized in public around the city because of my pets.

There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?


For people beginning on their pet social media journey, it’s imperative to not be afraid to put yourself out there. People crave authenticity, and faking it until you make it will easily be seen through by followers. Live your most true and authentic self online and you won’t regret it.

Another tip I have is don’t be afraid of feedback! If someone recognizes you are doing something incorrect or spreading misinformation, own up to it. Learning is the best way to improve. Even I make mistakes and have been called out plenty. But it’s helped me to become a better, more educated person. Now I have the confidence to give true and factual information to my followers about topics.

How can folks who want to work with you connect?

I am always looking to collaborate with brands that fit our active, outdoorsy lifestyle. I love transparent and honest brands, who don’t hide behind false promises or don’t pay their creators fairly.

If there are brands looking to collaborate, the best way to reach me is to direct message my instagram.

Contact Info:

Image Credits

Credit to MacShayne Walpole-Molinar

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