Meet Marissa Disimone

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Marissa Disimone. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Marissa below.

Marissa , so great to be with you and I think a lot of folks are going to benefit from hearing your story and lessons and wisdom. Imposter Syndrome is something that we know how words to describe, but it’s something that has held people back forever and so we’re really interested to hear about your story and how you overcame imposter syndrome.

When I was 35 years old my next door neighbor took his own life and his spirit appeared to me. He shared the details of his passing and his profound apologies to his family. The next day I found myself sitting across from his widow and daughter, l clutched my six-month old baby to my chest, sharing the messages I was receiving, marking my very first reading.
To say I felt like an imposter is the greatest understatement I can imagine. I had no idea what I was doing and truly believed I was trying on someone else’s life as it was so foreign to anything I had known before.
A few days after that first occurrence, I was walking alone and heard another voice come through saying, “That’s my granddaughter over there, tell her Henry says hello.”
Despite my attempts to keep walking, it was as though an energy kept me in place and nudged me toward the young woman.
“Did one of you lose a grandfather named Henry?” I asked, my voice barely audible.
“Yes! I did,” one exclaimed. “His name was John Henry.”
After I shared a few more signs he brought through I waved goodbye and my mind took over again.
“What in the world are you doing?” it demanded. “And his name was John, you didn’t even get it right.”
“If I had said John,” the voice returned, “you would have been able to convince yourself that the name was too common and anyone could have guessed it.”
Although I had to agree with this point, my mind and soul still argued back and forth about what I was capable of, which I believe is the definition of imposter syndrome. To me, imposter syndrome is the tension between when our soul calls us to step out of our comfort zone and onto our path while our mind wants us to stay small and tells us that’s where we are safer.
Each time I break through a new boundary or step into a new venture, my mind loves to chime in and tell me: I’m not good enough or gives me concrete examples of times in my past that I have failed and sends me spiraling back to being an imposter in my own life. However, when I allow my mind the space to tell its story of possible failures and then let it be just that, a story, I can then invite my soul back to be the captain of my ship. Although I may not know where I am headed, I find that when I toggle into the trust of the unknown over the fear, that’s when the greatest and most beautiful breakthroughs occur. So, when the imposter syndrome starts to push in, take it as a sign that you’re tapping into something incredible.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

Once my channel opened, I couldn’t close it. I found that if I didn’t have a planned time to connect with spirit on my calendar, voices would pop in when I was buying groceries, getting my hair done or trying to make new mom friends at the park.
“You are going to start a business,” I heard one day amongst the chaos of my two young daughters.
Although I shook my head in response, something in my heart pulled me to understand that this was true. And soon I had the urge to sign up for a mastermind for women in business that cost $15K! Now not only did I not have a business, I was also a stay at home mom and we did not have disposable income. When I brought the mastermind idea to my husband he laughed, thinking it was a joke, but the pull was so strong I just knew I would make the money back plus more.
I have learned that that inner knowing was my soul and it had this plan for me all along, it was just waiting for me to catch up. And so that’s how I have led my business in every way, from my soul pull. I went on to make nearly 10x that original investment that year and I learned the incredible lesson that the more I pour into myself, the more I am able to pour into others.
My business kept on growing as I heard another clear download as we moved our family from Los Angeles to Austin: “Call yourself the Soul Sourceress.”
I am not going to lie, I resisted this one quite a bit! But as I took some time off for the move, I sat with this message over and over again, the word Source in Sourceress spelled out so clearly. As the Soul Sourcing Course wrote its way across my vision, I understood that this mission was bigger than myself. So I said yes, and transformed my life from being a part time medium to a full time soul connector who supports others in sourcing their own soul for their guidance.
I have realized that this is why I discovered my abilities so much later in life, it gave me the unique experience of being able to step back and observe each new gift turn on. From hearing souls that had crossed over, to getting in touch with my own soul’s voice, to connecting with past lives, future babies and even receiving images of which direction my life or others lives are headed. Each time I discovered a new access point, I also was given the blueprint on how to support others in doing the same. Sure, not everyone wants to connect with a spirit that has crossed, but every single one of us wants to have that deep inner trust that guides us on our path.
It’s been nearly three years since I launched my business and I always find there’s a new launch or venture around the corner. When I am asked what is next my usual response is, “I’m not sure yet, I’ll let you know when my soul drops it into my awareness.”
Although surrendering fully to my soul’s plan can sometimes trigger fear, when I stay with it, the most beautiful things unfurl. I always say that my goal is that my clients don’t need me, that I can support them in tuning in for themselves. Because of that goal, my women’s retreats have been described over and over again as “life changing”. I also am beyond excited to announce that my online 12 week Source Your Soul Course officially launches in October which is a beautiful container to support you in breaking free of fear and dropping into the trust of your soul. I also offer a FREE monthly group reading that has become a beautiful space of connection and expansion, plus I love connecting with clients in 1:1 readings and private group readings too.
And only my soul knows what comes next…

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Trust Your Soul! Before launching my business I used to search for answers on the outside, polling friends, family and even the internet for what I should do. Once I began following my inner guidance, I realized that whenever I began looking for answers outside of myself, that was my sign that I already had the answer within. It may not have been the one I wanted to hear or was afraid to follow, but it was the answer my soul was giving me. We all have our soul’s guidance, we just sometimes struggle to trust it. My favorite exercise I share with my clients to increase their intuition is to start by standing or sitting up tall and rocking slightly forward and back as though you’re in a rocking chair, say to your soul to: “show me my yes”. When you feel a pull, even just a tiny one, that’s your yes! Then rock into the opposite direction and ask, “is this my no?” Just notice the sensation that happens. Start by asking a super simple question like: should I have chicken for dinner? Then notice if you feel a slight pull in either direction—try to focus on the back of your brain so that your mind doesn’t get involved—and whichever direction you feel pulled toward, that is your answer. If you’re struggling to feel the soul pull, try rocking again and see if one direction provides a softer sensation in your body and that’s your answer, even if it doesn’t logically make sense. For example, if you have to go out and buy the chicken, you may bump into someone or have an experience that is guiding you on your soul’s path. Our soul is always speaking and guiding us, when we trust it the most incredible things can happen!
Don’t do it alone! When the first nudge came from my soul to launch a business, I had an almost simultaneously nudge to join a mastermind for women in soul-led businesses and I am so grateful that I did!They became the support hotline when my mind took over and invited me back into myself and my soul guidance that had brought me this far and would carry me forward.
Put your oxygen mask on first! When we have children it’s hard to imagine putting our own mask on before theirs and the same goes for our birthing a business; we want to pour everything into it and ensure it’s thriving. Whether we are parenting or building a business, taking time for ourselves is the most crucial part of our success. When we take time alone, we are able to receive the guidance and clarity we need to move forward. I am most in rhythm with growing my business and being centered as a mom when I am consistently waking up early to write my morning pages (three pages of stream of consciousness writing that’s for my eyes only). However when I still need more, I find walks alone without music or a phone allow me to center and find my internal compass. And then the icing on the cake is getting my heart rate up to keep my body at ease in a yoga or ballet class. It can be challenging trying to balance it all especially with young children, but when I take time for myself, even just an hour per day, I am so much more productive that it’s almost the same amount of work getting done in a shorter amount of time! Sometimes the thought of spending time just on us seems counterproductive but it’s truly the time where we grow the most.

Tell us what your ideal client would be like?

My clients come from all walks of life and yet their common thread is that they all have a soul pull but aren’t sure of the direction yet. Sometimes they’ve had a knowing since they were young that they have a big mission on earth but no matter what they try it feels like something is missing. Or they know they have an intuitive nudge but they struggle to trust it fully. These clients are my absolute favorite whether it’s in a 1:1, or in my course or a retreat, getting to observe them step into their soul power and trust themselves reminds me why I get to do what I do and it’s pretty incredible that by following my soul pull, I get to support others in doing the same!

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Lacey Melguizo

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