Meet Paige Schmidt

Alright – so today we’ve got the honor of introducing you to Paige Schmidt. We think you’ll enjoy our conversation, we’ve shared it below.

Paige, looking forward to learning from your journey. You’ve got an amazing story and before we dive into that, let’s start with an important building block. Where do you get your work ethic from?

My parents played a big part in this. They are both very hard working people and instilled the same in me and my siblings. They taught us early on that if you want something in life, you have to work for it. You can’t just sit on your butt and think things are going to magically happen. My work ethic was also developed through sports- specifically the sport of swimming. I have been an athlete all of my life, played a few different sports growing up, but ultimately stuck with swimming through college. The amount of commitment and determination it takes to succeed in this sport at an elite level is truly on another level. Waking up for 5 am practice, going to class all day, and then coming back for practice number two, before going home and finishing any homework/projects that needed to be done for school really taught me how to stay disciplined. Swimming was a year round job. Having 9-10 practices 6 days per week, 2-3 hours each, all year round, while being a full time student during some of the most important years of my life taught me so much about myself and how hard of a worker I am. It taught me how to set goals for myself and the work that needs to be done to accomplish them. It taught me how to have structure. It taught me how to GRIND. I am so appreciative of everything the sport taught me. In addition to what my parents and being an athlete taught me about work ethic, I believe that it comes from within too- from my own self determination and want to be successful in whatever it is that I am doing- to not fail!! That alone keeps me hustling and grinding.

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I specialize in helping individuals with weight loss, muscle build, and optimizing body composition. I am passionate about teaching each individual that I have the privilege to work with that there are no quick fixes in your health. It is a process. It is a journey. It is a complete lifestyle change. I make sure to set them up with the appropriate tools that will set them up for success in their fitness journey. I also acknowledge the fact that my clients will most likely not be working with me for the rest of their lives ( sad I know!). So I do my best to educate them so that when our time together comes to an end, they feel confident to take what they learned and maintain their routine and progress. I think that one of the main things that I love and want to speak about on what I do is the connections that I make with my clients. It’s kind of funny to think about, but on average , I see my clients at least twice per week. So we see each other more than we see most family and friends. And so although the relationship stays professional, we really become invested in each other’s lives and care about what each other has going on.
It is also a priority of mine to make each client feel comfortable and safe while working with me because I understand that it can be a vulnerable setting for some and out of their comfort zone to ask for help with changing their body.
I am just extremely appreciative of all who put their trust in me and ask me to help them on their journey!
Another cool thing about my business is that I offer online training, so I can train people from all over, it doesn’t just have to be in the state of Colorado!

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

This is a tough one because I believe that being a GOOD and SUCCESSFUL trainer takes a lot of different qualities and skills. But what comes to mind that has become the most impactful are the following….
Being able to meet clients where they are at , because I do consider this a skill. I get presented with situations weekly , some that I may have a day or two to adjust, and others that I need to be able to adapt to immediately on the fly. I enjoy it because it keeps me on my toes, but one of the most important things that makes a good trainer is making clients feel safe and secure in their journey. And I believe that meeting them where they’re at helps with this.
Also I am patient. I understand that while helping clients reach their physical/aesthetic goals, that life is happening, and they have other things going on that may impact our sessions together or even impact the results we are aiming to reach. Fitness journeys can be non linear so I need to be there to help a client remain or get back on track when necessary.
And lastly, I believe that I lead by example, which is important when LEADING people. I work hard to practice what I preach, so that anything that I am talking to clients about or telling clients to do, I am not only speaking from an educational and professional stand point, but also speaking from experience.

One of our goals is to help like-minded folks with similar goals connect and so before we go we want to ask if you are looking to partner or collab with others – and if so, what would make the ideal collaborator or partner?

I absolutely LOVE collaborating with other businesses! I am always looking to connect with anyone in the health and wellness industry. So chiropractors, massage therapists, pilates instructors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, etc. I also love connecting with people in the beauty industry, hair stylists, estheticians, spas, etc. Aside from this, I am open to networking with anyone who wants to build their circle and help each other grow.
The best way to connect with me is through the following:

Email –

Contact Info:

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