Meet Radmila Dolokhanova


We recently connected with Radmila Dolokhanova and have shared our conversation below.

Hi Radmila, thanks for sharing your insights with our community today. Part of your success, no doubt, is due to your work ethic and so we’d love if you could open up about where you got your work ethic from?

My work ethic undoubtedly comes from my hard-working parents. They were forced to uproot their lives and flee their home with two small children when they were my age. They immigrated to the U.S. speaking no English, with just one dollar that was given to them by my dad’s friend at the airport

My mom immediately went to school to learn English while simultaneously working as a nurse’s aid 5 days/week. Despite battling cancer, she still earned her PhD and made sure we had dinner on the table every night. Her fierce tenacity is inspiring (and terrifying at times haha). My dad rode a bicycle to work 6 days/week to his job at a local Italian restaurant even throughout the harsh midwest winters. His jolly and uplifting spirit is infectious (I can count on one hand how many times my sister and I have seen him upset).

My parents have been the greatest influences, supporters and reliable pillars in my life. Their stable presence and devotion allows me to take risks and explore every facet of my potential with confidence. Their perseverance is astounding and I’m incredibly proud of them! And now I’m crying..

Thanks, so before we move on maybe you can share a bit more about yourself?

I’m a fashion stylist and wardrobe consultant. Whether you feel stuck or overwhelmed putting together outfits in the morning for work, need help packing for a trip, or want to define your unique style, I’m ready to support you in looking and feeling your best!

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Adaptation. Trial and error allowed me to adjust my approach based on what worked and what didn’t. I made sure to follow up with every client, asking them what they found useful and what was missing during our time together. Feedback is important!

Consistency. Over time, I was able to hone and expand my skillset. It’s easy to feel discouraged as imposter syndrome comes and goes, so it’s crucial to stay focused on your goals and what truly matters to you. Don’t stop working towards the thing that ignites your soul!

Adopting the mindset that there is room for everyone and that it’s never too late. I’ve been a late bloomer in many areas of my life, so I felt a bit behind when I saw all of my talented friends advancing in their careers. For the longest time, I thought no one needed my help and that there were already plenty of talented stylists around. I’m glad I kept it moving.

Looking back over the past 12 months or so, what do you think has been your biggest area of improvement or growth?

The past 12 months have been some of the most transformative of my life. Taking my first solo trip to Australia turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made in a long time. Despite feeling terrified and crying after booking my flight (lol), it pushed me out of my comfort zone and propelled me into new experiences which is exactly what I needed. The fashion was refreshing, the food was outstanding, and I met some of the most hilarious characters who I still keep in touch with to this day. This new found self-reliance rewarded me in pretty remarkable ways. The confidence I gained bled into my professional life and I became more fearless and clear minded then ever. I was able to style an incredible musician for her American Idol performance, was featured in several publications, and continued to expand my network while meeting incredibly talented creatives.

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Image Credits

Chrissy Tousley and Amber Quinn

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