Meet Sage Woods

Today, we’d like to introduce you to Sage Woods. Sage was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented SiStar Mimi.

Sage, can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.

When I was in high school, I thought that I would go into the medical field, but my love for the metaphysical and holistic arts won me over.

I trained and practiced as a Quantum and Reiki Master as well as an Asian Bodywork Therapist for 10 years.

Loving herbs and natural medicine, I also started to create my own blends and services for healing the chakras and meridians through energetic therapies and herbal formulas.

Working with many women clients, I noticed the connection between the heart and sacred womb and the energetic imbalances that were created from heartbreak and lack of love.

These imbalances can create hormonal imbalances, womb disease, breast/ lung cancer and heart disease in women.

I also found that men struggle immensely with these patterns as they are taught at a young age in most cases to ignore their emotional needs, potentially developing into heart disease and lung issues.

These patterns I also recognized in my self from my own wounding from loss of love and grief of losing loved ones.

Our deepest emotions are spiritual maps to our subconscious as well as the building blocks of our vitality.

Our most painful emotions can trigger disease in the body as the body does not differentiate stress whether it is emotional, mental or physical.

Through my work with others and self-healing, I discovered ways to heal these patterns through a full body system that connects the Sacred Heart and Womb.

My work has helped me to heal many past traumas for myself and others.

I am so grateful and to heal and to be of service to help others on their journey, raising the consciousness of our existence.

Let’s talk about your work and career – what else should we know?
My work has helped me to heal many past traumas for myself and others. I am so grateful and to heal and to be of service to help others on their journey, raising the consciousness of our existence. My years of training and experience have helped me to evolve. I have completed over 14,000 services and helped thousands of people. This hands on experience has led me to create offers that help others to cultivate their own healing by teaching them how to face their fears and their darkest traumas and transmute (change) them into wisdom, instead of blockages that keep them bound. The patterns within become the patterns in our relationships, business, money and health. I have developed quantum systems that help you to form healthy patterns that are enriching, bringing you more abundance and vitality. Mixing the practical science with the metaphysical, I address the issues the create any dis-ease whether that be emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental disease. If we want better relationships or more prosperity, it starts with us. We must find the root cause that’s causing the patterns that are undesirable to align with what we want. My systems get to the root cause and begin the healing process, creating alignment with mind, body and spirit… And most of this can be done from the comfort of home. “As above, So Below.”

SiStar Mimi and MiAura Gem Company/ The Lotus Room ATL have been great to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship with them as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about SiStar Mimi and MiAura Gem Company/ The Lotus Room ATL and your experience with them.
SiStar MiMi is truly that for me, my sister. We have worked together many times and create opportunities together, whether that be financial or healing.

I love MiMi’s Quantum Healing work as it is thorough and brings restoration and balance.

I’ve also done healing work for MiMi, helping her to heal or get clarity on past trauma and wounding, as,well as, navigating life with my life coaching techniques.

We bring balance to each other’s lives as we have similar gifts and purpose.

I recommend SiStar MiMi as a true gem to the community and healer.




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