Meet Stells Di Rossi Hurst

We’re excited to introduce you to the always interesting and insightful Stells Di Rossi Hurst. We hope you’ll enjoy our conversation with Stells below.

Stells, we are so appreciative of you taking the time to open up about the extremely important, albeit personal, topic of mental health. Can you talk to us about your journey and how you were able to overcome the challenges related to mental issues? For readers, please note this is not medical advice, we are not doctors, you should always consult professionals for advice and that this is merely one person sharing their story and experience.

Living with PTSD as a public figure and performer feels like constantly walking a tightrope, where every step is fraught with the possibility of falling into an abyss that the world doesn’t see or understand.

Despite the outward appearance of success, strength, and confidence, there’s an unseen battle raging within—a constant struggle to keep the demons at bay. While the world may admire your talent and charisma, they often overlook the silent, internal war you fight every day, assuming that everything is fine because you seem fine on the surface.

On stage, in front of thousands of people, this struggle can become even more intense. The pressure to maintain composure, to entertain, and to meet expectations while your mind is swirling with triggers and memories can be overwhelming.

Every cheer from the crowd may be met with a wave of anxiety that you have to suppress. The stage, meant to be a place of expression and connection, can instead feel like a battlefield where you’re forced to hide your pain behind a mask of performance, all while telling yourself that you have to keep going, no matter how much it silently hurts.

Let’s take a small detour – maybe you can share a bit about yourself before we dive back into some of the other questions we had for you?

Imagine stepping into a world where art, music, and advocacy collide, creating a powerful force for change and self-expression.- that’s my reality as a creative soul. I create what emotions look, feel and sound like while advocating for voices like mine and others.

I’m an artist who channels deep psychological emotions into vivid expressionist paintings, capturing the complexities of the human experience on canvas. As a musician and instrumentalist, I weave those same emotions into melodies that resonate with the soul, producing music that speaks to the heart.

But my journey doesn’t stop there—I’m also a plus-size model and a fierce advocate for body positivity, challenging societal norms and celebrating beauty in all its forms.

Through my work, I inspire others to embrace their true selves, promoting self-love and confidence. My voice carries even further as a podcast host, where I explore topics that matter, from art and music to body positivity and mental health.

Whether I’m painting, performing, modeling, or speaking, my mission is to empower, inspire, and create a community where everyone feels seen and heard. Join me on this journey—let’s break barriers, celebrate individuality, and create something truly beautiful together.

Looking back, what do you think were the three qualities, skills, or areas of knowledge that were most impactful in your journey? What advice do you have for folks who are early in their journey in terms of how they can best develop or improve on these?

Looking back on my journey as a female rocker and plus-size model the three qualities that stand out as the most impactful: resilience, authenticity, and a strong sense of self-worth.

**1. Resilience:** – The ability to push through barriers and setbacks is crucial. As a Black woman in spaces where I’m often underrepresented, I’ve faced challenges that could have easily knocked me down—whether it’s dealing with discrimination, body shaming, or simply not fitting the mold of what people expect. But resilience has allowed me to keep moving forward, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth.

**Advice:** For those early in their journey, remember that resilience isn’t about being unbreakable; it’s about bouncing back stronger each time you’re tested. Cultivate a mindset that views challenges as stepping stones rather than roadblocks.

**2. Authenticity:** – Staying true to who I am has been a guiding principle in my career. In industries that often try to put you in a box, authenticity has helped me stand out and connect with people on a deeper level. Whether I’m on stage, in front of the camera, or creating art, I’m always expressing my true self, which resonates with those who feel seen and understood.

**Advice:** Embrace what makes you unique. The world needs your voice, your perspective, and your story. Don’t be afraid to be different—it’s your authenticity that will set you apart and draw people to you.

**3. A Strong Sense of Self-Worth:** – Knowing my value has been essential in navigating a world that often tries to diminish or overlook people like me. It’s this self-worth that has allowed me to demand respect, advocate for myself, and set boundaries, whether I’m negotiating a contract or dealing with criticism.

**Advice:** Develop a deep understanding of your worth, both as a person and as a professional. This will empower you to stand firm in your decisions, advocate for your needs, and walk away from situations that don’t serve you.

For those just starting out, focus on building these qualities—they’ll be your foundation as you navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead. Remember, your journey is uniquely yours, and the world is waiting for what only you can bring.

What has been your biggest area of growth or improvement in the past 12 months?

Deciding to acknowledge my own self-worth was a pivotal moment that reshaped not only my music career but also my entire personal life. For years, I pushed through challenges and external pressures without fully realizing the value I brought to the table. When I finally decided to invest in my own growth—both intellectually and emotionally—it set me on a transformative path.

Going back to school was a significant part of this journey. It wasn’t just about gaining knowledge; it was about reclaiming my power and taking control of my destiny. By investing in my education, I deepened my understanding of my craft, honed my skills, and opened doors to new opportunities that I might have once overlooked or deemed out of reach. But more than that, it was an act of self-affirmation, a declaration that I am worth every bit of effort I put into my growth.

Meditation, self-discovery, and therapy have been integral in this process. Engaging in shadow work—facing the darker parts of myself that I had buried or ignored—allowed me to heal wounds that had held me back for so long. Through meditation, I found a way to center myself and gain clarity amid the chaos of life. Therapy provided the tools to unpack years of internalized negativity and trauma, enabling me to rebuild my sense of self from the ground up.

This commitment to self-discovery and wellness has profoundly evolved my music. My work now comes from a place of deeper authenticity and emotional truth. The music I create is not just a product of technical skill or creative inspiration; it’s an expression of my lived experience, a reflection of the inner journey I’ve undertaken. Art imitates life, and as I’ve grown and healed, my art has transformed to mirror that evolution. It’s richer, more layered, and speaks to the complexity of human experience in a way that it never could have before.

But this path of wellness has done more than just impact my art—it’s reshaped how I live my life. I’ve learned to set boundaries, prioritize my mental health, and surround myself with people and environments that support my growth. I’m kinder to myself, more patient, and more in tune with what I need to thrive. And while this journey is ongoing, I can already see how it’s leading me to a fuller, more vibrant life.

This is just the beginning. As I continue to evolve, so too will my art, my music, and the way I show up in the world. It’s a journey of self-discovery that’s far from over, and I’m excited to see where it leads as my self discovery both personally and creatively unfold.

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Image Credits

Photos courtesy of RH Media Productions

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