Meet Tharren (chef T) Printup


We caught up with the brilliant and insightful Tharren (chef T) Printup a few weeks ago and have shared our conversation below.

Tharren (Chef T), so great to have you with us today. There are so many topics we want to ask you about, but perhaps the one we can start with is burnout. How have you overcome or avoided burnout?

Culinary Burnout is a silent killer within the Industry that has caused great chefs to deteriorate inside and out. Provisions and cautionary aids have improved tremendously over the years, but we must stay proactive to guarantee longevity within our Passion of Interest. Recognizing the signs of Burnout is essential. These may include feeling exhausted or run down, lacking motivation, unfulfilled or dissatisfied with your work, or experiencing physical symptoms such as headaches or even stomach problems. Chefs may feel detached, emotionally numb and experience decreased satisfaction due to decline in quality of work.

I combat the terrors of Culinary Burnout by implementing a self timed check and balance system that requires commitment and follow through. Just like a good recipe I provide myself with instructions and timing. I structure and plan the majority of my day by strategizing time frames of completion for every task that needs to be executed, wether it’s relax/ down time, family time, client outreach, email responses, content creation, chores and even enjoying a meal. This system allows me to creat balance within my ongoing busy lifestyle and overall prevents burnout.

Appreciate the insights and wisdom. Before we dig deeper and ask you about the skills that matter and more, maybe you can tell our readers about yourself?

I am a highly skilled and trained Private Chef here to provide you with an absolutely amazing dining experience you will never forget. I am a southern bred chef with vast training in World cuisine that will amaze and entice you from start to finish. My love and passion for cooking is derived from the happiness and joy clients receive from my services. I have always strived to be the very best in all aspects of my life and career by becoming one of the best Chefs the Coastal South region has to offer. I have spent my career thus far expanding my knowledge of world cuisines and food safety.

As I continue to strengthen the quality and production of my company, I have forged numerous ventures that contribute to my overall foundation and mission statement including Media Residencies, Content Creation partnerships, Membership Programs and more that will be revealed in the near future.

If you had to pick three qualities that are most important to develop, which three would you say matter most?

Three Qualities that have been the most impactful within my Journey have always been the foundations of being observant/ curious, staying consistent/ determined, and most importantly remaining confident/ positive. Through the ideology of these three merits, I have created a goal driven structure that has lead me on the path of success that is truly humbling. I advise any like minded individuals to structure their goals , be eager to practice and soak in every knowledgeable drop from whatever creative that is willing to share/ guide.

What would you advise – going all in on your strengths or investing on areas where you aren’t as strong to be more well-rounded?

I believe it better to focus on your passionate strength that has the potential to create a financially secure lifestyle. Once this has been achieved, investing in secondary areas of focus that require attention would be ideal on the scale of self structure. If you can successfully strengthen all areas of focus and become a well rounded constituent, the doors of opportunity will begin to open and ultimately lead to creating multiple streams of investments, assets and financial revenue that do not rely on your core strength. This is the ultimate goal within businesses and entrepreneurship.

Contact Info:

Image Credits

Jeremy Snelling (JJS kreations llc)

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